With the help of Gardevoir, it didn't take long for Ling Yu and his party to arrive at the entrance of the new island.

Looking into the distance, what came into view was a huge castle of huge scale, as black as ink, like a giant beast entrenched here, giving people a strong sense of visual impact.

At this moment, the dark clouds in the sky rolled endlessly, as if foreshadowing that a storm was coming.

What was even more shocking was that above the castle there was a huge vortex formed by the gathering of dark clouds!

This vortex was like the mouth of a hideous and twisted monster, exuding a palpitating breath and unparalleled pressure, which made people feel timid.

As soon as they stepped onto the dock, everyone noticed that there was a woman in a black dress, with a stern face and no expression, standing quietly in front of them, as if she was waiting for their arrival here.

I only heard the girl say:

"I have been waiting for you for a long time. Please show me your invitation letter."

After hearing what she said, Ling Yu took out the invitation letter from his pocket and handed it to the girl. After a while, when the girl confirmed that there was no problem with the invitation letter and was about to go in,

Xiao Gang suddenly said to the girl:

"It's you, I knew I was right, you are the Joey who disappeared at the dock."

After hearing what Xiaogang said, except Lingyu, the other two also agreed.:

"You are very similar now."

The girl in the long skirt who heard them talking asked:

"What are you talking about? Since I was born, I have been working in this castle and have never been to any docks."

After saying that, he began to lead the way for Xiaozhi and the others.

This made Xiaozhi and the others temporarily suppress their curiosity and follow him into the castle.

As for Lingyu, just as they arrived near the new island, Gardevoir and Lingyu felt two extremely powerful super power fluctuations.

One of them came from afar, and he was flying towards the direction of the new island, while the other powerful super power came from inside the castle.

Faced with such a strong energy fluctuation, Lingyu was secretly happy:

"Is this the legendary Mew and Mewtwo? I am looking forward to meeting them! No matter what, I will do my best to conquer you!"

Before he finished speaking, he had followed the girl towards the castle.

As a time traveler, Ling Yu was naturally well aware of the plot of this theater version.

The girl leading the way in front of him was indeed Joey from the dock, but at this moment she had been mentally controlled by Mewtwo.

In order to ensure that the plot unfolds smoothly according to the established context, Ling Yu had no choice but to follow closely in the footsteps of Xiaozhi and his party.

Just as they stepped out of the dock, the three members of Team Rocket slowly emerged from the sea, holding the double-bullet gas.

It turned out that they encountered strong winds and huge waves during the voyage, and the ship unfortunately capsized, and they were helpless. They had no choice but to hold on to the Gas and drifted to the dock of the new island bit by bit.

After a short rest, they followed everyone to the castle quietly.

When the trainers set out on their journey to the castle, a cute elf with a pink body, a long tail on its hips, and delicate hands and feet flew from a distance in the sky.

It soared in the vast sky, sometimes circling and turning, sometimes rushing and diving, like a carefree and cheerful baby.

That's right, this is the Pokémon in the world - Dream

At this moment, it happened to sense the unique aura fluctuations of Mewtwo, so it rushed to this mysterious and novel island without stopping.

At the same time, Lingyu and Xiaozhi and his party slowly walked along the long stairs, and finally stepped into a majestic and magnificent giant door, officially stepping into the castle.

Then, Miss Joy led them to the venue for the banquet.

Everyone looked up and saw three other trainers sitting not far ahead, who had obviously been waiting here for a long time.

Seeing that there were only three trainers, Xiaozhi hurriedly asked Joy,:

"Why are there only three people? I remember there were a lot of people coming from the dock! Where did they go?"

Joey replied coldly.:

"A trainer who can't even survive a storm is useless even if he comes."

After hearing what Joey said, Xiao Gang asked:

"Are you testing me with a storm?"

Joey did not answer Xiaogang's question, but said to Lingyu and the others.:

"Now please release your Pokémon and take your seats. You are all the selected trainers."

After that, the castle gate was tightly closed.

The Rocket trio who had just sneaked to the door saw that the door was closed and could only enter the castle through the sewer.

In the castle, the three trainers who arrived earlier saw that four more trainers had come. The trainer with a Pidgeot next to him greeted Lingyu and the others enthusiastically.

Xiaogang saw that there was a girl among the three of them, so he walked directly to her and said to her:

"Beauty, these elves of yours are so beautiful, but compared to these little cuties, their owner, that is, you, is the most beautiful queen. Sister, after this storm is over, let's enjoy the scenery while eating the exclusive food I made and talk.........."

Before he finished speaking, Xiaoxia came over and grabbed Xiaogang's ear and dragged him away.

Seeing this scene, Lingyu and Xiaozhi laughed happily.

At this moment, the lights in the castle suddenly went out.

