Not long after, several other matches also ended one after another, and finally, the places for the top four were successfully confirmed.

Among these four people, Lin Yan successfully obtained the qualification for promotion.

In addition, two other unfamiliar girls also performed well and were able to enter the top four. Interestingly, one of the women actually looked like Luo Mengyi, the school beauty in Lingyu's high school.

However, Lingyu did not think too much about this matter. His mind was all focused on whether he could compete with Lin Yan. Since the last time he met Lin Yan in the quiet forest, Lingyu has been eager to have a head-on competition with him.

Unfortunately, he has never found an opportunity.

Now, the opportunity seems to be right in front of him. I wonder if he can really realize this wish in the next fierce duel?

With full of expectations and excitement, Lingyu silently watched the upcoming battle, and at the same time secretly speculated about the grouping of the game in his heart.

Lingyu vs Lin Yan

Su Yao vs Luo Tianyi I don’t know if this is a coincidence of fate or a deliberate arrangement?

When Ling Yu found out that he was going to fight with Lin Yan, he was overwhelmed with excitement.

He knew that this would be a fierce and exciting contest, so he was determined to go all out and compete with Lin Yan.

Then, his eyes were involuntarily attracted by the girl named Luo Tianyi.

Her name was so similar to Luo Mengyi, and her appearance was exactly the same, which made Ling Yu wonder:

"Could it be that this Luo Tianyi is Luo Mengyi's sister? How could there be such a coincidence in the world?"

However, this was not the time to think about these questions. Ling Yu quickly put aside his distracting thoughts and stepped straight onto the field.

As soon as he stood still, he saw Lin Yan on the opposite side smiling and waving at him, and greeted him enthusiastically:

"Hello, Ling Yu! I didn't expect that we would meet again so soon. Please give me your guidance. Please don't go easy on me!"

Faced with Lin Yan's friendly attitude, Ling Yu responded without showing any weakness:

"Senior Lin Yan, nice to meet you! I am also honored to play against you. However, I will never underestimate you in this match and will use all my skills to defeat you!"

"Haha, let's wait and see. I will also go all out and look forward to presenting a wonderful duel with you."

At this moment, Ling Yu and Lin Yan stood face to face, with each other's eyes burning with fighting spirit, as if the whole world only had the two of them.

Who will be the winner of this fierce battle? Let's wait and see!

At the referee's command, the game officially began.

Lin Yan was the first to send out Blaziken, and Ling Yu sent out Charizard.

As soon as the two Pokémon appeared on the stage, they were unyielding in momentum.

Ling Yu used the Data Eye to check the level of Blaziken, and unexpectedly it was already level 50.

So at the beginning, Ling Yu did not hesitate to command Charizard to perform its signature skill - jet of flames!

With his command, At the command, Charizard opened its bloody mouth, and a raging flame gushed out like a volcanic eruption, rushing straight towards Blaziken.

Faced with such a fierce attack, Lin Yan remained calm and responded calmly.

He quickly issued instructions, allowing Blaziken to cleverly dodge this wave of attacks with its agile and flexible posture.

Then, Lin Yan seized the opportunity and decisively ordered Blaziken to launch a counterattack. Flame Chicken 's legs instantly ignited with flames, like a burning arrow, kicking towards Charizard at lightning speed. In a flash, the flames that had just been successfully avoided by Charizard were

The Blaziken had accumulated enough energy in the blink of an eye, and kicked at Charizard with a scorching wave of fire.

Seeing that Blaziken was coming at him aggressively, Ling Yu acted decisively and commanded Charizard to flap its wings and fly high, easily avoiding the fierce attack of Blaziken.

Seeing that Blaziken's attack failed, Lin Yan did not dare to delay at all, and hurriedly ordered Blaziken to retreat, trying to keep a safe distance from Charizard.

Unexpectedly, Charizard would not give up?

