After the first and second rounds of fierce competition, Ling Yu's Charizard has successfully upgraded two levels and has now reached an impressive level of 57!

Time flies, and the news that Ling Yu won the second round of the competition with Charizard spread quickly, like a whirlwind sweeping the entire arena.

Almost everyone present has heard about the outstanding performance of this talented, fledgling freshman in the competition and his unstoppable and indestructible momentum.

Now, only 16 players have successfully advanced to the third round. They are undoubtedly the top 16 representatives of the top strength of this competition.

Standing in front of this group of powerful enemies, Ling Yu did not feel overly nervous.

Although these opponents are all elites among elites, each of them has unique and extraordinary skills, Ling Yu knows that the elves under his command are extremely powerful, not to mention that there are two quasi-gods who can be called kings!

In this case, what is he afraid of? How could he lose this game?

With the belief that he would win, Ling Yu embarked on his first battle of the top 16 without hesitation.

When both players came on the court, Ling Yu stared at the student opposite him and felt like he had seen him before. The other person was staring at him with unfriendly eyes.

So Ling Yu recalled carefully and finally remembered that this was the student union senior he met at the school gate on his first day of school.

Ling Yu immediately shouted to him:

"What's that look in your eyes? What, you're still not convinced by what happened before? Okay, then I'll beat you until you're convinced today!"

Hearing Ling Yu's words, the senior from the student union instantly got angry:

"Who do you think you are? You still want to teach me a lesson? I think you are itching for trouble and want me to teach you a lesson!"

Ling Yu raised the corner of his mouth slightly and said contemptuously:

""Okay, okay, I want to see what you can do."

As soon as he finished speaking, Ling Yu summoned his fire-breathing dragon.

Seeing Ling Yu summoning a fire-breathing dragon, the senior student was not to be outdone and summoned a fire-breathing dragon, then said arrogantly:

"Little brat, let me teach you what a real fire-breathing dragon is."

Ling Yu didn't care about his words, but used the data eye to check the information of the other party's fire-breathing dragon, then smiled and thought to himself:

""Just relying on your level 46 Charizard, you dare to challenge my level 57 Charizard?"

Seeing Lingyu laughing at him, the senior student got angry and immediately ordered his Charizard to use Jet Flame.

Lingyu was not afraid at all and ordered his Charizard to use Jet Flame as well, confronting the opponent's Jet Flame head-on.

After a while, Lingyu's Charizard easily suppressed the senior student's Charizard.

The senior student saw that his Charizard was suppressed and said it was impossible. How could a freshman Charizard like you be stronger than me?

As soon as the senior student finished speaking, Lingyu quickly ordered Charizard to use Dragon Breath to rush towards Charizard.

Because he had just released Jet Flame, he could only anxiously dodge the Dragon Breath used by Lingyu's Charizard.

But when he was dodging, Lingyu asked Charizard to use Dragon Claws and rush directly towards the senior student's Charizard. Go.

The senior's Charizard had just hurriedly dodged the dragon breath of Lingyu's Charizard, and then was locked by the dragon claws of Lingyu's Charizard, and he couldn't dodge it even if he wanted to. He was directly knocked out by a dragon claw.

Seeing that senior's Charizard flew out, Lingyu let his Charizard chase it directly, and then used dragon breath to attack the place where the senior's Charizard fell.

After a while, when the smoke and dust dissipated, a Charizard with circles in its eyes appeared in front of everyone.

Seeing that the Charizard had lost its ability to fight, the referee excitedly announced that Lingyu won the first round.

Then, the second round of the game began.

The senior released a mosquito-repellent swimmer without hesitation.

Seeing this, Lingyu quickly took back the Charizard, and then said softly:

"It's up to you, Greninja!"

As the Poké Ball glowed red, Greninja made a handsome appearance.

Ling Yu saw through the Data Eye that this was a level 45 Greninja.

At the beginning of the game, the opponent couldn't wait to let Greninja take the lead in launching skills, and the water gun shot directly at Greninja like an arrow.

However, Ling Yu calmly commanded:

""Greninja, get out of the way!"

Greninja dodged the attack with agility.

After dodging, Ling Yu made a prompt decision to let Greninja approach Mosquito Swimmer and use his magical power.

Before he finished speaking, Greninja approached Mosquito Swimmer as fast as lightning, and hit the opponent with a magical power like a cannonball, catching him off guard.

Mosquito Swimmer felt the pain and immediately launched a counterattack. The opponent tried to let it crush Greninja with a mountain.

But Greninja jumped flexibly, not only dodged the skill cleverly, but also launched the Water Wave, which directly knocked Mosquito Swimmer away like a surging water wave.

Seeing that Mosquito Swimmer was at a disadvantage, the senior shouted anxiously:

""Mosquito-repellent swimmer, use the ice fist!"

Mosquito-repellent swimmer moved upon hearing the order, and his fist filled with cold air attacked like a tiger descending from the mountain.

Ling Yu commanded Greninja calmly.

He first let Greninja use its shadow clone to confuse Mosquito-repellent swimmer's sight like a phantom, and then used a flying water shuriken to end the game like a sharp sword.

The referee announced that Ling Yu won the second round.

At this time, the senior's face was like a chameleon, and it instantly became extremely ugly. He widened his eyes and was full of astonishment. He never expected that he would lose two games so quickly.

Ling Yu's mouth corners slightly raised, put away Greninja, smiled and said to the senior:

"Do you want to continue?"

The senior student gritted his teeth and sent out the third Pokémon Rhydon as if he was facing a formidable enemy.

Ling Yu saw through the data eye that it was a level 44 Rhydon.

At the beginning of the game, the opponent ordered Rhydon to use Earthquake, causing the entire ground to shake violently. However,

Greninja was as light as a swallow and jumped into the air lightly, avoiding this round of attacks.

However, Rhydon immediately launched a Rock���The blockade was like a hail of bullets, and countless stones were thrown at Greninja. Greninja used a flash of lightning in the air to avoid this wave of attacks.

Ling Yu's eyes were as sharp as a torch. He saw the right opportunity and decisively ordered Greninja to use Flying Water Shuriken.

Greninja condensed the water energy in his hand into sharp darts, and rushed towards Rhydon like a rain of arrows.

Rhydon couldn't avoid it, and the Flying Water Shuriken hit all of them like raindrops.

After being hit, Rhydon was like a sapling in the wind, shaking his body, obviously seriously injured.

Seeing this, the senior was anxious and shouted at the top of his voice:

"Rhydon, use Roll!"

Rhydon curled up into a ball, like a high-speed spinning top, and rushed towards Greninja at lightning speed. Greninja was as light as a swallow, and jumped directly into the sky, then used a water wave on Rhydon like a dragon out of the sea. This blow was like a thousand-pound hammer, hitting Rhydon who was rolling.

Just like this, under the continuous water skill attacks, Rhydon was like a candle in the wind, and finally lost his combat ability.

The referee announced that Lingyu won the third round.

So far, Lingyu successfully advanced to the quarterfinals with a perfect record.

The audience cheered for him, and the senior student left the field silently with frustration and loss on his face like a defeated rooster.

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