After returning to Lingcheng, Lingyu planned to go directly to the city lord to tell him about Groudon.

However, the process of finding the city lord was not as smooth as expected.

As soon as he arrived at the door of the city lord's building, a cold figure blocked his way.

It turned out to be a security guard. He looked up and down at the young man in front of him with contempt.

"Where did this young man come from? This is not a place where people like you can come and go casually!"

The security guard scolded unceremoniously, with a hint of majesty and disdain in his voice.

It was as if he felt that Ling Yu's dress and temperament were not worthy of setting foot here.

Facing the security guard's obstruction, Ling Yu's mouth corners slightly raised, revealing an imperceptible smile.

He took out a high-level ball from his pocket calmly and threw it gently.

In an instant, a giant golden monster with a huge body and a powerful aura appeared in front of everyone.

Its appearance was like a gust of wind sweeping in, with unparalleled pressure, making everyone present feel unprecedented fear.

Those originally arrogant and domineering security guards were already pale with fear, their legs were weak, and they collapsed to the ground one after another.

They stared at the behemoth in front of them with wide eyes, and completely lost the courage to resist.

Seeing this, Ling Yu nodded with satisfaction, and said lightly to the terrified security guards:

"Just a few thousand dollars a month, what are you playing with!"

After saying that, he waved his hand gently, and the Metagross returned to the high-level ball obediently.

Then, Ling Yu walked through the crowd with firm steps and walked into the city lord's building.

The group of security guards who were still in shock were left unable to come back to their senses for a long time...

As soon as they entered the building, they saw the city lord standing in front of the hall, and next to him was a fire-breathing dragon exuding a powerful aura of the king.

Seeing Ling Yu stepping in, the city lord immediately asked:

"What exactly do you want to do? How dare you break into the city lord's building without notifying me! Aren't you afraid of being wanted by the alliance?"

Faced with the city lord's intimidation, Ling Yu seemed unusually calm and composed, and responded calmly:

"I have no evil intentions. I came here only to tell you something of vital importance. If you think this matter is unimportant and you can just leave it alone, I will turn around and leave."

Hearing this, the city lord's originally tense expression suddenly became serious and solemn.

He stared straight at Ling Yu and asked in a low voice:

"My dear brother, I wonder what you meant by what you just said? Can you explain it to me?"

"It's very simple. Lingcheng is about to face a catastrophe. If you have no intention of saving Lingcheng from the dire situation, I will just leave."

Lingyu answered slowly.

After the city lord confirmed Lingyu's words, he was shocked and hurriedly took Lingyu to his office.

As soon as he stepped into the door, the city lord warmly invited Lingyu to sit down, and personally moved a chair to sit opposite him, and asked Lingyu sincerely:

"My name is Bailichuan. I wonder what this little brother's name is?" Ling Yu nodded indifferently in response, and replied in a calm tone:

"Just call me Lingyu."

Bailichuan nodded slightly to show that he understood, and then went straight to the point, looking at Lingyu with a worried look on his face and asked:

"Brother Lingyu just mentioned that our Lingcheng is facing a catastrophe. Could you please tell me in detail what is going on?"

Lingyu frowned and replied solemnly:

"Well... the thing is, in the volcano next to Lingcheng, there is a sleeping ancient mythical beast called Groudon.

It is about to wake up from its slumber, and then the volcano will surely erupt violently, magma will rage, and your Lingcheng will not be able to escape this catastrophe.

Therefore, I advise you to organize the people in the city to evacuate as soon as possible and find another safe place to settle down, so as not to suffer from an unexpected disaster.

Otherwise, once Groudon really wakes up, I am afraid that Lingcheng will be submerged by magma."

Lingyu told Bailichuan about Groudon with a serious face.

After listening to Bailichuan, his already heavy face became even more solemn.

He frowned and asked Lingyu anxiously:

"Little brother, this matter is of great importance! Is what you said true? After all, the migration of the entire city is an earth-shaking move. If what you said is a lie, the consequences are simply unimaginable!"

Faced with Bailichuan's doubts and concerns, Lingyu nodded without hesitation and responded:

"I guarantee with my personal integrity that I am not lying! If you don't believe me, you can send someone to investigate the volcano and find out that Groudon is sleeping inside."

Hearing this, Bailichuan made a prompt decision and quickly selected a capable subordinate to rush to the depths of the volcano to find out the truth.

