The night before the competition, the vice-president called Ling Yu:

" Lingyu, I have something to discuss with you. This time we have three separate venues for the competition, one for freshman, one for sophomore and one for junior. According to the original arrangement, you should participate in the first-year competition. However, considering your extraordinary strength, I took the initiative to adjust you to the junior competition. Do you have any objection to this?"

Faced with what the vice-president said, Lingyu was unusually calm and composed. He responded calmly:

"It doesn't matter. In fact, even if you don't do this, I am preparing to ask you to change the venue. After all, with my ability, it is easy to win the championship no matter which group I am in."

"Haha, very good! Then I would like to wish you the championship in advance!"

The vice-president congratulated Ling Yu with a smile on his face.

Time flies, and it is the next day in a blink of an eye.

The exciting competition finally kicked off.

Ling Yu stepped into the junior competition field, and his eyes swept over the competitors around him, and found that their elves were all very powerful.

But Ling Yu knew that his strength was better than all of them, so he had no fear in his heart.

So he came to the player registration office to sign up.

However, when he took out his student ID and handed it to the young lady in charge of registration, the other party was surprised to find that he was only a freshman.

The young lady asked puzzledly:

"Classmate, have you come to the wrong place? This is the junior competition venue, and the freshman competition venue is next door!"

Faced with the doubt, Ling Yu was unusually calm. He replied calmly:

"I didn’t go wrong. I just want to participate in the junior competition as a freshman. Why not?"

After hearing this, the young lady chuckled and kindly reminded:

"Of course you can, but don't blame me for not reminding you if you lose the game. And you need to have 6 elves to participate in the junior competition. You are a freshman, do you really have so many elves?"

The words were full of teasing and doubt.

As the young lady spoke, she looked up and down curiously at the boy who seemed full of confidence.

Facing the young lady's slightly sarcastic words and eyes, Ling Yu was not disturbed, and responded calmly:

"Don't worry, since I chose to participate in the junior competition, I have made full preparations. I will never lose. As for the elves, I must have 6."

After saying these words, Ling Yu's mouth corners slightly raised, revealing a barely perceptible smile.

Hearing Ling Yu's firm and confident answer, the smile on the young lady's face became more obvious, and it seemed that she could no longer hold back and wanted to continue teasing.

After all, it is rare for a freshman to dare to challenge the authority of senior students.

However, when Ling Yu directly took out six advanced balls, the young lady's originally bright smile froze instantly, replaced by a face full of awe.

She immediately became respectful and quickly completed the registration procedures for Ling Yu.

In fact, before coming to the competition, Ling Yu had already replaced all the ordinary elf balls containing elves with advanced balls.

After all, he had too many advanced balls in his hand to use up.

At this time, the junior students watching around noticed that this freshman who dared to sign up for the junior competition actually showed six advanced balls at once, and cast contemptuous and mocking eyes:

"Where did this rich freshman come from? How dare he challenge our juniors! Do you think you can win by spending some money to buy some high-end balls? Don't cry when you lose miserably!"

"That's right, you have a lot of money, so why are you so proud! You are a freshman, why don't you stay in your junior class and show off? Are you trying to make everyone laugh?"

Faced with the sarcasm and ridicule of this group of juniors, Ling Yu didn't take it to heart.

Because he knew very well that only by speaking with strength in the arena could he make these people shut up.

For him, taking action is far more efficient than talking, and unnecessary nonsense is meaningless.

However, this scene happened to fall into the eyes of the student union member who had met at the school gate before.

He thought to himself:

"Haha, I finally got the chance! You are unlucky this time, pray that you don't run into me again, otherwise don't blame me for being rude and having to teach you a lesson!"

Coincidentally, in addition to this student union member, the brother Wang who was met at the entrance of the secret realm before also noticed that Lingyu actually signed up for the junior competition.

Seeing such a good opportunity, how could he miss it? He quickly signaled his subordinates to start planning a revenge plan against Lingyu.

At this time, Lingyu was still unaware of the impending crisis, and came to the audience alone and waited quietly for the game to start.

Time passed by, and when he was bored, Lingyu suddenly heard someone calling his name.

He raised his head in confusion, searching around, and finally locked on Lin Yan who was running towards him in front of him - this person was the one who saved him in the quiet forest before.

