With the end of the dispute between Groudon, Kyogre and Rayquaza, the whole world seemed to have returned to its former tranquility.

However, the surface calm could not cover up the undercurrents surging within the alliance.

In this incident, the alliance sent several king-level trainers and two champion-level powerhouses to stop Groudon and Kyogre, but shockingly, these top masters were easily defeated.

What's worse is that in the action of stopping Groudon, some people noticed that other forces had previously engaged in fierce confrontations with it.

On the road where Groudon came, there were obvious traces of battle.

After analysis and speculation, everyone concluded that the Pokémon that fought with Groudon was quite powerful and was by no means an ordinary person.

But unfortunately, they knew nothing about the identity of this mysterious opponent.

However, from the remaining battle scenes, some familiar details attracted people's attention.

Through these clues, they deduced that the protagonist of this fierce battle was the trainer who possessed the shining Rayquaza.

As a result, this extremely powerful trainer became the focus of heated discussion among the alliance members.

Everyone speculated who he was and why he had such a strong power.

How did he get the powerful Shining Rayquaza?

Various questions lingered in people's minds, but no definite answers could be found.

And this mysterious trainer became more and more unfathomable because of his outstanding performance and unknown background.

And this powerful trainer, Lingyu, was preparing to return to school at this time.

Before leaving for home, Lingyu happily received the generous rewards given by the system task: a Master Ball, a Mega Evolution Stone of your choice, and 40 magical candies.

First of all, it was the Mega Evolution Stone of your choice. Lingyu chose Mewtwo Mega Evolution Stone y without hesitation.

After all, after fighting against powerful enemies such as Groudon and Kyogre, he deeply realized that he must strengthen his own high-level combat power as soon as possible.

Then, Lingyu summoned Mewtwo from the Poké Ball, and carefully handed Mewtwo Mega Evolution y to it, saying earnestly:

"I believe that with your keen perception, you will be able to detect the endless power contained in this stone.

As long as you wear it, you can achieve super evolution like Rayquaza and become more powerful.

I once promised to help you grow continuously, and now is the time to fulfill my promise.

In addition, there are some magical candies here. Every time you eat one, your level will be instantly increased by one level.

According to the standards of the human world, your current level is 85.

As long as you eat these 5 magical candies, you can be directly promoted to level 90, but the subsequent level increase requires our joint efforts."

Hearing what Ling Yu said, Mewtwo could not hide his excitement. He quickly reached out to take the Mewtwo Mega Evolution Stone Y and carefully put it on his body.

Feeling the incomparable power of the Mega Evolution Stone, Mewtwo became more and more excited.

Not only that, there were 5 magical candies emitting mysterious light waiting for it to enjoy.

Without hesitation, Mewtwo swallowed all the candies in one gulp.

Just as the candies entered his throat, Mewtwo clearly realized that his strength was rising at an astonishing speed. In an instant, he crossed the bottleneck and successfully entered the realm of the first-level god.

Seeing his own strength advancing by leaps and bounds, Mewtwo said to Ling Yu with gratitude:

"Human, I sincerely thank you for giving me this opportunity.

Now I truly feel that my power has become stronger. You really did not deceive me."

After listening to Chaomeng's sincere thanks, Lingyu responded:

"It's okay, this is what I promised you. I think you also deeply felt the sense of powerlessness in the dispute between Groudon and Kyogre this time. Because of this, we must go all out and strive to become stronger."

After that, he exchanged a few words with Mewtwo, and gave the remaining magic candies to Darkrai, which also raised him to level 90. In addition, Gardevoir, Metagross, and Garchomp were all raised to level 75, reaching the strength of the mid-level champion. (Someone proposed to modify the previous level division, so I swapped the positions of Master and Champion.)

When everything was arranged, Lingyu boarded the flight to Huaqing University.

As soon as he arrived at the campus of Huaqing University, Lingyu noticed that a group of students from other schools gathered at the school gate.

Driven by curiosity, Lingyu stepped forward to ask, and learned that these students from the neighboring Tsinghua University came this time to compete with the students of Huaqing University and learn from each other. After understanding the reason, Lingyu dialed the vice-president's phone without hesitation and asked straight to the point:

"Hello, Vice President. I have only been away for a few days, and I heard that people from the neighboring Tsinghua University and Peking University came to provoke trouble. What is the current situation?"After receiving a call from Ling Yu and hearing that he was worried about this matter, the Vice President sighed helplessly:

"Alas, this exchange did not go smoothly. At first, the students of both sides were evenly matched, but halfway through, a dark horse suddenly emerged from the other school. That kid was extraordinary and powerful, and beat our students so hard that they had no chance to fight back!"

After hearing what the vice-principal said, Ling Yu's eyes lit up, and he immediately became energetic, and couldn't wait to ask:

"Who is that student? He is so amazing that even other contestants from our school are no match for him!"

The vice-principal smiled and replied calmly:

"That student is not a simple person. He is from a dragon family in the Magic City. He is the second young master of the family and his name is Asheng.

All the elves in his hands are extremely powerful dragon elves.

Not only that, the current king of the alliance���Long Du is his brother!"

Hearing this, Ling Yu's interest became stronger, and he looked at the vice-principal expectantly and asked anxiously:

"Vice President, where are the students from Peking University and Tsinghua University competing now? I also want to join in the fun and watch this exciting match."

Seeing Ling Yu being so proactive, the Vice President happily informed:

"They are competing with our classmates in the school's arena."

After getting the exact location, Ling Yu ran towards the competition venue without hesitation.

Before he reached the entrance of the competition venue, he could hear bursts of fierce fighting sounds coming from inside from a long distance.

The sound came one after another, like a thrilling symphony, which made people's hearts surge and full of expectations.

So, Ling Yu walked into the competition venue with firm steps.

As soon as he entered, he saw two people standing on the field: one of them was his old friend Luo Tianyi, who was familiar with him; and the other was a strange face, who must be his opponent from Tsinghua University.

The student from Tsinghua University had bright red hair that was exactly the same as Du. If I guessed correctly, this person should be Du's younger brother A Sheng.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the field was extremely tense, and the battle was about to break out!

Luo Tianyi sent out his capable general, the ace Gardevoir, and A Sheng on the opposite side also released a powerful Dragonite without showing any weakness.

The two sides were fighting fiercely, and it was difficult to tell the winner, but Dragonite was still more���

At this critical moment, Luo Tianyi suddenly reached out and grabbed the necklace inlaid with the Mega Evolution Keystone on her chest, and shouted at Gardevoir :

"Answer my call, Gardevoir Mega Evolution!"

As soon as the words fell, Gardevoir's whole body radiated a dazzling light, and soon, he completed the Mega Evolution.

At this moment, Asheng, as a member of the dragon family, held the Mega Evolution Stone of Gardevoir in his hand.

He did not hesitate to establish telepathy with his Gardevoir, and aimed the shining Mega Evolution Keystone on the bracelet at Gardevoir to release powerful energy.

In an instant, two dazzling white lights streaked across the sky, as if illuminating the whole world.

The focus of everyone's attention - two Pokémon, successfully completed the Mega Evolution!

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