When everything was arranged properly, Ling Yu used the extremely precious Divine Beast Adventure Card without hesitation.

In an instant, a portal emitting a mysterious light suddenly appeared in front of Ling Yu.

Faced with this sudden wonder, Ling Yu was full of endless expectations and curiosity, and stepped into it without hesitation.

When a dizzy feeling passed, Ling Yu was surprised to find that he was actually on a lush, green grassland.

The fresh air was refreshing.

After recovering from his shock, Ling Yu directly summoned the Sky Seat and asked him to stay in the atmosphere and be on standby at any time.

He quickly looked around, carefully observing the surrounding terrain and environment, trying to determine which time node of the Divine Beast he had arrived at.

At this moment, a fierce fighting sound came into his ears.

Ling Yu's heart tightened, and he hurriedly ran in the direction where the sound came from.

As soon as he got close, Ling Yu witnessed a shocking scene: a boy wearing a red baseball cap was commanding a cute Pikachu with high spirits, using the powerful 100,000 volt skill to fiercely bombard the three elves of another trainer. With just one blow, the three elves of the opponent were defeated without any resistance.

Seeing this thrilling scene, Ling Yu was so excited that he could hardly control himself - because the genius trainer who controlled Pikachu was the famous Xiaozhi in the previous life of Pokémon anime!

Beside him were his two partners: Xiaoxia and Xiaogang.

So he walked directly in the direction of Xiaozhi.

Xiaozhi and his friends, who had just severely taught the rogue trainer on the opposite side a lesson, caught a glimpse of a tall, handsome and cold man walking slowly towards them.

Seeing this, they couldn't help but tighten their hearts, secretly speculating whether this stranger was in the same group as the guy who had just been beaten up by them.

As a result, Xiaozhi and the others all showed vigilance and stared closely at Lingyu who was gradually approaching.

Facing their expressions as if they were facing a great enemy, Lingyu instantly understood.

Xiaozhi and the others obviously misunderstood something.

So, he raised the corners of his mouth slightly, revealing a friendly smile, and took the initiative to explain to Xiaozhi:

"Hello! My name is Lingyu, and I'm a fledgling trainer. I just happened to hear the sounds of fierce fighting coming from here, and I came here out of curiosity. I didn't expect to meet you here. I wonder if I can get to know you?"

After listening to Lingyu's sincere self-introduction, everyone's tense nerves finally relaxed a little.

Then, Xiaozhi also stepped forward enthusiastically and responded generously:

"I see. Hello, Lingyu. I am Xiaozhi from Pallet Town. My dream is to become a Pokémon Master. The two standing next to me are Xiaoxia and Xiaogang. They are good partners I met on my travels! I am very happy to meet you, my new friend!"

Hearing this familiar name and words, Ling Yu was very excited. He finally met the protagonist of the Pokémon in his childhood.

Ling Yu suppressed his inner excitement and chatted with Xiaozhi and others.

In order to prevent others from discovering that he was not from this world, Ling Yu lied to Xiaozhi and others, saying that he was a trainer from the distant Fengyuan area and happened to be here for a trip.

Xiaozhi was full of curiosity about this new friend from the Fengyuan area. He held Ling Yu tightly and kept asking various questions.

Fortunately, Ling Yu was an avid Pokémon fan in his previous life and knew a lot about the Fengyuan area.

If not, I'm afraid he would have revealed his flaws long ago.

After listening to the many stories about the Fengyuan area told by Ling Yu, everyone gradually became familiar with each other.

Just as everyone was chatting happily, Ling Yu's stomach suddenly made a"gurgling" sound.

It turned out that Ling Yu came too hurriedly and forgot to eat, and now he felt a little hungry.

Xiaozhi and others noticed Ling Yu's dilemma and invited him enthusiastically:

"Lingyu, we are having dinner now, do you want to come over and try it with us?"

"Really? Then I'll be polite."

Zero Yu answered with joy.

Then, the group came to the dining area. The dishes were already cooked and smelled delicious.

Xiaozhi and his friends released all their Pokémon.

There were Xiaozhi's Charizard, Squirtle, Bulbasaur and Pikachu.

Brock's Vulpix and Misty's Psyduck and Togepi.

Then they poured the Pokémon food prepared in advance into the rice bowl for them to enjoy.

Seeing this, Zero Yu also released his own Pokémon.

Charizard, Greninja, Baby Gilas and Lizard King.

Metagross was too strong, so it was not released.

When Zero Yu's Charizard came out of the Poké Ball, Xiaozhi's Charizard immediately noticed the presence of the opponent.

The moment their eyes met, it was as if two burning flames of war were ignited, and the desire to fight instantly exploded.

Xiaozhi stared at the Pokémon around Ling Yu that he had never seen before with wide eyes, pulled Ling Yu with excitement, and asked eagerly:

" Lingyu, where did you get these powerful Pokémons from? And why is your Charizard black? It looks much more powerful than mine!"

Before he finished speaking, Xiaozhi's Charizard seemed to understand what his master said, and suddenly became furious.

It opened its bloody mouth and spewed a stream of blazing flames at Xiaozhi.

Poor Xiaozhi couldn't dodge in time, and his face was burned black and looked miserable.

However, as expected of a super newbie, Xiaozhi's head recovered as before in a short while, as if what happened just now had never happened.

Lingyu, who witnessed this scene, exclaimed inwardly:

" He is indeed a real rookie who lives up to his reputation! Even such a fierce jet of flame can't do anything to him, he is so amazing!"

Seeing Xiaozhi and Charizard fighting and laughing together again, the tense atmosphere instantly disappeared, replaced by laughter.

Lingyu smiled and told everyone the stories of each Pokémon he made up.

