The Mega Gardevoir and Mega Dragonite once again engaged in a fierce duel.

However, it was regrettable that Gardevoir, which was originally slightly weaker, still had difficulty facing the Mega Dragonite after Mega Evolution.

Mega Gardevoir was defeated soon.

Seeing A Sheng's victory, the students from Tsinghua University and Peking University who were watching the game cheered excitedly, while the students from Huaqing University were in a heavy mood and looked worried.

At this moment, a sudden voice broke the atmosphere.

It turned out that Lin Yan, who was sitting in the audience watching the game, shouted loudly:

"Look! Ling Yu is here! Ling Yu is back! We are saved!"

This voice resounded throughout the venue like thunder, and everyone's eyes turned to Ling Yu's direction.

Ling Yu noticed the audience suddenly looking at him, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised, revealing a faint smile, and nodded gently at them in response.

Then, he walked to Luo Tianyi, who had just lost the game and was a little depressed, and asked with concern:

"Are you okay?"

Hearing Ling Yu's caring words, Luo Tianyi, who was originally a little depressed because of the failure, suddenly felt a warm current in her heart, but at the same time she couldn't help feeling shy.

She lowered her head, hesitated for a moment, and then stammered:

"I... I'm fine, I just feel a little bit unwilling to lose this game... But since you're here, then it all depends on you! You must help me teach that guy a lesson!"

After saying that, she raised her head and looked at Ling Yu firmly, as if she was full of trust and expectations for him.

Ling Yu understood Luo Tianyi's complicated mood at the moment, he nodded vigorously, indicating that he could rest assured, and comforted him:

""Yes, leave it to me!"

At this moment, Ah Sheng, who was standing opposite, noticed the student who suddenly appeared and was wearing a freshman uniform.

He was puzzled. He originally thought that this boy was Luo Tianyi's brother or friend, who came to cheer her up; but he never expected that this boy would directly replace Luo Tianyi and prepare to compete with him.

Faced with this situation, Ah Sheng immediately felt despised, so he glared at Ling Yu and challenged him bluntly:

"Are you guys at Huaqing University empty-handed? You're sending a freshman to die. Are you trying to make me laugh to death with him?"

A Sheng laughed harshly.

Faced with such an insult, Ling Yu was unusually calm. He smiled and responded calmly:

"Oh? Hearing you say that, I guess you are quite confident in your own strength. In that case, let me personally experience your true ability."

Ah Sheng heard this, and the corners of his mouth rose, revealing a disdainful smile:

"Hehehe, you are just a young boy, but you are so arrogant! Okay, today I will let you know what it means to overestimate your own abilities! Go, Dragonite!"

With his order, a huge and majestic Dragonite appeared on the battlefield.

However, facing a strong enemy, Ling Yu showed no fear.

He calmly reached for his waist, gently untied the high-level ball containing Garchomp, and then threw it out with force.

In an instant, a dazzling white light streaked across the sky, and then, a sturdy and majestic Garchomp proudly appeared!

As soon as Garchomp appeared, he stared at the Dragonite in front of him with an extremely majestic posture, with a strong desire to fight in his eyes.

It exuded a chilling aura all over its body, as if telling the opponent:

Today's battle will definitely be decided!

At this moment, Ling Yu smiled, turned his head to look at A Sheng, and asked provocatively:

"I heard that your brother is the famous dragon king, Adu. So in your opinion, which one is stronger, my Land Shark or his Dragonite?"

After hearing Ling Yu's words, A Sheng shook his head in disbelief and said:

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible! How can a mere freshman like you possess such a powerful Pokémon? I must be having an illusion!"

Then, he angrily shouted at his Dragonite:

"Dragonite, defeat it immediately!"

As he gave the order, Dragonite opened its mouth without hesitation, and a huge wave of dragon energy gushed out of its mouth, sweeping straight towards the fierce bite shark like a surging torrent.

Facing the fierce attack, Ling Yu was calm and composed.

He gave the order calmly:

"Garchomp, dodge sideways!"

