The finals began, and both players were ready to enter.

When Ling Yu and Luo Tianyi stepped into the arena, the audience instantly erupted in thunderous applause and cheers, as if to overturn the entire venue.

People stared at the two players who were about to start the peak showdown with burning eyes, and their hearts were full of expectations. When both sides took the stage, Luo Tianyi asked Ling Yu:

"You are the Lingyu mentioned by my sister Luo Mengyi, right? When I first saw your name appear in the junior competition, I even doubted if I was seeing things! It's unbelievable that you can participate in the junior competition as a freshman, and even make it to the finals. To be honest, I'm really curious, what have you been through in just one month? Why has your strength improved so rapidly?"

Faced with Luo Tianyi's rapid-fire questions, Lingyu was unusually calm, and responded in a flat tone:"Yes, I am Lingyu. It is indeed a coincidence that I met Luo Mengyi's sister here. As for the improvement in strength, it was just luck."

His answer was ambiguous and confusing.

However, Luo Tianyi did not take it to heart, but said to Lingyu with more interest:

"Forget it, no matter how strong you become, I am looking forward to meeting you in the finals. Show me your true strength, I will not show mercy."

After hearing Luo Tianyi's words, Ling Yu raised the corners of his mouth slightly, revealing a faint smile, and responded softly:

"Well, since you are so eager to see my true strength, I will do as you wish."

After saying that, Luo Tianyi's eyes condensed, and she took the lead in releasing her first elf - the Red Fire Fox.

When the Red Fire Fox appeared, it exuded a hot flame, as if the entire battlefield was ignited.

However, facing Luo Tianyi's challenge, Ling Yu was not in a hurry. Instead, he smiled cunningly at Luo Tianyi and then threw a high-level ball.

As the high-level ball landed, a black shadow flashed, and a huge, pitch-black mysterious elf appeared in front of everyone.

It exuded a powerful breath that made people's heart palpitate, and it was icy cold, as if it came from the Nine Nether Hell.

This mysterious elf is the legendary beast Darkrai!

"What! This is impossible! This is actually the mythical beast Darkrai!"

A scream suddenly rang out from the audience, and people looked at Darkrai on the field with disbelief, and an uproar was set off in their hearts.

As Darkrai's aura spread, not only were the people in the competition venue shocked, but even the vice-president in the school office and the principal who was walking on the campus also noticed this abnormally powerful energy fluctuation.

Their faces changed drastically, and they hurriedly rushed towards the junior competition field.

At this moment, Luo Tianyi's eyes had already widened, her face full of astonishment.

She never expected that Lingyu actually had a mythical beast in his hand.

She was originally full of confidence, but at this moment she couldn't help but... Feeling timid.

When Darkrai appeared on the field, the entire audience went crazy in an instant!

Those who had been firmly supporting Luo Tianyi were shocked by this mysterious and powerful Pokémon, and turned to cheer for Lingyu.

Lingyu smiled and looked at the astonished expressions of the people around him, knowing in his heart that the outcome of this game was no longer in suspense.

Facing such a powerful opponent, the legendary Darkrai, Luo Tianyi was obviously a little overwhelmed.

However, he quickly adjusted his mentality, tried to calm himself down, and regained his fighting spirit.

Then, he looked up at Lingyu and said frankly:

"Ling Yu, you are really a hidden talent! I never thought that you actually possessed a legendary beast. I am afraid I will lose this game, but I will never admit defeat easily."

Hearing Luo Tianyi's words, Ling Yu just responded lightly:

"Well, let's wait and see."

As soon as the voice fell, the competition officially kicked off.

Luo Tianyi took a deep breath, and her eyes, which were originally as clear as water, became unusually firm at this moment!

Luo Tianyi directly issued an order:"Demon Fire Red Fox, use the jet of fire!"

As her clear voice sounded, the Demon Fire Red Fox opened its mouth, and a raging flame gushed out like a fire dragon, running straight towards Darkrai!

Facing such a fierce attack, Darkrai seemed to be at ease.

It was seen lightly sideways, easily avoiding the fierce attack.

