After Mega Rayquaza's shocking attack, the finishing touch, collided with Groudon, the King of the Earth felt a little damage for the first time.

However, while Groudon was still in a stalemate, Lingyu had already quickly given orders, commanding the rest of the Pokémon to launch a fierce attack on Groudon at the same time!

In an instant, the battlefield changed color!

Darkrai gathered a huge ball of dark energy between his hands, like a meteorite about to fall from the sky, and slammed towards Groudon with a destructive force;

Mega Metagross spewed out a dazzling cannon beam from its mouth, its power was strong enough to penetrate the clouds;

Mega Garchomp and Mewtwo tacitly joined forces to cast a destructive beam of amazing destructive power, and the two dazzling lights intertwined, as if to tear the whole world apart; the beautiful and elegant Gardevoir used super powers to control the magic leaves that flashed green light and flew towards Groudon like a dancing butterfly.

Faced with so many powerful attacks coming from all directions, Groudon showed no fear, and did not even try to dodge or avoid them.

It stood firmly, waved its strong and powerful arms, and used its signature skill: Cliff Sword!

This move was magnificent and powerful, but surprisingly, Lingyu's Pokémon seemed to have expected it. They all had the ability to fly, and except for Mega Rayquaza, they could attack from a distance.

Therefore, although Groudon's Cliff Sword was incredibly powerful, it could not attack Lingyu's Pokémon.

So the anger in his heart erupted like a volcano, all pouring on the Mega Rayquaza that was rushing towards him.

With just a roar, he used all his strength, and a dazzling beam of destructive light bombarded Mega Rayquaza directly.

Seeing Groudon launching such a fierce attack on Mega Rayquaza, Lingyu gave an order without hesitation, asking Mega Rayquaza to quickly dodge the fatal blow.

Then, Super Rayquaza adjusted his posture, continued to move forward, and pounced on Groudon.

However, Groudon saw that his attack missed, and instantly became angry. It swung its strong and powerful arms and smashed the oncoming Super Rayquaza fiercely.

Facing Groudon's fierce and powerful arm hammer, Super Rayquaza had no way to avoid it.

In desperation, it had to grit its teeth and muster up the courage to confront Groudon head-on, and they collided with each other.

Although Super Rayquaza successfully completed the super evolution, the difference in strength was still obvious - under the heavy blow of Groudon's indestructible arm hammer, even if it used its signature skill to"add the finishing touch", Super Rayquaza was still knocked back.

After this thrilling duel, Groudon itself did not suffer much damage.

When the level of the mythical beast exceeds level 90, each level up will bring a huge gap in strength.

Even a powerful existence like Super Rayquaza can only cause limited damage to Groudon.

As for other Pokémon, let alone.

Although Groudon could not hit them, their attacks were as insignificant as tickling Groudon.

Seeing this, Ling Yu realized that it was difficult for them to cause substantial damage to Groudon.

In order to prevent the Pokémon from over-consuming their physical strength, he decided to take action.

He quickly jumped onto the back of Mega Metagross and took back all the Pokémon except Mega Rayquaza.

This not only protects the Pokémon's physical strength, but also allows them to better deal with the next situation.

At the same time, in order to reduce the loss of his own physical strength, Ling Yu issued an order to allow the remaining Metagross and Rayquaza to cancel their Mega Evolution status.

After making these preparations, Ling Yu drove the Metagross away from Groudon and followed closely behind it.

Groudon did not pay attention to Ling Yu after he left, but continued to move forward in the direction of Kyogre.

Whether it was a dense forest or a bustling city ahead, it could not stop Groudon's pace.

Wherever it passed, the grass and trees were withered, and hot magma flowed all over the ground, like a doomsday scene.

Ling Yu followed him carefully. Even at a distance, he could clearly feel the suffocating pressure from Groudon.

However, not long after, Ling Yu suddenly noticed several small black dots flying quickly in the distance.

As they gradually approached, Ling Yu finally saw the true face of these black dots. It turned out that they were several Pokémon and their trainers rushing towards Groudon.

These Pokémon have their own characteristics, huge and majestic: a sturdy Dragonite, a ferocious Dragonite, a metallic Metagross, and a armored bird. The trainers riding on their backs were all dressed in clothes inlaid with the logo of the alliance.

Obviously, these trainers were sent by the alliance to stop Groudon.

Among this group of people, there was a figure that attracted Ling Yu's special attention.

The high red hair and bright red eyebrows set off each other, and there was a cloak fluttering in the wind behind him.

"This... Isn't this the Dragon King Yulongdu from the previous life of"Pokémon"!"

Ling Yu exclaimed in his heart.

I didn't expect to meet such a similar person in this world. It was such a coincidence!

Just as Ling Yu was surprised, he saw that they had just arrived near Groudon and released their other Pokémon one after another.

How easy is it to stop Groudon from moving forward?

After all, even Ling Yu, who has many legendary beasts, can't stop its footsteps, let alone a few king-level figures.

Although they have tried their best to attack Groudon, the result is disappointing - these attacks are almost ineffective, like scratching an itch.

Not only that, their own Pokémon lost their combat effectiveness after just enduring a skill randomly performed by Groudon.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the trainers of the alliance made a prompt decision and chose to quickly Leave the battlefield.

They came and left in a hurry.

Facing the obstruction of the league trainers, Groudon simply ignored it, easily broke through the defense line, and continued to advance in the direction of Kyogre.

In this way, Lingyu followed behind Groudon silently, moving forward all the way.

Time passed quietly, and after an unknown amount of time, Lingyu suddenly realized that another aura as ancient and powerful as Groudon was approaching nearby.

There is no doubt that the owner of this aura is Groudon's nemesis-Kyogre!

At this moment, Kyogre was lurking in the sea not far away, roaring at Groudon with a deafening roar.

And Groudon was not to be outdone, and responded with the same passionate roar.

Witness, Lingyu immediately used the Data Eye to check on Kyogre's situation:

【Name: Kyogre】

【Race value: 670】

【Gender: None】

【Skills: Water Wave, Primal Power, Overwhelming, Ghost Face, Water Tail, Meditation, Turbidity Flow, Freezing Ray, Absolute Zero, Water Ring, Root Wave, Water Cannon, Self-Sacrifice Collision, Destruction Ray, Sleep, Hold, Waterfall Climbing, Surfing】

【Level: 95】

【Qualification: Level 1 God】

【Attribute: Water】

【Personality: Angry】

【Features: Rainfall (When this elf appears, the weather turns to rain)】

【Carrying item: Indigo gem】

【[Clergy: God of the Sea]

After seeing Kyogre's luxurious faceplate like Groudon's, Ling Yu was very envious and thought:

"When will my Pokémon be as powerful as them!"

Just as Ling Yu was concentrating on checking Kyogre's detailed information, a thrilling duel had already begun - Groudon and Kyogre met on a narrow road!

As soon as they met, Groudon swung a cliff sword with the force of thunder and slashed directly at Kyogre.

Faced with this sudden attack, Kyogre was not to be outdone and quickly launched a powerful root wave to fight back.

In an instant, the two powerful forces collided with a bang, causing violent shock waves, almost knocking Ling Yu off his horse while riding on the back of the Metagross.

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