As the successful tricking of Mewtwo came to an end, Ling Yu was so excited that he couldn't help himself.

He couldn't contain his joy and started today's sign-in ceremony without hesitation.

"System, start the sign-in process for me immediately!"

Ling Yu shouted impatiently.

Then, a crisp prompt sounded:

【Ding——Congratulations to the owner for getting a curved soup spoon】

When Ling Yu learned that the powerful item he won by signing in today turned out to be a curved soup spoon, he was overjoyed.

He thought to himself, this is really someone giving a pillow when you doze off!

In this way, this soup spoon can be given to Mewtwo as equipment.

Mewtwo keenly sensed the superpowers emanating from the soup spoon, and it knew that this item would definitely help it to reach a higher level.

However, when he saw Mewtwo fiddling with the soup spoon with great interest, Ling Yu felt helpless.

In desperation, he decided to take all the elves except Gardevoir back into the elf ball first, and then ordered Gardevoir to use the teleportation skill to take him back to the school villa again.

After returning to the villa, Ling Yu dragged his tired body and collapsed on the sofa. He felt that he needed to take a good rest and restore his energy.

His eyes stared at the TV screen aimlessly, but his mind had already flown away and began to conceive the next adventure plan.

Suddenly, a piece of news caught his attention.

The scene switches to a huge volcano towering into the clouds and filled with smoke. A brave reporter stands at the foot of the mountain and explains excitedly to the camera:

"Dear audience friends, I am a reporter from ×× platform, and I am now next to the largest active volcano in our country. Can you feel the high temperature here? It is simply unbearable! Moreover, as far as we know, there were originally many fire elves living here, but for some reason, they all stayed away from here in recent days.

Could it be that this long-dormant volcano is about to erupt? Or is there some unknown secret hidden in it?"

Looking at the scene on TV, Ling Yu couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

With years of experience and keen intuition, he guessed that there might be a powerful beast inside the volcano that was about to wake up.

The thought flashed through his mind, but it burned in his heart like a prairie fire.

Ling Yu thought to himself:

"If nothing unexpected happens, there is a high probability that there is Groudon or Moltres in this volcano."

After having this guess, Ling Yu suddenly felt a yearning and decided to go and find out if he had the chance to subdue this mythical beast.

He first found the vice-president, explained his idea to him, and expressed his hope to go to the volcanic area to explore.

The principal learned that he was protected by a mythical beast and was relatively safe, so he readily agreed to his request.

Then, Ling Yu boarded a flight to a city near the volcano without stopping.

After a long flight, he finally arrived at his destination - a medium-sized city called Lingcheng.

This city is located at the foot of the volcano and is named for its unique geographical location.

When he first arrived in Lingcheng, before he walked out of the airport, Ling Yu had already felt a rolling heat wave surging like a tide.

He subconsciously wiped the fine beads of sweat that kept oozing from his forehead with his hand, and sighed to himself:

"The climate here is much hotter than I expected! It seems that this pet-hunting journey is destined to be not easy, and there will be many difficulties and obstacles along the way.……"

Afterwards, Ling Yu dragged his tired body into a hotel and prepared to take a short rest.

After entering the hotel lobby, Ling Yu noticed a group of men and women in light clothing gathered together, seemingly discussing something.

Curious, he stepped forward and listened attentively.

He heard a rough and deep voice from the crowd:

"I heard that volcanic activity has been quite frequent recently. Could it be that some rare treasure is about to appear in the world?"

Before he finished speaking, someone immediately responded:

"That's not bad. Now many heroes have gone to the crater to search for treasures, hoping to gain something!"

Hearing this, Ling Yu's heart was moved - isn't this a great opportunity to find out the situation inside the volcano? Having made up his mind, Ling Yu immediately stepped forward, bowed to the group of people, and asked:

""My dear friends, I would like to ask you, are there any powerful elves living in this volcano?"

Upon hearing this, everyone turned their eyes to Ling Yu. One of the handsome young men smiled slightly and said:

"Hehe, this brother is probably also here to adventure and search for treasure, right? According to rumors, there may be some kind of ancient mythical beast living in this volcano, but which one it is... no one knows!"

Ling Yu nodded slightly to express his gratitude:

"Thank you very much. I plan to go to the crater to find out what's going on. Do you have any advice for me?"

"Haha, be sure to be careful! It's extremely hot there, and ordinary people can't stand the high temperature."

The big man patted Ling Yu on the shoulder and warned him kindly.

"That's right, you must bring some protective equipment with you, and prepare enough drinking water and dry food."

An elderly elder also reminded enthusiastically.

After Ling Yu sincerely thanked him, he returned to the house to prepare the necessary supplies.

At dawn the next day, when the sky was slightly bright, Ling Yu carried his bag and resolutely embarked on the journey, heading straight for the crater.