After Ling Yu commanded Darkrai to dodge the attack of the Demon Fire Red Fox, he immediately commanded Darkrai to quickly activate the skill - hypnosis!

In an instant, an invisible force emanated from Darkrai and attacked the Demon Fire Red Fox directly.

The Demon Fire Red Fox was unable to dodge and was instantly hit by hypnosis. His eyes gradually closed and fell into a deep sleep.

Looking at the Demon Fire Red Fox that was sleeping in front of him, Ling Yu raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and whispered to Darkrai:

"Good opportunity! Let's end this battle and defeat it completely with Dream Eater!"

After speaking, Darkrai immediately took action.

It spit out balls of strange energy as black as ink from its mouth, and these energies quietly drilled into the body of the sleeping Demon Fire Red Fox like ghosts.

Not long after, the Demon Fire Red Fox, which had been sleeping quietly, suddenly began to tremble violently, and a look of pain appeared on its face.

Obviously, the severe pain brought by Dream Eater was ruthlessly eroding its body and will.

After a while, the Demon Fire Red Fox finally couldn't hold on, lost all its combat power, and fell to the ground unable to move.

Luo Tianyi's face was pale. She didn't expect that her first battle would be defeated so quickly.

But she didn't give up, and immediately sent out the second Pokémon-Alakazam.

After seeing this Alakazam, Lingyu used the data eye to check the information of this elf.:

【Name: Hu Di】

【Race value: 500】

【Gender: Male】


【Level: 51】

【Qualification: Gym level】


【Personality: Slow】

【Features: telekinesis, immobilization, instant movement, phantom light, reflection wall, exchange of venues, mental blade, self-regeneration, mental shock, mental power, predicting the future, meditation】

【[Carrying item: bent soup spoon]

After watching this scene, Ling Yu did not hesitate to command Darkrai to use Shadow Ball on Alakazam.

Seeing Darkrai's powerful attack sweeping in like a surging wave, Luo Tianyi was extremely anxious and hurriedly urged Alakazam to use the teleportation skill to protect himself.

At this moment, Alakazam showed amazing courage and decisiveness.

With a firm gaze and no fear, it used the teleportation technique at an astonishing speed, and its figure disappeared from the spot as quickly as lightning, trying to escape Darkrai's fatal blow.

Unfortunately, the opposite happened. Darkrai's speed was beyond imagination. He followed closely behind like a ghost and easily caught up with Alakazam's teleportation trajectory.

Ling Yu's mouth corners slightly raised, revealing an imperceptible smile. He gave the order softly:

"Darkrai, use the wave of evil."

Before he finished speaking, Darkrai's eyes flashed with scarlet light, and a dark and terrifying energy wave suddenly erupted, rushing towards Alakazam at lightning speed.

Alakazam was caught off guard and had no way to dodge. He could only watch himself being hit by the wave of evil.

Alakazam, who was severely injured, trembled violently and stepped back several steps involuntarily. It was obvious that he had suffered a lot of damage.

Luo Tianyi looked at the injured Alakazam nervously. She knew that she could not sit and wait for death anymore, and shouted:

"Alakazam, use meditation to increase special attack!"Alakazam closed his eyes, took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, then focused all his attention on himself and began to enter a deep state of meditation.

As his mind gradually calmed down, a faint but clearly visible light emanated from around his body.

Seeing this scene, Ling Yu knew that the opportunity was not to be missed and he had to act quickly to win.

So, he issued the final order without hesitation:

"Darkrai, use Dark Hole!"

As soon as the words fell, Darkrai's figure flashed and disappeared without a trace, as if he had merged into the void.

The next moment, he quietly appeared behind Alakazam like a ghost, with powerful energy gathering in his hands, and fiercely bombarded Alakazam.

Faced with such a sudden and powerful attack, Alakazam had no time to react and was hit directly. Alakazam, who was severely injured, screamed and fell heavily to the ground, completely losing the ability to continue fighting.

Seeing this, the referee immediately announced loudly:

"Alakazam loses the ability to fight. In the second round, Lingyu wins!"

