As the argument between Mewtwo and Satoshi was ineffective,

Mewtwo attacked Satoshi and his friends. Mewtwo threw Satoshi's Pikachu out with a telekinesis. Satoshi witnessed it and ran over to hug the Pikachu that flew out.

Seeing that Mewtwo attacked Satoshi's Pikachu, everyone became alert to Mewtwo.

At this moment, a platform suddenly rose from the ground in front of Mewtwo, and there were three Pokémon on the platform.

They were Charizard, Blastoise, and Venusaur.

After seeing these three Pokémon come out, Mewtwo said to everyone:

"This is the Pokémon copy I created."

After saying that, the door at the back opened.

A huge battle field appeared inside.

Seeing this, Xiaozhi and the others knew that Mewtwo wanted to have a Pokémon match with them.

He wanted to use the Pokémon he copied to fight against Xiaozhi and his Pokémon.

So, the only girl among the three people sent out Blastoise, let's call her Xiaotian here.

The trainer riding Pidgeot sent out Bulbasaur, let's call him Xiaofeng here.

Xiaozhi sent out Charizard.

Seeing that they were about to start the game, Lingyu watched from the side.

First, the first duel was between Mewtwo's Bulbasaur and Xiaofeng's Bulbasaur.

With the order from both trainers, the two powerful Pokémon went onto the battlefield at the same time.

Xiaofeng gave the order without hesitation:

"Bulbasaur! Attack with Leaf Blade!"

Before he finished speaking, countless green leaves shot out from Venusaur like flying knives, sweeping towards Mewtwo's Venusaur with a fierce momentum.

However, Mewtwo responded quickly with its unique telepathic ability with Pokémon.

In an instant, a thick vine whip gushed out from the mouth of Mewtwo's Venusaur, like a flexible giant python, accurately whipping the flying leaves.

The leaves broke and scattered, and the threat of the flying leaf knife collapsed instantly.

Then, Mewtwo did not give the opponent any breathing space. Venusaur waved the vine whip and tightly wrapped around Xiaofeng's Venusaur at an astonishing speed. Then

, it exerted force suddenly, lifted the poor opponent high up, and then threw it hard into the distance.

Xiaofeng's Venusaur, who was thrown heavily to the ground, suffered severe damage and lost its combat ability in the blink of an eye.

Seeing that Xiaofeng lost, Xiaotian decisively sent out his Blastoise.

Xiaotian gave the order without hesitation:

"Blastoise, launch a water cannon attack on the enemy immediately!" Blastoise opened its mouth upon hearing this, and a huge column of water gushed out, rushing straight towards Mewtwo's Blastoise.

Facing the fierce water cannon, Mewtwo commanded Blastoise to quickly curl up into its hard shell, and then rushed towards the water cannon at a very fast angular velocity.

An amazing scene happened!

Blastoise was like an indestructible drill, breaking through the powerful water cannon, and with this impact force, it rushed towards Xiaotian's Blastoise like a cannonball. The replica Blastoise was seen, and it fearlessly rushed straight towards the Blastoise who was struggling to fire the water cannon, and the two collided with a loud bang!

Xiaotian's Blastoise was severely injured, and its body flew backwards involuntarily, hitting the wall hard, and instantly lost the ability to continue fighting.

Witnessing this scene, Xiaotian was anxious and did not He ran forward hesitantly, checking Blastoise's injuries with concern.

Seeing his companions lose one after another, it was finally Ash's turn to take the stage.

Facing a powerful opponent, Ash knew how difficult this battle would be, but he did not back down.

Recalling the fierce battle just now, Ash noticed that the copies of Venusaur and Blastoise created by Mewtwo were very powerful.

After careful consideration, Ash decided to send out Charizard and developed a tactical plan to win by speed.

With an order, Ash decisively commanded Charizard to flap its wings and fly high, quickly rushing into the sky.

Immediately afterwards, the two Charizards started a thrilling battle in mid-air!

