When Ling Yu finally returned to his own world, he immediately began to check the Mewtwo he had just captured.

In order to avoid causing unnecessary trouble or being noticed by others, Ling Yu summoned Gardevoir as usual, and used its teleportation ability to take himself to a deserted and secluded suburb.

After arriving at the destination, Ling Yu did not take it lightly.

He asked Gardevoir to use its mental power to carefully explore the surrounding environment and confirm that there was no one nearby, which made him feel a little relieved.

Then, he summoned his Pokémon partners such as Metagross, Garchomp, Darkrai and Rayquaza in one breath.

As these powerful Pokémon appeared one by one, Ling Yu quickly took out the Mega Evolution Stone and stimulated the potential power in their bodies, allowing Metagross, Garchomp and Rayquaza to successfully complete the Mega Evolution.

Not only that, he also used his unique power of Evergreen to further enhance the strength of his partners.

After making all these careful arrangements, Ling Yu carefully took out the Master Ball containing Mewtwo and gently pressed the button to release it.

However, Mewtwo had just taken a step out of the ball and wanted to say a few harsh words to protest, but when it felt the powerful aura emitted by Rayquaza and others, it swallowed the harsh words that were on its lips.

Then Mewtwo asked calmly:

"Human, what on earth do you want to do? Don't act recklessly just because you have a few powerful elves! If you hadn't suddenly attacked me before, how could I have been defeated by you?"

After hearing what Chaomeng said, Lingyu looked directly at it and responded:

"Oh? Is that so? Are you sure you can defeat Mega Rayquaza?"

As soon as the voice fell, Mewtwo's face was full of anger, and it was obviously very annoyed by Lingyu's remarks that belittled it.

So, it immediately used its super power to sense the breath of Mega Rayquaza.

After some exploration, Mewtwo was surprised to find that it seemed difficult for it to defeat Rayquaza now.

However, it did not show weakness, but turned to Lingyu, put on a proud attitude and said:

"Even so, what can we do? Although we cannot defeat him now, it does not mean that we cannot win in the future. If you have the guts, wait until I become stronger and then come and fight me!"

Facing Chaomeng's provocation, Lingyu remained unusually calm and responded calmly:

"Mewtwo, I'm afraid you have misunderstood. You are not the only one who can keep getting stronger, right? If you become stronger, will my Rayquaza stagnate?"

After saying this, Ling Yu stared at Mewtwo quietly.

After hearing what Ling Yu said, Mewtwo quietly floated in the air and fell into endless silence.

Seeing that Mewtwo had no reaction, Ling Yu frowned, raised his voice and shouted to Mewtwo again:

"Not only that, with your current strength, let alone challenging Mew, you're probably not even worthy of carrying his shoes! Do you really naively think that Mew didn't fight you because he was afraid of you when you were on the new island? You know, after a long time of baptism, the number and power of Mew's skills are far beyond your reach. It is known as the 'ancestor of all Pokémon'! Do you think that with your current strength, you can really defeat such a legendary existence?"

"This is impossible!"

Chaomeng suddenly roared, the sound was deafening, as if it was going to tear the entire space apart.

It stared at Lingyu with its eyes wide open, full of disbelief and anger.

"How could it be stronger than me? I am the strongest Pokémon!"

Faced with Mewtwo's doubts, Lingyu just glanced at it indifferently, with a slight smile of disdain on his lips.

Then, he said in a sarcastic tone:

"Just you? You dare to call yourself the most powerful Pokémon? How ridiculous! Do you know that in this vast world, there are countless Pokémon that are stronger than you. And you are just one of them who thinks you are the best."

Let alone the Pokémon Rayquaza that I own, its two younger brothers, Groudon and Kyogre, are stronger than you. In addition

, there are the powerful and awe-inspiring Space-Time Twin Dragons Palkia and Dialga, both of whom are so powerful that you can hardly compare with them!

Not only that, Pokémons like Ho-Oh, Zygarde, Xerneas, Yveltal, and Infinite are all very powerful Pokémons who can easily defeat you.

Not to mention that among this group of top powerhouses, there are also super Pokémons like Arceus who are as great as the gods of creation!

Faced with the unimaginable powerful beasts mentioned by the mysterious man in front of him, Mewtwo fell into silence for a while.

Seeing that Mewtwo stopped talking, Lingyu knew that this moment was the perfect time to confuse the other party's mind.

Then, he whispered to Mewtwo in a bewitching tone:

"Mewtwo, don't you ever want to be stronger than them?"

Hearing Lingyu asking him this question, Mewtwo nodded and said:

"Of course I want to! I dream of becoming the most powerful Pokémon!"

Chowtwo shouted out his long-hidden wish without hesitation.

So Lingyu began to persuade him patiently:

"As long as you are willing to follow me, I can lend you a helping hand and make you stronger.

Although I cannot guarantee that I can be compared with Arceus, at least compared with those so-called first-level gods, I will definitely not be inferior in the slightest.

Look at Rayquaza next to me. It has the power to promote its own evolution again. Don’t you want to have it?

If you choose to follow me, I can also give you this power, so that you can achieve transformation and growth."

Hearing this, Mewtwo couldn't help but be moved.

After all, who doesn't want to become stronger? Especially when it learned that it might be possible to evolve again like Rayquaza, Mewtwo's desire for power in his heart became stronger.

Finally, it couldn't hold back its temper and asked Lingyu:

"Is all this true? Do you really have a way to make me as powerful as them, or even surpass them?"

Facing Chaomeng's expectant eyes, Lingyu gave a firm and confident answer:

"It's absolutely true! Only I have the ability to help you achieve your wish. So, you must think carefully before making a decision."

After hearing Lingyu's words, Chaomeng hesitated slightly, and then fell into deep thought.

After careful consideration, it finally made a decision, and looked directly at Lingyu and responded:

"I can follow you and become your spirit, but the prerequisite is that you must help me grow and become stronger. If you cannot do this, then I will leave you without hesitation, and I will never waver even in the face of your threats."

After saying these words, Mewtwo's eyes flashed with determination and resoluteness.

Lingyu nodded without hesitation, indicating that he agreed to Mewtwo's request.

He promised in a firm tone:

"Don't worry, I will do my best to make you stronger and stronger!"

However, at this moment, his heart was already filled with joy, thinking secretly:

"I actually succeeded in convincing Mewtwo! Now I have another extremely powerful Pokémon partner!"

Then, Lingyu quickly exerted the power of Changpan, gathered it on his palm, and then gently stroked the scars on Mewtwo's body left by the fierce battle just now.

As the energy penetrated, Mewtwo clearly felt that the warm and powerful healing power was gradually repairing its damaged body tissues.

When Mewtwo personally felt that Lingyu could control such a powerful and mysterious power to heal itself, it became more and more convinced of what Lingyu had said before.

Mewtwo, who originally had some doubts and reservations, was completely relieved at this moment and decided to trust this new master wholeheartedly.

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