Seeing Lin Yan running and waving to him enthusiastically, Lingyu also smiled and responded politely.

Lin Yan hurried to Lingyu and asked with a puzzled face:

"Ling Yu, why are you in the junior competition? Aren't you a freshman?"

Ling Yu smiled and replied calmly,"The opponents in the freshman competition are too weak to interest me. So I came to the junior competition to see how strong the juniors are."

Lin Yan nodded in understanding. Then he praised sincerely:

"Well, that's true. With your extremely powerful spirit, it's really not challenging to stay in the freshman competition. Even if you look at the entire junior year, your spirit is unique and stands out from the crowd. I firmly believe that you will win the championship."

Faced with Lin Yan's praise, Ling Yu smiled gratefully and responded:

"Thank you for your encouragement, Lin Yan. You should also work hard and strive to achieve excellent results."

Hearing Ling Yu's thanks, Lin Yan's face bloomed with a bright smile, and he said generously:

""Okay, let's work hard together!"

Just as the two were talking, the third-year students who were participating in the competition had arrived at the scene one after another.

Seeing this, Lin Yan returned to his seat with satisfaction.

With the host's passionate announcement, the exciting Pokémon competition kicked off with the deafening cheers of the audience.

In a warm atmosphere, the host walked onto the stage and introduced the rules of the competition in detail: there are a total of one thousand contestants, and the competition will be divided into three stages.

In the first round, each contestant can only send one elf to participate in the battle; after entering the second round, three elves can be used; in the last round, six elves can be used.

In each round, the contestant will be eliminated after all his elves lose their combat ability.

After the host read out all the rules, the atmosphere of the whole audience was instantly ignited, and all the contestants shouted that it was exciting and eager to try.

As the host's voice fell, The huge screen above the competition stage lit up immediately, and the exciting random pairing session officially kicked off.

In the first round of the battle, Ling Yu's opponent was just an ordinary supporting role.

Seeing this, Ling Yu did not hesitate to appear on the stage and summoned his proud Shining Charizard on the spot.

After the dazzling Shining Charizard appeared on the ring, the crowd exclaimed and cheered one after another, including envy of Charizard's powerful strength, and some resentful words due to jealousy.

When the opponent saw Ling Yu summon a Charizard, he chose to summon Blastoise, which could restrain Charizard's fire system.

After Blastoise stepped out of the Poké Ball, Ling Yu immediately used the Data Eye to check the information of the Blastoise in front of him.

After checking, Ling Yu found that this was just a Blastoise that had just evolved not long ago. It was a pipe dream for him to defeat his level 55 Charizard.

With the referee's order, the game officially started. Ling Yu decisively issued an order:

"Charizard, use jet fire!"

Before the words fell, a blazing flame burst out of Charizard's mouth, sweeping towards Blastoise like a surging fire tornado.

Faced with such a fierce attack, the opponent was obviously a little flustered, but he still reacted quickly and ordered Blastoise to fire a water gun to try to offset the defense.

However, the difference in strength between the two sides was too great, and the collision of water and fire only lasted for���At that moment, the water gun shot by Blastoise was ruthlessly swallowed by the flames and evaporated in an instant.

Not only that, the remaining power of the fire column still remained, and it still rushed towards Blastoise with great momentum.

Seeing the critical situation, the opponent made a prompt decision and let Blastoise shrink into the hard shell, trying to use the shell's defense to withstand Charizard's attack.

Unfortunately, things did not go as planned. Under the continuous onslaught of Charizard, the seemingly indestructible shell gradually couldn't hold up, and finally lost.

Not long after, Blastoise lost its combat effectiveness due to physical exhaustion.

At this point, this duel without suspense came to an end, and the balance of victory completely fell to Lingyu's side. Lingyu, who easily won the first battle, attracted more attention from people, and also attracted the jealousy of some people.

But he didn't care, and walked down the ring calmly, ready to face the next game.

Because Lingyu's strength was too strong, in the first round of the game, he basically encountered some elves in their thirties. Facing the 55-level Charizard, it was a crushing battle.

In this way, Ling Yu crushed all the way and won in the second round.

For a 3,000-word chapter, I hope you like it.

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