Along the way, Ling Yu found that there were no fire elves near the volcano. This scene made him more convinced that there were powerful elves lurking here.

After a long journey, Ling Yu finally arrived at the crater.

Before he got close, the rolling heat waves swept in like a storm and rushed straight towards Ling Yu.

Fortunately, he had made sufficient precautions in advance, so he was spared from being burned.

Faced with these heat, Ling Yu secretly guessed:

"It seems that there is a powerful beast sleeping in this volcano, and the only beasts that can have such a strong fire breath are Moltres and Groudon.

I wonder which one it is? If it is Moltres, it can be easily dealt with, but if it is Groudon, it will be difficult to deal with.

Generally, when Groudon wakes up, Kyogre will also wake up. They will move in each other's direction and start fighting each other after meeting.

Wherever Kyogre goes, he will be swallowed by huge waves, and wherever Groudon goes, he will be swallowed by magma.

In this way, the world is in danger, and it is also difficult to stop them. Compared with these local first-level gods, they basically have priesthoods. I can't stop them with my Rayquaza without priesthood."

So Ling Yu prepared to think of a way to see if he could stop Groudon from reviving.

Ling Yu stood at the crater, frowning and lost in thought.

After careful consideration, he finally made a bold decision: to go deep into the volcano, explore Groudon's footprints, and try to find a way to prevent it from waking up.

Along the steep and rugged mountain road, Ling Yu moved forward cautiously step by step.

The scorching heat burned his body like a raging flame, and sweat kept sliding down his forehead like beads with broken strings, but he had no intention of retreating.

At this moment, a sudden and violent tremor suddenly struck, and the whole earth seemed to be shaking.

Ling Yu tightly grasped the rocks around him and tried to stabilize his body.

After the vibration subsided a little, he looked into the depths of the volcano, and the scene in front of him shocked him.

A mysterious elf of extremely large size is lurking here!

The elf is covered with a layer of bright red flaky skin all over its body, like a burning flame; while the dark part of its body presents a deep gray tone.

The head, torso and tail are all It has huge and sharp thorns protruding from it, making it look majestic. It has four sharp claws on each hand, which are as frightening as the fangs of a beast; the four thick serrations at the end of its tail, like a bulldozer, add a bit of dominance.

In addition, there are three sharp claws on each sole of its foot, and the gray marks on the soles of its feet are faintly visible.

Not only that, even between the cracks of its skin, there are blue spikes growing.

Faced with such a shocking scene, Ling Yu couldn't help but feel awe in his heart, but At the same time, he also strengthened his determination to prevent Groudon from reviving...

Ling Yu took a deep breath and stepped into the cave. He had to face Groudon and try to prevent it from reviving.

Groudon, Kyogre and Rayquaza are called the Three Fools of Fengyuan.

But this does not mean that they are weak, on the contrary, they are super powerful beasts.

It is said that Groudon is the beast that created the earth, Kyogre is the beast that created the ocean, and their eldest brother is the beast that created the sky.

They have existed since ancient times.

Rayquaza can use the Emperor Organ in his body to���Mega Evolution.

Groudon and Kyogre can also mega evolve through natural abilities, also known as Primal Regression.

The Groudon in front of Lingyu was particularly powerful, and Lingyu could sense his aura from a distance.

So Lingyu immediately used the Data Eye to check Groudon's information.:

【Name: Groudon (sleeping state)】

【Race value: 670】

【Gender: None】

【Skills: Mud Shooting, Ghost Face, Primal Power, Cleave, Bodybuilding, Earthquake, Big Word Explosion, Sleep, Earth Power, Sun Flame, Arm Hammer, Cliff Sword, Sun Beam, Awakening Power, Destruction Ray, Hold, Jet Flame, Rock Blockade, Spike Attack, Rock Slide】

【Level: 95】

【Qualification: Level 1 God】

【Attribute: Ground】

【Personality: Angry】

【Features: Sunshine (will change the weather to sunny when appearing)】

【Carrying item: Scarlet gem】

【[Priesthood: God of the Earth]

Looking at the jaw-dropping series of gorgeous attribute panels of Groudon in front of him, Ling Yu couldn't help but stare in amazement, and secretly exclaimed in his heart:"This is simply too powerful!" Originally, he always thought that the strength of the Rayquaza he possessed was already quite powerful, but at this moment, compared with Groudon, he realized that there was such a huge gap between having a priesthood and not having one!

With a heart full of astonishment and shock, Ling Yu tried his best to get close to Groudon, trying to use the power of Changpan to stop its awakening process. However, despite his all efforts, it did not have any effect.

So Ling Yu had to leave here.

Then he returned to Lingcheng.

A three-thousand-word chapter is presented, I hope everyone will like it.

I hope everyone can give me a little urge to update, and send free love power generation, your love power generation is my motivation for updating.

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