Hearing this result, the audience was immediately excited. They congratulated the winner with thunderous applause and cheers.

However, at this moment, Luo Tianyi's face was gloomy, and a trace of unwillingness flashed in her eyes.

She gritted her teeth, made up her mind secretly, and then resolutely sent out her third Pokémon - Sylveon.

Seeing Luo Tianyi's Sylveon, Lingyu thought of the Eevee family, and then thought to herself:

"Sylveon? It seems that this world has done some good research on the evolution of Eevee!"

Then Ling Yu used the Data Eye to check the information of Sylveon.:

【Name: Fairy Eevee】

【Race value: 525】

【Gender: Female】

【Skills: Tail Wagging, Collision, Help, Sand Throwing, Fairy Wind, Lightning Flash, High Speed Star, Absorbing Kiss, Swap Special Moves, Misty Field, Light Wall, Moon Power, Treasure, Self-Suggestion】

【Level: 50】

【Qualification: King level】

【Attribute: Fairy】

【Personality: Timid】

【Features: Charming body (sometimes will fascinate the opponent who touches it)】

【Carrying items: Leftovers]

After seeing Sylveon's information, Ling Yu said with interest:

"He is indeed from a prominent family. He only sent out three Pokémon, but they were all bred so well and even equipped with carrying items. He is really rich!"

After saying that, he immediately ordered Darkrai to attack Sylveon.

Darkrai rushed towards Sylveon like lightning. Sylveon tried to confuse Darkrai with the help of its charming body, but this trick had no effect on Darkrai.

Darkrai quickly used the evil wave and attacked Sylveon.

Luo Tianyi was anxious and shouted loudly:

"Sylveon, quickly use the light wall to defend!"

Sylveon tried its best to prop up a shining wall, barely withstanding the fierce impact of the evil wave.

However, the light wall only lasted for a moment before it broke under the heavy load.

Seeing this, Ling Yu raised the corner of his mouth slightly, revealing a smug smile, and gave a command softly:

"Darkrai, use Shadow Ball!"

Darkrai raised his palms high, condensed a huge and terrifying Shadow Ball in his palms, and then threw it towards Sylveon at an astonishing speed.

Sylveon had no way to avoid it and was hit by the Shadow Ball, suffering heavy damage.

Luo Tianyi stared at the injured Sylveon, feeling distressed.

But she did not back down and encouraged loudly:

"Sylveon, hold on! Use the power of the moon!"

Sylveon gritted her teeth, endured the severe pain in her body, and desperately mobilized every bit of moonlight power in her body to gather together, ready to make a desperate final attack.

However, how could Ling Yu sit back and watch her succeed?

Almost at the moment when Sylveon began to accumulate power, he immediately issued an order:

"Darkrai, release the Dark Hole for me!"

Before he finished speaking, Darkrai understood what he meant and used this move on Sylveon, who was in the charging state.

In an instant, darkness surged like a tide and completely swallowed Sylveon.

But the little guy didn't have time to react at all, and was knocked away by the powerful dark energy, fell heavily to the ground, and lost the ability to continue fighting.

Seeing that Sylveon was defeated, the referee immediately announced loudly:

"In the third round, Lingyu won!"

Luo Tianyi couldn't help but frown, feeling annoyed. She never expected that the three Pokémon she sent out would be defeated so quickly.

But the stubbornness deep in her heart made her unwilling to give up easily, and she resolutely summoned the fourth Pokémon - Pokski.

As soon as Pokski appeared on the stage, Luo Tianyi hurriedly gave the order:

"Pokoski, use air slash!"

After receiving the instruction, Pokoski immediately flapped his wings and flew high, rushing towards Darkrai at an astonishing speed, and continuously fired multiple sharp air blades during the flight.

Facing the fierce attack, Lingyu seemed unusually calm.

He skillfully manipulated Darkrai to dodge sideways and easily avoided all the air blade attacks.

Then, he seized the opportunity to order Darkrai to counterattack quickly, and a black ball of light flew straight towards Pokoski.