However, Mewtwo's copy of Charizard had a slight advantage in both speed and strength. Just as the two sides were fighting fiercely, Mewtwo's Charizard aimed at opportunity, cleverly seized a flaw, suddenly hugged Xiaozhi's Charizard, and used a powerful Earth Throw skill!

This attack directly made Xiaozhi's Charizard unable to resist, and finally lost the battle regretfully and lost the ability to fight.

Seeing his beloved Charizard lying on the ground, Xiaozhi was anxious. He ran over without hesitation and checked the injuries on Charizard's body with concern.

However, just when Xiaozhi was concentrating on taking care of Charizard, something unexpected happened.

Mewtwo suddenly appeared in mid-air and instantly transformed into three black Poké Balls.

These mysterious Poké Balls flew towards the three Pokémon that Xiaozhi and his companions had defeated at lightning speed and subdued them all.

This sudden change shocked Xiaozhi and others, but worse was yet to come.

Immediately behind the super dreams, countless black elves appeared behind the super dreams, like a black -stressed meteor shower in Xiaozhi.

Obviously, Chameng tried to make all of their elves as themselves!

The dream of the black elves swallowed, and Xiaozhi was anxious but helpless.

They could only hurry to take the elves that have not been conquered to take back their elves, hoping to protect them from violations.

There was some weird power , which was conquered together with the elves.


The black Poké Balls that had successfully captured the Pokémon quickly flew to the huge factory hidden under the castle.

After witnessing this scene, Xiaozhi followed without hesitation.

Entering the factory, what came into view were rows of complex and sophisticated machines and equipment, one of which was slowly placing the black Poké Ball containing Pikachu into an extremely large machine.

Xiaozhi was extremely anxious.

He rushed straight to the machine without fear and tried desperately to take back the Poké Ball belonging to Pikachu from it.

However, Xiaozhi's fierce action caused the machine to malfunction, and instantly caused a shocking explosion.

As the explosion sounded, the entire factory fell into chaos, and the many Pokémon that were originally trapped were finally rescued.

But unfortunately, the factory had already copied these Pokémon in advance.

At this moment, a thrilling duel took place on the competition field.

Xiaozhi led his companions and their brave and fearless Pokémon to meet Mewtwo and his group of copied powerful Pokémon.

Facing a strong enemy, Xiaozhi did not flinch.

He swung his clenched fist with great momentum, rushed towards Mewtwo like a burning meteor, and used all his strength to punch the opponent hard.

Unfortunately, this attack did not affect Mewtwo.

Instead, Xiaozhi himself was rebounded by a powerful force and flew backwards.

Seeing this, Lingyu murmured to himself


"As expected of a real super rookie, he fought Mewtwo with his physical body."

However, after being flung away, Xiaozhi did not fall, but was saved by the sudden appearance of Mew.

At this moment, Mewtwo suddenly saw Mew in front of him, and realized that he was actually a Pokémon created using Mew's genes!

Anger and confusion intertwined in his heart, and Mewtwo attacked Mew without hesitation.

At this moment, Lingyu, who had been watching coldly from the side, also noticed the appearance of Mew.

He was secretly happy, and immediately contacted Rayquaza, which was far outside the atmosphere, through telepathy, and was ready to mega evolve at any time.

In a flash, Mewtwo stared at Mew with wide eyes, and without saying a word, he fired a powerful shadow ball, which flew straight towards Mew. The shadow ball was extremely fast and hit Mew in an instant! However

, Surprisingly, Mew did not suffer any damage after being attacked. Instead, it bounced the Shadow Ball back easily and hit Mewtwo squarely.

Mewtwo obviously did not expect such a turn of events. It looked at itself in amazement as it was hit by its own move and was a little overwhelmed for a moment.

Mew took the opportunity to make a provocative move towards Mewtwo, as if mocking Mewtwo's incompetence.

Faced with such blatant ridicule from Mew, Mewtwo was immediately furious.

