When Ling Yu successfully won the championship of the school competition, the vice principal couldn't wait to find him, eager to ask about Darkrai's origins.

Facing the vice principal's questioning, Ling Yu seemed a little uneasy and stammered to explain:

"This Darkrai... well... I just happened to meet him. I don't know why, but he recognized me and let me subdue him."

The vice principal's eyes widened after hearing this. He couldn't believe what he heard.

Darkrai actually took the initiative to recognize Lingyu and willingly became his Pokémon!

The principal fell into deep thought, and after a moment he felt that what Lingyu said was true.

Judging from the strength Lingyu has shown so far, it is almost a fantasy to conquer Darkrai through fighting, so the only reasonable explanation is as Lingyu said.

After all, throughout history, there have been many cases where mythical beasts have taken a fancy to a mortal and willingly submitted to him.

After learning about Darkrai's background, the vice principal smiled with satisfaction, patted Lingyu on the shoulder and said:

"You are so lucky, you little brat! You can actually run into such a good thing."

Ling Yu scratched his head and said:

"No, it was just luck."

After a conversation, the two continued to chat about the treatment they enjoyed on campus.

It turned out that because Ling Yu won the championship in the junior competition, the school specially arranged for him to live in Villa No. 1, and correspondingly extended the use time of his advanced training ground and secret realm.

After all matters were discussed, Ling Yu hurried back to his original dormitory, and after a little tidying up, he couldn't wait to move to his new home - Villa No. 1.

Stepping into this brand new apartment, Ling Yu immediately realized that it was a world of difference from Villa No. 5 where he lived before: not only did the number of rooms increase and the space become more spacious, it was even equipped with an exclusive elf training room and a magnificent garden!

After a general tour of the new home, the satisfied Ling Yu immediately opened the system panel and looked at the taskbar:

"Won the championship in the Pokémon competition held at the school" was clearly visible, followed by a prompt box below——"Completed, do you want to receive the reward?"

Ling Yu directly chose to receive it. After receiving it, he heard a voice:

【Congratulations to the master for completing the task, and you will get: 1 Master Ball, 1 random Quasi-God (king-level strength), 1 Divine Beast Adventure Card, 1 Characteristic Conversion Card.

After seeing the experience he had gained, Ling Yu did not hesitate to check who the randomly drawn Quasi-God was.

"Ding——Congratulations to the master for obtaining the Liebite Land Shark, which has been automatically stored in the system space."

As the system prompt sounded, Ling Yu was ecstatic.

It turned out that he got the Liebite Land Shark! This is so lucky!

You know, when he explored the Quiet Forest before, he happened to get an extremely precious Liebite Land Shark super evolution stone.

Now it can be said that he is even more powerful, and someone will send a pillow to him when he dozes off.

Thinking of this, Ling Yu couldn't wait to take out the advanced ball stored in the system space, and rushed to the self-prepared training ground in the villa without stopping.

After arriving at the destination, he gently pressed the button, and the advanced ball containing Liebite Land Shark opened instantly, and a strong breath came to his face.

The body of Liebite Land Shark appeared in front of him. It is two meters tall, and the jet engine-like appendages on both sides of its head are eye-catching.

The main color of its body is blue, and its abdomen is bright red, extending all the way to the lower jaw.

At the lower end, the golden diamond-shaped structure shines brightly, and the mouth and nose are also embellished with eye-catching golden cross patterns.

In addition, the Land Shark has four huge fins on its body, two of which are located on its arms, and the other one is on its back. The fin and the tail fin are very similar to those of a shark, which makes it even more domineering.

There are spikes on its hind limbs and arms.

It looks very domineering.

After seeing the Land Shark, Ling Yu used the Data Eye to check its information.:

【Name: Land Shark】

【Race value: 600】

【Gender: Male】

【Skills: Dragon's Fury, Sandstorm, Slam, Quicksand Hell, Cleave, Dragon Claw, Dig, Crumble, Dragon Dive, Dragon Tail, Dragon Dance, Destruction Ray, Earthquake, Stone Attack】

【Level: 65】

【Qualification: Champion】

【Attributes: Dragon, Ground】

【Personality: Naive】

【Features: Sand Hide (During sandstorms, the dodge rate will increase)】

【[Carrying items: None]

After seeing the information about Garchomp, Ling Yu felt an indescribable joy in his heart.

This means that he has added another elf partner with the strength of the king level!

This new power will undoubtedly give him a stronger and more solid security guarantee.

Then, he took out the Garchomp Mega Evolution Stone shining with mysterious light from the system space without hesitation, and carefully put it on Garchomp's slender neck.