The shadow ball streaked through the night sky like a black meteor, but it passed by Pokoski who was flying rapidly in the air.

Seeing this, Lingyu was not discouraged and immediately gave Darkrai an order:

"Darkrai, use the Dark Hole!"

As he finished speaking, a strong dark aura suddenly burst out from Darkrai's body, as if it was going to swallow up the whole world.

In an instant, a jet of black energy shot towards Pokkis like an arrow from a string.

Facing this fierce attack, Pokkis struggled desperately to avoid it.

But the powerful gravity attached to the Dark Hole was too terrifying, and in the end it still failed to escape the fate of being sucked into it and was hit tragically.

Seeing that his beloved pet was injured and fell to the ground, Luo Tianyi was anxious and shouted loudly:

"Pokoski, use the tailwind to increase your speed, and then use Swallow Return!"

After hearing the master's order, Pokoski endured the pain and quickly adjusted his posture.

With the help of the tailwind, his speed suddenly soared to an astonishing level, and he pounced on Darkrai like a flash of lightning.

Just as he was about to approach the target, Pokoski brazenly launched the Swallow Return skill.

Unfortunately, Darkrai's speed was also beyond imagination.

It easily dodged Pokoski's attack with a flash of its body.

Before Pokoski could stabilize his body, Lingyu drove Darkrai to use Darkrai again.

This time, the dark energy hit Pokoski accurately.

Pokoski, who was severely injured, was no longer able to stand up and fell to the ground.

The referee announced:

"In the fourth round, Ling Yu won!"

Thunderous applause and cheers suddenly broke out from the audience, rising and falling like a tide, and lasting for a long time.

Luo Tianyi watched himself lose again, feeling extremely anxious, thinking to himself:

"my hand���There are only two elves left. If we continue to waste time like this, it will definitely not work! Darkrai is too powerful. It seems that the only way to win is to fight to the death."

Having made up her mind, she resolutely sent out her fifth Pokémon, the Wind Fairy.

As soon as the Wind Fairy appeared on the battlefield, and before Ling Yu had time to take a closer look at it, Luo Tianyi could not wait to order it to use the move"Parting Gift".

Then, the Wind Fairy instantly lost its ability to fight.

At this moment, a mysterious and strange light suddenly shot out from the Wind Fairy and flew straight towards Darkrai.

In an instant, Darkrai's physical attack and special attack were greatly reduced.

Looking at his own sharply reduced attack power, Darkrai was shocked and confused.

However, just when it was at a loss, Luo Tianyi quickly released her last Pokémon, Gardevoir.

Seeing that Luo Tianyi's last Pokémon was a Gardevoir, Ling Yu was a little surprised, but then disappeared. After all, isn't it normal for a person from a big family to have a quasi-god?

So he used the Data Eye to check the information of this Gardevoir:

【Name: Gardevoir】

【Race value: 518】

【Gender: Female】

【Skills: Howl, Telekinesis, Shadow Clone, Instant Teleport, Prayer, Magic Leaf, Meditation, Illusion, Seal, Prophet, Hypnosis, Dream Eater, Loud Voice, Psychic Power】

【Level: 55】

【Qualification: King level】

【Attributes: Superpowers, Fairy】

【Personality: Brave】

【Features: Synchronous (When another Pokémon causes burns, poison, poisoning, or paralysis, it causes the same abnormal state to that Pokémon)】

【Carrying items: exquisite scarf, Gardevoir Mega Evolution Stone]

After seeing this Gardevoir, Ling Yu nodded secretly and praised:

"Hmm... This Gardevoir has been trained quite well. Not only that, it even has a precious item like the Mega Evolution Stone. It is indeed worthy of being a child of a big family. It is really rich and powerful!"

Seeing this scene, Ling Yu couldn't help but feel a little more curious and interested in this Gardevoir.

He smiled slightly, raised the corners of his mouth, and whispered an order:

"Darkrai, use the wave of evil!"

As soon as the voice fell, a scarlet light suddenly flashed in Darkrai's deep eyes, and then a powerful dark energy swept towards Gardevoir like a surging wave.