This powerful Charizard is one of the three Pokémon he got when he traveled in the Kanto region!

It has accompanied Lingyu all the way through countless ups and downs; the majestic and agile Greninja is one of the three Pokémon he captured when he traveled in the Kalos region; and the agile, full of fighting spirit and vitality, Lizard King, said that he got the initial Pokémon in the Fengyuan region.

And the little guy, Young Kiras, is a precious gift given to Lingyu by his family with love and expectation.

After hearing the origins of such legendary Pokémon, Xiaozhi was extremely excited!

He couldn't wait to ask Lingyu:

"Wow, Lingyu, you have been to so many wonderful and magical places, you must be very powerful, right?"

Faced with Xiaozhi's admiring and curious eyes, Lingyu responded shyly and modestly:

"Haha, thank you for the compliment. Actually, I am not that special. I am just an average person.……"

Time flies like this, and before they know it, the meal lasts for a long time...

On the other hand, the three members of Team Rocket, who have been hiding in the bushes and coveting for a long time, are already so hungry that they are exhausted!

Seeing Ling Yu and his group enjoying the food, he can only watch helplessly, and even collapse directly on the ground due to hunger, and can only sigh with his rumbling stomach...

When Xiaozhi and his group were eating, and the three members of Team Rocket were watching on the side, a sound of breaking air came from a distance.

Ling Yu heard the sound of breaking air and hurriedly got up to check.

I saw a Dragonite with a waist bag on his body, rushing towards this side like an arrow.

After a while, it flew in front of Ling Yu and others, and took out a beautifully packaged envelope from his waist bag.

Ling Yu picked up the envelope and carefully checked the contents.

The sender claimed to be the most powerful trainer, and specially invited some powerful trainers to attend his banquet, and attached a location - New Island.

After seeing the letter, Ling Yu suddenly understood and finally knew the time period in the Pokémon story.

Yes, it is now the time period at the beginning of the movie"Mewtwo Strikes Back".

Ling Yu was very excited when he thought that he had the opportunity to catch the two legendary beasts, Mewtwo and Mew.

After he got the envelope, he discussed with Xiaozhi and others and decided to go to the banquet of the self-proclaimed strongest trainer to find out.

As a time traveler, Ling Yu knew the ins and outs of all these things very well. He knew that the man-made beast Mewtwo, which the Rockets had just cloned using Mew's genes, was the man-made beast Mewtwo.

In order to successfully capture Mewtwo, Ling Yu and Xiaozhi prepared to go to the new island for the banquet.

Xiaozhi was so excited to learn that he could attend the banquet of a powerful trainer.

Just after Ling Yu and the others finished their meal and had just been active for a while, a storm suddenly came.

So they hurried to the nearby Pokémon Treatment Center to take shelter from the rain.

There were many trainers gathered here, and Ling Yu heard them discussing the matter of the new island.

After a while, a young lady in a blue uniform informed everyone.:

"Excuse me, fellow trainers, I am Pojia, the manager of the dock here. Due to the severe storm at sea, the ferry to the new island has been suspended."

The trainers who heard the news complained:

"It's such a pity that such a big storm came out when this opportunity was so rare."

"Yes, it's a pity."

Some trainers said:

"It doesn't matter, it's just a storm. My spirit is good at swimming, so it's no big deal to go out to sea."

When someone said they wanted to go out to sea by themselves, the person in charge of the dock said quickly.:

"Please calm down, it is really dangerous to go out to sea in this situation."

Miss Junsha, who was maintaining order on the side, also said:

"That's right. Not only that, if a Pokémon is injured while at sea, the Pokémon Center cannot treat it now."

When Xiaozhi heard that there was no way to treat the Pokémon, he asked Miss Junsha why she couldn't treat it.

Miss Junsha said sadly:

"Because Joey in the Pokémon Center suddenly disappeared a week ago, and if Joey is not here, no one can treat the Pokémon."

As soon as he finished speaking, he pointed to Miss Joey's missing person notice on the wall for everyone to see.

However, under Miss Junsha's advice, many people still risked their lives, summoned their own Pokémon, and then went to the new island.

Some people summoned strong flying Pokémon such as Pidgeot and Toucan, rode on them, and flew to the new island; some people summoned mighty Gyarados, cute white sea lions, majestic Giant Claws and other water Pokémon, leisurely rode on them, and swam towards the new island.

Seeing that other trainers relied on their Pokémon to go to the new island, Lingyu and Xiaozhi also racked their brains to find a way to go to the new island.

However, they didn't have Pokémon that could go to the sea, what should they do? What about it?

So, Ling Yu had no choice but to release Gardevoir.

Prepared to let Gardevoir use telekinesis to take them across the ocean.

When Shiny Gardevoir appeared, Xiaozhi and the others were shocked by her powerful aura and beautiful appearance, and were so surprised that they couldn't close their mouths.

However, the storm was as fierce as the surging waves. Before Ling Yu could let them marvel too much, he decisively commanded Gardevoir to use powerful telekinesis to drag them like an arrow towards the new island.

Just as they flew away, a small yacht rushed from the dock.

And in the yacht were the three members of Team Rocket.

When they saw the Shiny Gardevoir released by Ling Yu taking Xiaozhi and the others to the new island, they were dumbfounded and amazed:

"I didn't expect that the little boy's friend actually found a Gardevoir of a different color, and it's so powerful. If we can catch her and Pikachu and present them to Boss Sakaki, wouldn't we be able to soar to the top of our lives?"

After saying that, they paddled the yacht even harder, rushing towards the direction of the new island.

Here is a chapter of 100 words over 3,000 miles, I hope you like it.

I hope you can give me some reminders to update, and send me some free love power generation, your love power generation is my motivation for updating.

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