The first round of battle ended in a draw, and Groudon and Kyogre launched another fierce attack.

Kyogre's eyes flashed with cold light, and a beam of freezing light suddenly spurted out of his mouth, hitting Groudon accurately and freezing it into an ice sculpture in an instant.

However, it was shocking that not long after, Groudon broke out of the ice with its own powerful strength.

Seeing that Groudon had escaped, Kyogre did not dare to neglect it at all and quickly launched a new round of attacks on it.

It condensed six powerful energy balls around it, and then six lasers were ejected from the energy balls, heading towards Groudon.

Seeing this scene, Groudon was not afraid either. It accumulated a devastating power in its mouth, and then shot out a dazzling destructive light, heading straight for the huge wave. The destructive light and the root wave suddenly collided with each other, instantly triggering a shocking explosion! Accompanied by a deafening roar, billowing smoke rose into the sky like a mushroom cloud, covering the sky and the sun.

Before long, the thick smoke gradually dissipated, revealing the figures of two huge and majestic beasts.

They did not retreat because of the thrilling blow just now, but continued to fight fiercely without showing any weakness.

In this fierce battle, the surrounding sea was ravaged and changed beyond recognition.

The clear blue sea water beside Groudon has been replaced by boiling magma. The two merged and condensed into pieces of black obsidian; and where Kyogre was, due to the influence of its freezing light, the cold air overflowed and quickly froze into a large piece of thick and hard ice.

Facing the thrilling battle scene between the two behemoths in front of him, the petite Lingyu was like an insignificant ant, standing quietly by the side and watching the battle.

He prayed silently in his heart:

"Hey, Rayquaza, why haven't you come yet? Your two little brothers are fighting so fiercely, as their boss, shouldn't you come over and stop them?"

Not long after, the fierce battle between Groudon and Kyogre became more and more intense.

At this moment, unexpectedly, they stopped their offensive at the same time as if they had telepathy, but the situation did not improve.

On the contrary, Ling Yu keenly noticed that two more powerful forces were constantly gushing out of Groudon and Kyogre's bodies.

As expected, almost at the same moment, Groudon and Kyogre's bodies underwent an amazing change-their bodies expanded rapidly, becoming larger and more majestic than before!

The dark texture on Groudon's body has now turned into a blazing color like lava, and its sharp claws have become more indestructible and sharp.

On the other hand, Kyogre's whole body has changed from the original...

Some of the azure blue turned into a deep blue like the sea; the originally bright and eye-catching red stripes also turned into dazzling golden light.

There is no doubt that what we see before our eyes is the appearance of the two after they have returned to their original form.

After witnessing this scene, Ling Yu activated the Data Eye again and looked up various information about the current situation in detail.

I saw that their two characteristics changed from sunshine and rainfall to the Land of the End and the Sea of Origin respectively. The effects of the Land of the End and the Sea of Origin are: the weather becomes invulnerable to water attacks and the weather becomes invulnerable to fire attacks.

The racial value also increased from the original 670 to 770.

Not only that, their level also increased by one level to level 96.

Again, when they reach level 90 For the above mythical beasts, the gap between each level is as huge as the difference between heaven and earth. The further you go, the harder it is to upgrade. Even Primal Regression can only bring them one level of upgrade.

When Groudon and Kyogre completed Primal Regression, the entire battlefield was shocked by the powerful force, and the already fierce battle became even more intense.

Because the aftermath of the battle was too fierce, Ling Yu, who was slightly weaker in strength, could not resist it at all. He could only keep retreating, and he did not stop until he reached a relatively safe distance.

However, at this moment, Ling Yu suddenly had a strong feeling in his heart - there was a third extremely powerful and unusual aura approaching rapidly from the distant sky!

Relying on years of accumulated experience and intuition, Ling Yu He immediately realized that this aura was far stronger than that of Groudon and Kyogre. If nothing unexpected happened, it should be their big brother Rayquaza. Sure enough

, the next moment, a Mega Rayquaza, which was even larger than the ordinary Rayquaza and shone with dazzling light, broke through the clouds like a burning meteor and descended above Primal Groudon and Primal Kyogre at an astonishing speed.

At the same time, a brilliant and dazzling colorful light followed closely behind. Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a crystal clear stone that exuded a mysterious aura.

Faced with such a strange sight, Ling Yu did not dare to neglect it at all. He quickly used his Data Eye to explore the detailed information of this Mega Rayquaza and the strange stone.:

【Name: Super Split Sky】

【Race value: 780】

【Gender: None】

【Skills: Tornado, Ghost Face, Primal Power, Bite, Dragon Claw, Big Voice, Dragon Dance, Sleep, Bite, Air Slash, Fly, Reverse Scale, Speed, Awakening Power, Freeze Beam, Hold, Earthquake, Dragon Wave, Destruction Ray, Finishing Touch, Dragon Star Group, Swallow Return, Dragon Tail, Big Voice, Storm, Tornado】

【Level: 97 (Super Evolution Increases 1 Level)】

【Qualification: Level 1 God】

【Attributes: Dragon, Flying】

【Personality: Cheerful】

【Features: Delta Air Flow (changes to weather that eliminates the weakness of flying attribute)】

【[Items to bring: None] (Does anyone have any recommended items to bring? I don't know what to bring for Rayquaza.)

I just finished carefully studying Rayquaza's attribute panel, which is much more luxurious than Groudon and Kyogre, and before I had time to sigh, I heard a deafening roar coming from the stone.

It turned out that Mega Rayquaza was standing there, looking up to the sky, and let out a long, earth-shaking roar!