It took this opportunity to suddenly use the powerful Dragon's Fury, and an invisible shock wave whizzed in and hit Blaziken solidly. The hit Blaziken could not help but step back several steps..

Lin Yan was extremely anxious upon seeing this, and immediately ordered Blaziken to use his ultimate move - Big Flame Explosion!

In an instant, a huge fireball soared into the sky, like a meteorite falling from the sky, smashing towards Charizard with the power to destroy the world. However

, at the critical moment, Ling Yu remained calm and composed. He calmly commanded Charizard to quickly climb into the air and easily avoided this terrifying attack.

After dodging the attack, Ling Yu's eyes lit up, and he stared at Blaziken closely, looking for its flaws.

Finally, in the brief gap after Blaziken used his skills, Ling Yu gave the order without hesitation:

"Now! Charizard, use your dragon claws to give it a fatal blow!"

After receiving the order, Charizard immediately spread its huge wings and rushed towards Flame Chicken.

At the same time, a huge dragon claw phantom appeared on its sharp claws, as if to tear apart all the enemies in front of it.

Faced with such a fierce attack from Charizard, Lin Yan was shocked and shouted hurriedly:

"Blaziken, use your flaming fist to meet the enemy!"

Blaziken heard the call of his master and did not dare to be negligent. He quickly mobilized all his strength and gathered it on his right fist. A ball of blazing flame instantly wrapped around his fist.

In an instant, the skills of both sides collided fiercely, causing a strong shock wave.

For a moment, the whole battlefield was shrouded in chaos with flames and smoke.

However, although Blaziken had tried his best, Charizard was at a higher level.

In this fierce confrontation, Blaziken gradually lost the upper hand and was eventually knocked away by Charizard's powerful claws.

Seeing Blaziken flying backwards, Ling Yu knew that he could not give his opponent any chance to breathe. He decisively gave the order:

"Charizard, seize the opportunity to pursue the victory! Don't let it have a chance to turn over!"

The Charizard, who received the instruction, chased after Flame Chicken like a burning meteor.

When it saw Flame Chicken fall heavily to the ground, it immediately launched a series of air slashes, and sharp wind blades rained down on the place where Flame Chicken landed.

Each wind blade had unparalleled power, and the ground was smashed into pieces of stone and dust, forming a huge cloud of smoke.

When the smoke gradually dissipated, everyone was surprised to find that the originally aggressive Flame Chicken was now lying powerlessly in a deep pit, and it had obviously lost its ability to fight.

Seeing this scene, the referee raised the flag in his hand without hesitation and announced loudly:

"In the first round, Ling Yu won!"

The audience burst into thunderous applause and cheers, cheering for the young trainer.

After seeing his beloved Flame Chicken defeated by Ling Yu's powerful Charizard, Lin Yan remained silent, but his eyes were firm, and he sent out the second Pokémon, Golduck, without hesitation.

When Lin Yan summoned Golduck, Ling Yu immediately used the Data Eye to scan its level, 48 Level.

After seeing Lin Yan send out the water-based Golduck, Ling Yu decisively took back the fire-based Charizard and released the Lizard King that restrained the water-based Golduck.

Seeing this, Lin Yan did not show any weakness and immediately ordered Golduck to launch the water cannon skill at the Lizard King.

However, Ling Yu had already prepared for it. He commanded the Lizard King to perform high-speed movement at an astonishing speed and easily avoided the fierce attack of Golduck.

Then, Ling Yu seized the perfect opportunity when Golduck had just used up its skills and was in a short state of stiffness, and ordered the Lizard King to use high-speed movement to rush towards Golduck again and use the leaf blade.

Golduck was caught off guard. Facing such a close and fierce attack from the Lizard King, it had no time to react and could only bear the damage of the leaf blade.

Seeing Golduck being hit, Lin Yan was anxious and hurriedly ordered Golduck to quickly distance itself from the Lizard King and use the water cannon to counterattack it again.