It could no longer suppress its inner resentment, and angrily rushed into the sky, engaging in a thrilling battle with Mew.

But strangely, Mew did not take the initiative to attack, but just chased and played with Mewtwo in mid-air, as if two children were having fun.

Seeing this, Mewtwo said to Mew:

"Why don't you attack? Are you hiding because you are afraid of me?"

After hearing Mewtwo's words, Mewtwo didn't say anything, but flew to the competition field.

Seeing Mewtwo coming above Xiaozhi and the other Pokémon, Mewtwo said to Mewtwo::

"Let's have a showdown to see who is the real one, to see who is stronger between you and me, and to see if your original bodies can beat my clones."

Hearing Chaomeng's words, Mew said sarcastically:

"It's true, because the real thing won't lose. If everyone doesn't use any moves and fights at close range, the real thing won't lose to the copy."

Hearing this, Mewtwo commanded the copy to rush towards the real thing.

Seeing this, Lingyu couldn't stand it anymore. He didn't want the elves to hurt each other, no matter whether they were real or copies.

So he said to Mewtwo and Mew:

"Stop fighting, if you want to fight, let me accompany you!"

Hearing this, Chaomeng looked at Lingyu with contempt and said:

""With you, what can you do to fight me?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he shot a shadow ball towards Lingyu.

Seeing this, Lingyu quickly summoned Darkrai and also shot a shadow ball to offset Mewtwo's attack.

Seeing that Lingyu summoned a powerful Pokémon, Mewtwo also paid attention to this trainer who had been watching the show from the side from the beginning.

So he said to Lingyu:

"Trainer, your Pokémon is great, but it's not enough. This is not something you can rely on to challenge me."

After hearing Chaomeng's words, Ling Yu said playfully:

"Oh, really? What about now?"As soon as the voice fell, an extremely powerful and terrifying aura suddenly emerged in the sky, rushing straight towards Mewtwo like a surging torrent!

Faced with this sudden change, Ling Yu was not afraid at all. He stared at the Rayquaza that was swooping down from the atmosphere with wide eyes and shouted loudly:

"Rayquaza! Super Evolve! Quickly use your most powerful trick on Mewtwo - the finishing touch!!"

Accompanied by Lingyu's passionate and powerful roar and the increasingly strong and approaching terrifying aura above the sky, Mewtwo's originally relaxed and casual expression disappeared in an instant, replaced by a serious and solemn face.

At this moment, everyone saw an extremely huge figure suddenly appearing in the clear and vast sky. It was shining with dazzling light all over its body and rushed towards Mewtwo at an astonishing speed like a gust of wind and lightning!

In this process, Rayquaza successfully completed the super evolution!

At this moment, what appeared in front of everyone was no longer the ordinary Rayquaza before, but a super Rayquaza with a body as black as ink, four bright golden tentacles shining on its head, and an unparalleled powerful aura all over its body, magnificent and majestic!

Looking at the elf in front of him, whose aura became more powerful and mysterious after the earth-shaking change, Mewtwo was secretly shocked, but he did not panic.

Instead, he wanted to launch a counterattack immediately.

Unfortunately, Rayquaza's speed was so fast that Mewtwo had no time to react. He just hurriedly opened a thin and fragile energy barrier to try to resist Rayquaza's fierce attack...

In a flash, Super Rayquaza was like a giant meteorite burning with blazing flames, with a suffocating pressure and strength like destroying the world. Without any tricks, he directly used a finishing touch with all his strength to hit Mewtwo!

This attack was as fierce as a tidal wave and unstoppable! Rayquaza relied on the power of super evolution and the dual blessing of Lingyu Changpan's power to double its strength.

At this time, Mewtwo had not yet fully grown to its peak state and could not compete with it.

Under such a fierce attack, Mewtwo had no power to resist and directly endured the finishing touch of Super Rayquaza with all his strength. He was severely injured and fell to the ground, unable to get up.