This roar seemed to have infinite magic, and instantly attracted the attention of Primal Groudon and Primal Kyogre who were fighting fiercely.

They both stopped their actions and cast their eyes on the Mega Rayquaza that suddenly appeared.

Seeing Mega Rayquaza appear, Groudon immediately used his signature skill - Destruction Beam without saying a word, and a dazzling beam of light shot straight at it!

Kyogre was naturally not to be outdone, and immediately launched a powerful root wave, and a surging energy rushed towards Mega Rayquaza like a tide!

However, facing the fierce attacks of the two beasts, Mega Rayquaza seemed to be at ease.

It just twisted its body a few times and easily avoided the opponent's attack.

Then, Mega Rayquaza began to fight back.

It gathered a powerful energy in its mouth, and then suddenly spurted out a group of dazzling dragon stars.

This group of energy flew into the sky like a giant cannonball, and then suddenly exploded, turning into countless tiny lights, falling towards Groudon and Kyogre. Groudon and Kyogre were hit and felt pain, and their bodies were shaky.

However, at this moment, Groudon seized the opportunity, exerted force suddenly, and used a primitive force to hit Rayquaza fiercely.

This attack was so powerful that Rayquaza could not dodge and was knocked directly onto the huge ice surface created by Kyogre.

Then, Kyogre attacked Mega Rayquaza without hesitation, and a powerful root wave gushed out like a surging sea wave. In an instant, six dazzling energy balls condensed around Primitive Kyogre, and shot towards Mega Rayquaza like a meteor. Although

Mega Rayquaza had just been attacked by Groudon, it quickly flew up with its powerful strength and narrowly avoided Kyogre's root wave.

At the same time, Mega Rayquaza opened its bloody mouth, and a group of destructive rays with terrifying power gathered in its mouth, and blasted towards Kyogre with thunderous force.

Kyogre, who had just released the root wave, had not yet recovered from the backlash of the skill. Facing the sudden destructive ray, he had no power to dodge and was instantly hit.

With a loud bang, Kyogre flew backwards like a kite with a broken string, and hit Groudon heavily beside him.

Groudon saw Kyogre being attacked and rushed towards them. He launched an attack without hesitation, and a powerful energy wave rushed straight towards Rayquaza.

In an instant, the earth trembled violently, and towering rock pillars rose from the ground like mushrooms after rain, steadily supporting Rayquaza's huge body.

Faced with this sudden change, Rayquaza did not panic. It rushed into the sky at an astonishing speed, gathering all its strength at one point, ready to perform its special skill"finishing touch".

With a roar, Rayquaza was like a burning angry meteor, with unparalleled impact force, crashing straight into Groudon and Kyogre stacked together.

Then, a deafening explosion sounded, as if the whole world was shocked.

At this thrilling moment, Rayquaza used all its strength to hit the target accurately.

In the smoke, Groudon and Kyogre could not withstand such a fierce attack, and the original return form was instantly released and returned to normal state.

Seeing his two younger brothers being beaten up by him, Rayquaza raised his head and roared triumphantly, as if announcing victory to the world.

Just as it was about to leave, it caught a glimpse of the Shining Rayquaza owned by Lingyu not far away.

So, Rayquaza turned around and roared at Lingyu's Shining Rayquaza.

Lingyu understood what Rayquaza meant through the power of Changpan.

Rayquaza said to Lingyu's Rayquaza::

"Where did you come from, youngster? Why have I never seen you before? And you were actually subdued by a human."

Faced with Rayquaza's questioning, Ling Yu could only answer for his own Rayquaza with a nervous look on his face.:

"Lord Rayquaza, I got this Rayquaza by chance when I accidentally entered another time and space.

After hearing Ling Yu's words, Rayquaza turned his eyes to Ling Yu and said:

"The power of Changpan? Boy, I didn't expect you to have the power of Changpan. That's good. This also shows that you are not an ordinary person. And the aura of other mythical beasts emanating from you, it seems that you have had a great adventure."

Ling Yu said hurriedly:

"No way, it was just luck."

Hearing Ling Yu's words, Leikongzuo replied coldly:

"Everyone has their own secrets. I won't explore your secrets. I just hope you can treat your Rayquaza well. I can see that your Rayquaza has great potential. In time, it may grow to be stronger than me."

After hearing what Rayquaza said, Ling Yu said excitedly:

"I will definitely take good care of Rayquaza, he is my family and my most important partner."

Hearing Ling Yu's sincere words, Rayquaza said lightly:

"In that case, I will help you!"

After saying that, Liekongzuo drew a powerful energy from the boulder into Lingyu Liekongzuo's body.

Seeing this, Lingyu immediately used the data eye to check Liekongzuo's status.

Liekongzuo showed a prompt of understanding the law.

Seeing this, Lingyu was very excited and hurriedly thanked Liekongzuo.:

"Thank you very much for helping my Rayquaza. I have no way to repay you, so I can only say thank you."

Rayquaza said calmly.:

"It doesn't matter, you just need to cultivate your own Rayquaza."

After saying that, Super Rayquaza returned to the atmosphere with the boulder.

Seeing this, Ling Yu also breathed a sigh of relief and said:

"The matter between Groudon and Kyogre has finally come to an end. It was really scary."

Then he looked at the place where Rayquaza and the others had fought.

The two beasts had long disappeared. It seemed that they had left directly after being defeated. So Lingyu also took back Rayquaza and rode away on Metagross. Here is a chapter of 3,600 words. I hope you like it.

I hope you can give me some reminders to update, and send me some free love power generation. Your love power generation is my motivation for updating.

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