In the first match of the second round, Ling Yu met a lovely senior as his opponent.

When both sides were ready, Ling Yu released his Charizard without hesitation.

Seeing this shining Charizard, the senior on the opposite side couldn't help but feel nervous.

She had heard that in the first round, a classmate had a super powerful shining Charizard, and with its powerful strength, he advanced to the second round like a broken bamboo.

Unexpectedly, fate was so coincidental that she met it here, and the senior was inevitably a little flustered.

But she took a deep breath, stabilized her emotions, and decisively sent out her Pikachu. After

Ling Yu observed the Pikachu sent by the opponent, he immediately activated the data eye to check and found that it was only level 43.

Then, he raised the corner of his mouth slightly and whispered:"Charizard, use jet flame!"

Charizard opened his mouth, a stream of hot flames gushed out, and pounced directly at Pikachu.

Pikachu was agile and quickly dodged the blazing flames.

Then, it launched its signature skill, 100,000 Volts, without showing any weakness.

Seeing 100,000 Volts coming, Ling Yu calmly commanded Charizard to soar into the air, easily avoiding Pikachu's attack.

Then he immediately shouted to Charizard:

"Fly directly over and use the dragon claw on Pikachu.

After hearing the order, Charizard quickly spread its huge wings and rushed towards Pikachu like an arrow. At the same time, a huge dragon claw with a sharp and cold light appeared on its thick right arm, and it grabbed Pikachu fiercely with a thunderous force.

Pikachu did not fear the fierce Charizard at all. It flexibly dodged the fatal blow by sidestepping.

Then it took full advantage of its speed and launched several rapid electric attacks on Charizard.

However, Charizard did not intend to give Pikachu any breathing space. After successfully avoiding Pikachu's electric shock, it opened its bloody mouth without hesitation and spewed out raging flames again.

Seeing Pikachu gradually falling into a disadvantage, the girl watching the game on the sidelines could not help but feel anxious. At this moment, she suddenly opened her throat and shouted:

"Pikachu, use Volt Attack!"

Before he finished speaking, a powerful electric current suddenly gathered on Pikachu's small and exquisite tail, and then turned into a dazzling lightning that cut through the sky and shot straight towards Charizard.

Facing such a fierce attack from Pikachu, Charizard behaved very calmly and easily dodged the attack by just moving his body lightly.

After seeing Pikachu's strength, Charizard knew that it could not drag on any longer and had to end the battle as soon as possible.

So, it immediately issued the final order:

"Use the Big Word Explosion!"

After receiving the instruction, Charizard took a deep breath, and then used all his strength to spit out a ball of extremely hot fire in the shape of a big word towards Pikachu.

Pikachu tried his best to dodge, but was eventually hit by the flames and fell to the ground.

The referee announced that Ling Yu won the first round, and cheers rang out from the audience.

The girl stared at the injured Pikachu, tears welling up in her eyes, but she gritted her teeth and resolutely sent out the second Pokémon - Gem Star.

Ling Yu activated the Data Eye without hesitation, and instantly realized that the Gem Star in front of him was only level 40. He thought to himself:

"The Pikachu just now was quite agile. It seems that I must end the battle quickly this time."

Having made up his mind, Ling Yu decisively ordered Charizard to perform Dragon Dance at the beginning to increase its speed and attack power. When the opponent saw Charizard perform Dragon Dance, he felt that something was wrong and hurriedly tried to command Starfish to interrupt its skills.

However, just as Starfish just released its skills, Charizard's Dragon Dance was already completed.

In a flash, Ling Yu made a prompt decision and instructed Charizard to take advantage of the gap when Starfish attacked and launch a vortex of fire to trap it tightly. Then

, a hot jet of flame gushed out and hit Starfish accurately.

Poor Starfish had no power to resist and was defeated in an instant, losing the ability to continue fighting.

The referee witnessed this scene and immediately announced loudly that Ling Yu won the second round.

Then came the third round.

Facing Ling Yu's extremely powerful Charizard, , the senior didn't know what to do, so she could only send out her last Pokémon, which was Venusaur, one of the first three Pokémons, along with Charizard.

Through the Data Eye, Ling Yu clearly saw that the Venusaur in front of him was only level 45, 10 levels lower than his own Charizard, and Charizard also restrained Venusaur.

As the round officially began, Ling Yu gave an order, and Charizard flapped its wings and flew straight into the sky.

Then, Ling Yu asked it to perform the Dragon Dance.

Charizard's body danced gracefully, a layer of dazzling light emanated from its body, and it began to strengthen itself.

Seeing this, the senior sister on the opposite side did not show any weakness, and quickly ordered Venusaur to use the Leaf Blade to attack.

Countless sharp leaves spurted out of Venusaur's mouth, forming a green whirlwind that swept towards Charizard in the air.

Obviously, she intended to... In order to interrupt the Dragon Dance that Charizard was performing.

But Charizard didn't take Bulbasaur's Flying Leaf Blade seriously at all, and was too lazy to even dodge the rapidly attacking leaves.

On the contrary, it relied on its own strong physical defense to withstand all attacks and successfully completed the strengthening process of Dragon Dance.

At this moment, facing the much stronger Charizard, even Bulbasaur's excellent defense would be of no avail.

Ling Yu decisively commanded Charizard to continue to stay in the sky, continuously firing hot and fierce"jet flames" at Bulbasaur below.

Poor Bulbasaur has all the skills but nowhere to display them: either it can't fight back because it can't reach the high-altitude Charizard; or it finally hits the opponent but it's like scratching an itch and can't cause any substantial damage...

Not long after, in the Charizard, Bulbasaur... Under the raging flames of the fire dragon, Bulbasaur finally couldn't hold on and was defeated, completely losing the ability to fight.

After seeing Bulbasaur lose the ability to fight, the referee announced that Lingyu won the third round and won the game.

After seeing her beloved Bulbasaur lose the ability to fight, the senior sister took the burnt Bulbasaur back into the Poké Ball with a sad face.

Tears burst out like a dam, she couldn't suppress the grief and disappointment in her heart, and ran off the stage crying.

Lingyu, who witnessed all this, didn't say much. He knew the truth that"there is no woman in your heart, and you will be a natural god when you draw your sword."

So he quietly packed up his emotions, followed by walking off the stage, and devoted himself to the preparations for the upcoming game.

As expected, facing such a powerful Charizard, the subsequent players who fought against it were defeated one after another.

With a Charizard, Lingyu defeated three in the game.

And successfully entered the last game of the second round.

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