Seeing the water cannon of Golduck gushing out, Ling Yu shouted anxiously:

""Lizard King, get out of the way!"

Unfortunately, the Lizard King had just released a skill, and his body had not yet recovered its flexibility. Although he tried his best to dodge, he still failed to completely avoid the fierce attack of Golduck.

Fortunately, the grass system has a natural restraint advantage over the water system, so the damage caused by Golduck was not great.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Ling Yu immediately changed his tactics.

He commanded the Lizard King Golduck to fire a dazzling beam of sunlight, and the dazzling light rushed straight at Golduck like lightning.

Golduck panicked and tried desperately to use water cannon to resist this fatal blow.

However, the gap in strength between the two sides was obvious, and Golduck retreated several steps under the powerful impact.

Lin Yan knew that the battle situation had begun to develop in an unfavorable direction, so he ordered Golduck to use the freezing beam without hesitation, hoping to reduce the movement speed of the Lizard King. Unexpectedly, the

Lizard King was agile and easily dodged this move sideways, and then rushed again. He approached Golduck like a thunderbolt, and at the same time launched a series of violent offensives with the"Seed Machine Gun".

Golduck was overwhelmed and gradually became unable to cope.

Just when its physical strength was overdrawn and its defense was loose, Lingyu seized the opportunity and ordered the Lizard King to take advantage of the situation and swing a powerful leaf blade with all his strength.

This blow was like a thunderbolt, hitting Golduck hard, leaving it without any chance to fight back, and eventually losing its ability to fight.

Seeing that Golduck had lost its ability to fight, the referee announced that Lingyu won the second round, and cheers rang out at the scene.

Lingyu had a confident smile on his face.

Seeing that his own Golduck was defeated, Lin Yan had no choice but to send his last Pokémon, Boskodora, to the field.

At the moment when Boskodora appeared from the Poké Ball, the entire arena was shaken violently.

Lingyu quickly used the Data Eye to scan the level of this Boskodora - 50 Level

After seeing the opponent release Boskodora, Ling Yu made a decisive decision to take back the Lizard King, and then sent out Greninja to fight. As soon as Greninja appeared, Ling Yu immediately gave orders to let it quickly approach Boskodora. Greninja rushed away like lightning, approaching Boskodora at an amazing speed.

Seeing this, Lin Yan hurriedly ordered Boskodora to use the skill"Rock Blockade" to stop Greninja's attack.

Unexpectedly, Greninja easily crossed the rock obstacles in front of it and successfully came to Boskodora.

Afterwards, Ling Yu decisively instructed Greninja to use"Flying Water Shuriken" to attack Boskodora.

Because the distance between Boskodora and Greninja was too close, it had no time to react and was hit by the sudden Flying Water Shuriken!

Seeing that the Flying Water Shuriken successfully hit the target, Ling Yu gave orders without hesitation:

"Greninja, use Shadow Clone Technique immediately!"

Before he finished speaking, several identical Greninja phantoms suddenly appeared around Boskodora and surrounded it.

Faced with such a strange scene, Boskodora was immediately confused and bewildered.

Lin Yan would naturally not sit idly by. He immediately ordered Boskodora to activate his skill - Earthquake.

As the ground shook violently, the entire battlefield seemed to be torn apart.

However, surprisingly, Greninja avoided most of the damage with its extremely agile and flexible posture and was not substantially affected.

Seeing this opportunity, Ling Yu decisively gave the order:

"Now, Greninja, release the water wave!"

After receiving the instruction, Greninja quickly gathered powerful energy, and a surging water wave roared like a dragon and pounced on Boskodora. The severely injured Boskodora's body became much slower, and his movements were no longer as flexible as before.

Ling Yu knew the importance of pursuing the victory, so he continued to order:

"Greninja, seize the opportunity and rush forward! At the same time, use the darts condensed by the flying water shuriken in your hands and continue to attack Boskodora!"