Witnessing all this, Mewtwo stared at Lingyu and said with difficulty:

""Human, you are really amazing. You can hurt me like this."

As soon as the voice fell, it tried to use its self-regeneration skill to heal the wounds on its body, but how could Lingyu give it this opportunity? Lingyu made a prompt decision and controlled Mega Rayquaza to launch a destructive ray of power, which went straight to Mewtwo. The seriously injured Mewtwo was completely unable to resist such a powerful attack. It was hit in an instant, and its body flew backwards, completely losing its combat ability.

Seeing that Mewtwo had no power to fight back, Lingyu took out the Master Ball without hesitation, aimed at Mewtwo and threw it hard. A beam of red light shone on Mewtwo, who had lost his combat ability, and turned him into a beam of red light and captured him.

After landing, the Master Ball kept shaking, and the Mewtwo inside tried to break free from the Master Ball, but it was useless.

In this way, the Master Ball kept shaking for a long time before it finally stopped.

After seeing that he had captured Mewtwo, Lingyu excitedly picked up the Master Ball, raised his arms high and shouted:

"I finally captured the legendary Mewtwo."

As soon as he finished speaking, Ling Yu quickly scanned the surroundings, eagerly looking for Mewtwo.

Unfortunately, when Ling Yu ordered Rayquaza to mega evolve and used the finishing touch skill to attack Mewtwo, Mewtwo had already quietly left.

Faced with the reality of losing Mewtwo, Ling Yu sighed helplessly, but at the same time he was secretly glad that he had successfully captured a powerful Mewtwo.

Then, he gently waved his fingers, canceled Rayquaza's mega evolution state, and put it into the Master Ball.

As Mewtwo was captured and Mewtwo fled the scene, the many Pokémons who were originally on the verge of a fight gradually calmed down.

At this moment, Xiaozhi and his companions were full of admiration, their eyes were fixed on Ling Yu, and they said to him excitedly:

"Lingyu, you are really amazing! You can actually defeat such a powerful Mewtwo. And who is your mysterious black Pokémon? Why is it so powerful?"

Hearing the praise from Xiaozhi and others, Lingyu smiled humbly and responded:

"You're too kind. This victory was really just a fluke. As for the black elf, it is actually one of the three legendary beasts from the Hoenn region - Rayquaza."

After Ling Yu introduced Rayquaza, everyone looked at him in shock and said:

"Ling Yu, how did you subdue the beast?

Ling Yu replied hesitantly.:

"It was just luck."

Hearing this, Xiaozhi and the others understood that this was obviously Lingyu's secret.

They knew that everyone had the right to keep their privacy, so they did not ask more questions, but kept silent respectfully.

Lingyu seemed to be aware of everyone's thoughts and whispered:

"I hope you can keep this secret for me. Don't tell anyone about my possession of a divine beast."

His eyes revealed a trace of earnestness and sincerity.

Xiaozhi and the others nodded without hesitation, saying that they would never reveal a word.

They always valued the trust between friends.���

After that, Ling Yu turned to look at Xiao Zhi, signaling him to contact Miss Junsha to deal with the remaining matters at the scene.

Xiao Zhi quickly dialed the phone and informed Miss Junsha of the situation.

Not long after, accompanied by a strong wind, the huge figure of the fire-breathing dragon appeared in the air.

Ling Yu jumped onto the dragon's back and waved goodbye to Xiao Zhi and others.

Although he was reluctant, he still left.

Watching Ling Yu go farther and farther until he disappeared at the end of the sky, Xiao Zhi and others turned and left.

After leaving, Ling Yu found a secluded and deserted place.

He chose to return to his own world through the system.

I saw Ling Yu was instantly shrouded by a mysterious light, and then returned to the world that belonged to him.

A big chapter of 5,000 words is presented, I hope you will like it.

I hope everyone can give me a little urging, send free love power generation, your love power generation is my motivation for updating.

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