Then a beam of light shone down from a spiral staircase in the middle of the hall.

Joey, who was standing next to the stairs, spoke up.:

""Sorry to have kept you waiting for so long. The strongest Pokémon trainer is coming here soon."

After saying that, a humanoid figure slowly floated down from the spiral staircase.

He looked like a bipedal cat, with a silver-gray body, a purple tail and abdomen, and an external nerve bundle extending from the center of his back to the back of his neck.

He exuded a powerful aura.

That's right, this is the artificial beast - Mewtwo.

When Lingyu saw Mewtwo appear, he immediately used the Data Eye to check Mewtwo's information.:

【Name: Mewtwo】

【Race value: 680】

【Gender: None】

【Skills: Telekinesis, Immobilization, High-Speed Star, Psychic Power, Self-Regeneration, Instant Teleport, Shadow Ball, Destruction Ray, Double Return, Earth Throw, Shadow Clone, Mystical Guardian, Awakening Power, Hold, Sleep】

【Level: 85 (Since it has just been cloned, its strength needs to be gradually improved)】

【Qualification: Level 1 God】


【Personality: Angry】

【Features: Oppression (gives the opponent a sense of oppression, and reduces the PP of the moves they use)】

【Carrying things: None】

【[Clergy: None]

Looking at Mewtwo's luxurious panel, Ling Yu couldn't help but whispered in amazement:

"Mewtwo is really powerful, but unfortunately not as powerful as my Rayquaza."

As Mewtwo landed, Miss Joy beside him introduced him.:

"This is my master, the strongest Pokémon trainer in the world, and also the strongest Pokémon - Mewtwo-sama.

Everyone was shocked when they heard this.

The trainer with Gyarados asked directly.:

"Pokémon can also be Pokémon trainers, it's impossible."

After hearing his words,

Mewtwo and Joey asked at the same time:

"Is there a problem?"

When everyone heard that Mewtwo, a Pokémon, could speak, they realized that this Pokémon could actually use telepathy.

The hot-tempered Gyarados trainer directly scolded:

"Are you kidding me? A Pokémon is the strongest trainer. If that's the case, then I won't play with you."

Hearing his angry voice, everyone looked over, and saw Mewtwo stretched out his right hand with a gloomy face and gently clenched it towards him.

In an instant, a powerful superpower gushed out like a torrent!

This power seemed to have endless power, instantly wrapping the trainer tightly in it and dragging him into the air effortlessly.

Then, Mewtwo waved his arm, and the trainer spun rapidly in the air like a gyroscope.

After a few rounds, there was a"plop" sound, and the poor trainer was ruthlessly thrown into the pool next to the Gyarados.

Seeing Mewtwo's sudden move, everyone present was stunned!

Not long after, the wet trainer finally climbed out of the pool with difficulty.

He was full of anger, and pointed at Mewtwo in a rage, and shouted to the Gyarados beside him:

"Gyarados, use the destructive beam for me!"

With his order, Gyarados opened its bloody mouth and began to quickly gather the huge energy in its body.

In the blink of an eye, a dazzling giant beam of light has taken shape, and it shot straight towards Mewtwo with unparalleled momentum!

Facing the whistling destructive beam, Mewtwo seemed unusually calm and composed.

It just stretched out its palm casually and waved it casually in the direction of Gyarados.

Suddenly, a crystal clear wall of light appeared out of thin air, just right to block the destructive beam emitted by Gyarados with all its strength!

However Unexpectedly, this wall of light not only successfully blocked the opponent's attack, but also bounced Gyarados's destructive beam back along the same path!

This enhanced destructive beam was faster and more powerful, and it struck Gyarados like lightning! In the blink of an eye, accompanied by a shrill scream, Gyarados was hit hard and suffered heavy damage...

After a burst of thick smoke, the trainer's Gyarados had lost his ability to fight and lay down in the pool.

Seeing this scene, Mewtwo said to him lightly::

"It's so weak."

Then, Mewtwo released the control over Joy.

After the control was released, Joy staggered a few steps and almost fainted on the ground.

Fortunately, Xiaogang ran over and caught her in time. After a while, Miss Joy woke up.

She looked at Xiaogang and everything around her in confusion, and said slowly:

"Where is this place and why am I here?"

Mewtwo said coldly beside him.:

"I needed someone to take care of me, so I brought you here. It's really convenient to have a doctor who understands Pokémon's body. You're quite useful, but now, I'm afraid you don't remember anything, right?"

""It's easy to control a mere human with my power."

After hearing what Mewtwo said, Xiaozhi and the others shouted at Mewtwo.:

"You are going too far."

Then, Xiaozhi and his friends started arguing with Mewtwo.

Here is a 3,000-word chapter. I hope you like it.

I hope you can give me some reminders to update and send me some free love. Your love is the driving force for my update.

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