In an instant, Garchomp seemed to feel the powerful power that was closely connected to itself from the Mega Evolution Stone. Its body trembled slightly, and its eyes flashed with excitement. The excited Garchomp immediately approached Ling Yu and rubbed his body gently, as if expressing his intimacy and gratitude to his master in this way.

Faced with such a lovely move by Garchomp, Ling Yu couldn't help but smile. He gently reached out and stroked Garchomp's head to express his response.

After some warm interaction, Ling Yu began to examine other reward items.

The first thing that caught his eye was the Characteristic Conversion Card. He secretly thought about how to use this magical card.

After careful consideration, he decided to use this precious Characteristic Conversion Card on Greninja, changing its original characteristics to become a hidden characteristic that can trigger bond evolution.

In this way, Ling Yu will have the opportunity to achieve amazing bond evolution with his beloved Greninja, just like Xiaozhi in the animation of his previous life!

Recalling the majestic and powerful Xiaozhi version of Greninja in the animation xy, Ling Yu was full of expectations.

In the Pokémon xy chapter, if Xiaozhi had not encountered Ailan's Water Charizard in the finals, he would have won the championship. It was really a pity.

At this moment, Ling Yu was looking forward to the birth of his own Zero Yu version of Greninja.

He gently pressed the button of the Pokéball to release Greninja.

Then, he took out the extremely precious Characteristic Conversion Card without hesitation and aimed it at Greninja.

In an instant, a mysterious force surged into Greninja like a torrent, causing an amazing change.

Although the naked eye could not detect obvious differences, in fact, Greninja's characteristics had quietly changed into a remarkable bond evolution.

Staring at the brand new Greninja in front of him, Ling Yu spoke with confidence:

"Greninja, I will do my best to cultivate you into the most powerful being. With the deep bond between us, we will surely make each other stronger. Let us work together and make joint efforts!"As soon as the voice fell, Greninja responded excitedly:

"Boss, please rest assured! I will live up to your expectations and become the most powerful Greninja! Let us work together to create brilliance!"

Hearing Greninja's resolute declaration, Ling Yu nodded with deep satisfaction, expressing his recognition and support for it.

After converting Greninja's characteristics, Ling Yu checked the last reward: the Mythical Beast Encounter Card.

So he asked the system:

"System, how do I use this mythical beast encounter card?"

【Master, the Mythical Beast Adventure Card can transport you to the anime"Pokémon" that you watched in your previous life, and take you to a specific time point where the Mythical Beasts appeared, so that you have the opportunity to come into contact with the Mythical Beasts that appeared at that time. However, whether you can successfully subdue these Mythical Beasts depends entirely on your own ability and luck.

Hearing what the system said, Ling Yu was very excited and asked the system eagerly:

"So, is it possible for me to meet Xiaozhi and his group? After all, whenever the mythical beast appears, Xiaozhi is often nearby or has a close connection with it. In this way, as long as I can encounter the mythical beast, can't I meet Xiaozhi?"

【That's right, Master. As a key figure in promoting the development of the plot, Xiaozhi is likely to appear at the scene or be related to the beast when it appears. Therefore, if you are lucky enough to encounter a beast, the chance of meeting Xiaozhi is also quite high.

After receiving a positive response from the system, Lingyu could no longer suppress his inner impulse and wanted to activate the beast encounter card immediately to experience this wonderful journey in person.

However, at this moment, he was not swayed by his emotions, but calmly summoned the powerful Gardevoir and ordered it to perform the teleportation technique to take himself to a���A quiet suburban area.

After arriving in the suburbs, he called out to the Rayquaza in the atmosphere through induction.

Not long after, the majestic Rayquaza responded and landed beside Ling Yu.

After the Rayquaza arrived, Ling Yu whispered to it:

"Leikongzuo, we are about to embark on a journey across the world to explore those legendary beasts. The journey is difficult and dangerous, and we will need your help when we encounter powerful beasts."

After listening to Lingyu's words, Leikongzuo responded with a firm light in his eyes:

"Don't worry, Master! I will do my best to protect you."

Hearing Rayquaza's words, Ling Yu nodded with satisfaction, and then put it into the Master Ball.

Then, he ordered Gardevoir to use the teleportation skill again and take him back to the original place. At this point, all the preparations have been completed. Ling Yu took a deep breath, turned to face the system, and raised the doubts in his heart:

"System, I want to know, when I am in other worlds, is there any difference in the passage of time compared to my original world?"

The system's voice sounded in his mind:

"Master, once you enter another world, the time in the current main world will stop. Only when you come back will time flow again and continue to move forward."

After hearing the system's answer, Ling Yu no longer had to worry about getting into trouble if he left for too long.

So he packed up his things and prepared to go to the new world.

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