Before he finished speaking, Garchomp swiftly dodged and easily avoided Dragonite's attack.

Then, Ling Yu seized the opportunity and quickly ordered Garchomp to launch a counterattack. In an instant, a layer of dazzling light appeared around Garchomp, and a more powerful dragon wave accumulated in his mouth, and he flew towards Dragonite at lightning speed.

In comparison, the dragon wave released by Garchomp was incredibly powerful, and its intensity was many times greater than Dragonite's previous move.

In the blink of an eye, this extremely terrifying energy wave hit Dragonite fiercely, causing a loud noise that shook the earth.

Due to the huge disparity in strength between the two sides, Dragonite didn't even have time to react, and was directly hit by a powerful dragon wave released by Garchomp, and instantly lost the ability to continue fighting.

Seeing his beloved Dragonite defeated so easily, Ah Sheng was shocked and roared in disbelief:

"This is impossible! My Dragonite is the most powerful among all the students, how can it be defeated by a mere freshman?"

Hearing Ah Sheng's heartbreaking roar that resounded throughout the whole venue, Ling Yu just said calmly���Replied:

"What a narrow-minded fellow! Just based on you, do you think you are worthy of being called the strongest? Do you know that there is always someone better than you?"

Faced with Lingyu's sarcasm, Asheng became more and more indignant, but he still refused to admit defeat and gave up. He immediately sent out his second Pokémon, Garchomp.

Seeing that Asheng was still stubborn, Lingyu stopped talking nonsense and immediately ordered Garchomp to use the Earthquake skill. The powerful shock wave generated by the earthquake caused the entire competition venue to vibrate violently, as if it was going to tear everything apart and devour it.

Garchomp struggled to support itself in the face of this turbulent attack, doing its best to resist Garchomp's overwhelming and fierce offensive.

However, Lingyu did not give Asheng any room to breathe. With cold eyes and decisive gestures, he commanded Garchomp to use the Earthquake skill. Its ultimate skill - Reverse Scale!

The whole body of the Liebite Land Shark exuded a heart-pounding power, and it pounced towards the Double Axe War Dragon like a burning meteor.

In the face of the incomparable powerful attack power of the Reverse Scale, the Double Axe War Dragon had no power to fight back. It was knocked to the ground in an instant and lost the ability to continue fighting.

Ah Sheng widened his eyes, his face full of disbelief, as if he couldn't believe what was happening in front of him.

He couldn't accept that he was defeated so easily twice in a row, and the anger and shame in his heart erupted like a volcano.

At this time, Ling Yu just looked at Ah Sheng calmly, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and said with a hint of sarcasm:

"See? This is the difference in strength between us. If you have any other skills, why not show them all to others?"

Asheng gritted his teeth, his eyes flashing with unwilling anger.

He took a deep breath and took out the last Pokémon from his pocket - Red-faced Dragon.

When Lingyu saw this Red-faced Dragon, which was called"the shame of the dragon clan", he couldn't help laughing.

He really couldn't understand why Asheng would send out such a Pokémon at such a critical moment.

Lingyu looked at the last Pokémon sent by Asheng, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and said softly:

"It seems that you have run out of ideas. But it doesn't matter, let me end this boring game. Garchomp continues to use Reverse Scale!"Garcho continued to use Reverse Scale and attacked Red-faced Dragon fiercely.

Facing the strong attack of Garchomp, Red-faced Dragon had no time to react before being hit by Reverse Scale and fell to the ground, losing the ability to fight.

Ah Sheng stared at the Red-faced Dragon lying on the ground, his heart full of despair.

He never thought that he would lose so thoroughly.

Ling Yu walked up to Ah Sheng and said calmly:

"Remember, don't underestimate anyone."

Ling Yu smiled and took back the Land Shark, and the whole audience burst into warm applause.

The students of Huaqing University cheered, while A Sheng looked at Ling Yu in disbelief.

After that, Ling Yu didn't care what A Sheng thought, and went straight back to his villa.

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