Time passed by, and everyone was eagerly waiting, feeling uneasy.

Finally, after a long wait, the man who was ordered to investigate stumbled and returned to the city lord's building in a mess.

With a face full of fear and fatigue, he came straight to Bailichuan and tremblingly reported to him about the sleeping Groudon that he had witnessed in the depths of the volcano.

After confirming that what Lingyu said was true, Bailichuan dialed the alliance's phone without hesitation and conveyed the news that Groudon was about to wake up and that all the residents of Lingcheng needed to move elsewhere.

Not long after, the migration plan was approved by the alliance.

After obtaining permission, Bailichuan immediately gathered all his men and began to organize the orderly evacuation of the people of Lingcheng.

When all matters had been properly handled, Bailichuan bowed deeply to Lingyu and said with gratitude:

"Thank you, little friend Ling Yu, for telling me in time. Without your reminder, when Groudon awakens, our Lingcheng will be devastated and suffer heavy casualties!"

Facing Bailichuan's sincere gratitude, Ling Yu nodded slightly and responded:

"Protecting the people is the unshirkable responsibility of our trainers."

After saying that, Ling Yu turned around and was about to leave.

Seeing Ling Yu turning around and about to leave, Baili Chuan hurriedly called him to stop and said sincerely:

"Wait a minute, little brother! To express my gratitude, I have specially prepared a small gift. Please wait a moment, I will ask my men to bring it to you."

Hearing this, Ling Yu stopped and waited.

Not long after, a young woman with a graceful figure and a beautiful face slowly walked into Bailichuan's office. She was Bailichuan's secretary. The woman was holding an exquisite wooden box in her hand, which must have contained a gift for Ling Yu.

Bailichuan took the wooden box and handed it to Ling Yu personally, smiling and saying:

"Here are one million Alliance coins and a"Sunny Day" skill disc, which will be your reward and reward."

As soon as he finished speaking, Ling Yu gladly accepted the generous gift, thanked Bailichuan, and then turned and left.

When Ling Yu turned and left, the female secretary looked at Bailichuan in confusion and couldn't help asking:

"Lord City Lord, it's just a piece of news. Is it really necessary to use the extremely precious Sunny Day learning CD?"

Bai Lichuan glanced at the female secretary lightly, but his eyes always fell on Ling Yu's back as he walked away, and said slowly:

"How much do you know? This young man is definitely not simple. He already has a King-level Metagross at such a young age, and it is also a rare shiny species.

From this point, we can infer that he is not only extremely powerful, but the forces behind him are probably also quite powerful.

What is even more commendable is that in the face of the dangers in the depths of the volcano, he was not afraid and resolutely chose to explore alone.

When he found the legendary Groudon, he was able to talk to me so calmly.

Moreover, according to what he said, he seemed to know a lot about the mythical beasts.

How can such a person be regarded as ordinary? His future must be limitless!

If we can make friends with this future top trainer with just a learning CD, it is undoubtedly a sure-win deal."

After hearing what Bailichuan said, the female secretary suddenly realized and thought to herself:

So that's it! She couldn't help but admire Bailichuan's wisdom.

Then, Bailichuan threw himself into the work of evacuating the crowd and organizing the migration without hesitation.

He showed outstanding leadership, quickly deployed resources, and directed everyone to act in an orderly manner.

At the same time, the alliance was also caught in a busy and tense situation.

Not long ago, they just learned that there was a powerful energy in the sea that was about to revive, and now they learned that Groudon was about to wake up. After comprehensive analysis, they were sure that it was Groudon's nemesis Kyogre who was about to wake up in the deep sea!

Faced with the reality that two ancient beasts with terrifying strength were about to wake up, the alliance members felt the pressure doubled and they were extremely anxious.

They must race against time and take all necessary measures to deal with this...���Crisis.

First of all, the League needs to urgently notify all people in the path of Groudon and Kyogre to evacuate as soon as possible to ensure their safety.

In addition, it is necessary to send strong trainers to the place where Groudon and Kyogre awaken, collect intelligence and try to find a way to prevent them from waking up.

With the efficient operation of the huge machine of the League, various tasks are being carried out in full swing.

On the other hand, Lingyu just stepped out of the Bailichuan building and resolutely decided to go to the volcanic area to quietly wait for Groudon to wake up.

He knew that this journey was full of dangers, but his inner desire to challenge the unknown and his sense of mission to protect world peace made him go without hesitation.

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