Boskodora wanted to dodge, but because his body was too big and was restricted by the water waves.

So Lin Yan asked Boskodora to use the alloy claws to collide directly with the rushing Greninja.

Because Boskodora's power was too great, Lingyu could only let Greninja retreat.

Lingyu stared at Boskodora, thinking about the next tactic.

He planned to use Greninja's speed advantage to continuously attack Boskodora's weaknesses.

Lingyu shouted:

"Greninja, use Water Shuriken!"Greninja quickly gathered powerful water energy in its hands, condensed it into a dart and threw it at Boskodora.

Boskodora's huge body moved like a moving hill, trying to avoid the Water Shuriken that was flying like a gust of wind.

However, the Water Shuriken was too fast, like lightning across the sky, and finally hit it.

Lin Yan shouted anxiously:

"Boskodora, counterattack with sharp rock attacks!"

Boskodora heard this and immediately made sharp rock spikes emerge from the ground and flew towards Greninja. Greninja jumped flexibly, as light as a swallow, and easily avoided the attack of the rock blades.

Ling Yu seized the opportunity and decisively commanded Greninja to launch another attack:

"Greninja, use high-speed movement to approach Boskodora, and then use all your strength to release the Water Wave!"

Before the words fell, Greninja rushed towards Boskodora like a flash of lightning.

As soon as it approached Boskodora, it used all its strength to release the Water Wave, like a surging torrent, sweeping towards Boskodora.

Boskodora felt an unprecedented threat, and it desperately used all its strength, swinging its tail as hard as steel, like a giant axe, sweeping towards Greninja. When Greninja saw Boskodora's attack coming, Ling Yu was as anxious as a whirlwind. Burning, he wanted Greninja to avoid this fatal blow.

But Greninja had just used up a skill and was exhausted, so he could only retreat.

At this critical moment, Ling Yu made a quick decision and let Greninja use the wave of water to block Boskador's iron tail.

The wave of water hit Boskador's attack, successfully delaying Boskador's iron tail, and then quickly left Boskador's attack range.

When Boskador's attack was resolved, A brief flaw appeared.

Ling Yu seized this excellent opportunity, and he immediately let Koga Greninja use Flying Water Shuriken again on Boskodora.

Flying Water Shuriken attacked Boskodora as densely as raindrops, making it overwhelmed.

Under the continuous attack of Flying Water Shuriken, Boskodora finally fell down due to exhaustion.

Seeing that Boskodora lost the ability to fight, the referee announced that Ling Yu had won. The atmosphere on the scene was instantly ignited and reached a climax.

Ling Yu's face was filled with a confident smile. He gestured to the audience, as if telling everyone that the championship throne was within reach.

The audience cheered for him, and he waved to the stands, enjoying the moment of victory.

At the same time, the game on the other side was also settled, and Luo Tianyi defeated Su Yao.

Next, Ling Yu will have a peak showdown with Luo Tianyi in the finals to compete for the honor of the championship.

Lin Yan lost the game, but he was not discouraged. He smiled and said to Ling Yu loudly:

"Congratulations, Lingyu, you have successfully advanced to the finals! This match with you has benefited me a lot. Although I lost, I am sincerely happy and look forward to competing with you next time"

"I also enjoyed this game very much. Your strength should not be underestimated. Come on!"

Ling Yu responded.

After that, Ling Yu returned to the lounge to rest for a while and recharge for the final.

After these fierce battles, Ling Yu's Charizard was upgraded to level 58; Koga Greninja was upgraded to level 54; Lizard King was also upgraded to level 49. The next final will be a 6v6 duel.

Ling Yu knows that his elves have been trained almost, and it's time to fight quickly in the final! After a while, when Ling Yu and Luo Tianyi's elves are restored to their original state, the final decisive battle is about to begin.

A 5,000-word chapter is presented, I hope you will like it.

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