Faced with the sudden attack of the wave of evil, Gardevoir did not dare to be negligent, and quickly exerted its own strength, with a layer of emerald green light all over its body, trying to resist this fatal blow.

However, the gap in strength between the two sides was too great. Although Gardevoir tried its best, it was ultimately unable to resist the overwhelming power of the wave of evil, and was eventually knocked out fiercely.

Luo Tianyi, who was on the side, was anxious, clenched her fists, and looked at the injured Gardevoir with anxiety on her face.

She took a deep breath, calmed down, and then opened her throat and shouted loudly:

"Gardevoir, stand up! We can't give up easily!���Encouraged by others, Gardevoir gritted its teeth, endured the severe pain from its body, and struggled to prop up its body and stood up again.

Its eyes were full of determination and resoluteness, staring at Darkrai in front of it, with no intention of retreating.

At this critical moment, Luo Tianyi resolutely chose to fight to the death.

She raised the Gardevoir Mega Evolution Stone in her hand and shouted excitedly:"Gardevoir, Mega Evolution!"

As the voice fell, Gardevoir was shrouded in dazzling light, and instantly completed a gorgeous transformation, evolving into an amazing Mega Gardevoir!

At this moment, Mega Gardevoir shines like a bright star, and its body exudes a powerful aura.

Facing the super-evolved Gardevoir, Ling Yu just smiled slightly and gave orders calmly:

"Darkrai, use Dark Hole."

Darkrai immediately responded to the master's call and began to gather the powerful energy in his body between his palms. In the blink of an eye, it condensed into a giant dark hole, and then threw it towards Mega Gardevoir without hesitation.

Seeing the dark energy sweeping over, Luo Tianyi remained calm and decisively commanded Super Gardevoir to use his special skill - Big Sound.

After Super Gardevoir took a deep breath, it opened its mouth and let out a loud sound that was as deafening as thunder and as turbulent as a tsunami.

This powerful sound wave confronted the oncoming evil wave head-on, launching a thrilling and desperate fight.

In an instant, the two strongest forces collided with each other, and a loud sound that shook the world erupted. The horrific aftermath of the collision spread rapidly like ripples, and even the surrounding space exploded.

The audience held their breath and raised their voices. They watched this shocking peak confrontation with trepidation, fearing to miss any exciting moment.

Unfortunately, although the wind fairy had used all her strength to successfully weaken Darkrai's attack power with her parting gift, the difference in strength between the two sides was too great.

Mega Gardevoir tried her best, but it was still difficult to resist Darkrai's extremely powerful Dark Hole.

Just when it tried to dodge, it was too late and was hit hard by the Dark Hole.

Seeing that Mega Gardevoir was severely damaged, Ling Yu commanded Darkrai to pursue the victory without hesitation and released another powerful Shadow Ball.

In an instant, thick smoke rose from the place where the Dark Hole and Shadow Ball bombarded in succession.

When the smoke dissipated, everyone was surprised to find that the one lying in it was a Gardevoir that had released its super evolution form and lost its combat power.

Witnessing this scene, the referee immediately announced loudly:

"In the final round, Ling Yu won! Let us congratulate Ling Yu for winning the championship of this competition!"

Suddenly, thunderous applause broke out in the audience, and the students gave their warmest blessings to the winner.

On the other side, Luo Tianyi, who knew that he had lost, was not discouraged, but looked at Ling Yu and said:

"You are very strong. I am glad to fight your Darkrai, even though I lost.���It is not unfair that I lost to the divine beast. I will become stronger until I can defeat you."

After hearing what Luo Tianyi said, Ling Yu said lightly:

"You are also very good, and your elves are all very good. If it weren't for me, you would definitely be the champion this time."

After hearing Ling Yu's words of comfort, Luo Tianyi waved to him, and then went off the court to treat his elves.

Ling Yu smiled as he watched Luo Tianyi leave, and he was full of respect for this opponent.

After the game, Ling Yu became the focus of the campus, and people praised his strength and the mythical beast Darkrai.

Here is a chapter of 6,500 words, I hope you like it.

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