After Ling Yu got the Metagross, another week passed and Ling Yu welcomed the most important moment in his life, which was the Pokémon Qualification Exam.

Before that, Ling Yu signed in 7 times in a week and got some very ordinary things.

【Congratulations to the owner for getting the Advanced Ball +10, Congratulations to the owner for getting the Leftovers +1 (allows the Pokémon carrying this item to recover 1/16 of its maximum HP after each round.), Congratulations to the owner for getting the Elf Ball +10, Congratulations to the owner for getting the Healing Potion +5, Anti-anesthesia +5, Advanced Energy Cubes of your choice of flavor +10 (eating advanced energy cubes can increase Pokémon attributes), Super Ball +10.】

During the exam, because Ling Yu was a Pokémon fan in the previous world, this knowledge was a piece of cake for him.

So he got the first place in this college entrance examination and was qualified to go to school to receive Pokémon eggs. Because he was the first, he was also the first person to choose Pokémon eggs.

The classmates were very surprised when they saw the results of this college entrance examination. How did Ling Yu, a mediocre student, get the first place? Many people thought he cheated in the exam, but the face-slapping thing was that the classrooms for the exams were monitored 360 degrees without blind spots to invigilate the students, so it was impossible for Ling Yu to cheat.

Luo Mengyi, the school beauty, is graceful and elegant, with a devilish figure and an angelic face. She is so beautiful that she can overwhelm the whole country and make fish sink to the bottom of the water and geese fall to the ground. She is also elegant and gives people a sense of purity.

She has always performed very well in both study and other aspects, and has always been among the best. However, she was unexpectedly defeated by an unknown person in this exam. This result made her, who already felt that campus life was dull and boring, feel upset:

"Who is this person?"

Because she came from a famous family, the Luo family, it was not difficult for her to investigate an ordinary person.

As expected, it didn't take long for detailed information about Ling Yu to appear in front of her: it turned out that he was just an orphan without a father or a mother, and his daily grades were only average, with no outstanding qualities.

"Hmm... Interesting, Lingyu, what happened to you that made you surpass me this time?"

Luo Mengyi was full of curiosity about Lingyu at this moment.

On the other hand, after the test results came out, the school organized students to go to the breeding house where Pokémon eggs were placed to choose their first Pokémon eggs.

When he arrived at the breeding house, Lingyu was very excited, because this would be the place where he would get his first Pokémon in addition to the Pokémon rewarded by the system sign-in. After

Lingyu entered the breeding house, he saw a lot of Pokémon eggs. He opened the Data Eye and began to check the situation of these Pokémon eggs.

Lingyu first came to the first batch of Pokémon eggs and checked the data of these elves through the Data Eye.

【Magikarp, Caterpillar, Bobo, Unicorn......】

After looking at this batch, Ling Yu was very disappointed. Why are all these Pokémon common in the wild, not even the three starters.

However, what he didn't know was that among these Pokémon eggs, there was an egg from a king-level Charizard. These two Charizards are the old-fashioned king elves in the alliance.

This time they gave birth to this Pokémon egg and were assigned to this school. When the principal knew about it, he secretly remembered the location of this Pokémon egg and told his son Li Cheng, wanting his son to choose this egg.

Originally, his son Li Cheng had always been firmly in the second place in the school's academic rankings, but who would have thought that Ling Yu would appear in this exam and let him get the first place. In this way, Li Cheng became the third place, which made him furious and angry. However, on second thought, Ling Yu didn't know which egg was the Charmander egg. Thinking of this, he felt a little relieved.

Therefore, to get this extremely precious egg, if there is no special situation, it is as easy as taking something out of a bag.

Unfortunately, as the saying goes,"what you fear will come true", often when things seem to be calm, unexpected events often occur.

Li Cheng never dreamed that Ling Yu actually had the data eye given by the system and could see the information of these Pokémon eggs.

In this way, the Charmander egg finally fell into Ling Yu's hands.

When Ling Yu was still checking these eggs one by one, he inadvertently glanced at the place where the Charmander egg was placed, so his mood changed from disappointment at the beginning to excitement now, because he saw the Charmander egg.

【Name: Charmander (Flash)】

【Race value: 309】

【Gender: Male】

【Skills: Catch, Call】

【Inheritance: Dragon Dance, Dragon Claw, Dragon Fury, Dragon Breath】

【Level: Unhatched】

【Qualification: King level】

【Attribute: Fire】

【Personality: Stubborn】

【Ability: Fierce Fire (When HP decreases, the power of Pokémon's moves will increase)】

【Carrying things: None】

"Why is there a King-level Charmander in such a place, and it's shiny, I'm so lucky."

Ling Yu secretly rejoiced in his heart.

So Ling Yu took the Pokémon egg and the incubator and nutrient solution issued by the school and walked out of the breeding house.

Li Cheng saw Ling Yu walking out with a Pokémon egg, but he didn't care.

After Luo Mengyi went in to choose the Pokémon eggs, he hurried in to confirm whether the Charmander egg was still there.

But when he came to the location of the egg his father told him, the Charmander egg was gone.

At this moment, Li Cheng's mentality exploded.

"Where is my egg? Who took my egg? Was it Lingyu or Luo Mengyi? Ahhhhh, if it was Lingyu, it would be fine, but if it was Luo Mengyi, then there is nothing I can do."

Since the Charmander egg that Li Cheng wanted was taken away by Lingyu, he had to settle for the second best and choose another gym-level Bulbasaur egg.

After other students finished selecting Pokémon eggs from the breeding house, the school let the students go home and started a one-month vacation.

Back home, Lingyu carefully placed the incubator containing the Charmander egg on the table in his room, put nutrient solution into it, and waited for the Charmander to hatch.

While waiting, the system's voice suddenly rang out.

【Checked that the owner has not signed in today, whether to sign in】

"Oh yes, I was so excited today that I forgot to sign in. The system signed me in."

【OK, Master, congratulations on getting the ultimate energy cube flavor of your choice +10】

"Damn, top-quality energy cubes, good things are happening one after another today."

Ling Yu looked at the things in the system space: Leftovers 1, Anesthesia Remover 5, Advanced Balls 20, Super Balls 10, Poké Balls 10, Qualification Enhancer 1, Healing Medicine 5, Advanced Ability Cubes of Your Choice 10, Top-quality Energy Cubes 10

"The system allows me to use high-level energy blocks and premium energy blocks. I choose high-level energy blocks with acceleration, and premium energy blocks with physical attack."

Because Metagross needs speed and physical attack, and Charmander, Ling Yu plans to train him in the direction of Charizard X, so he also needs speed and physical attack. After that, there are 10 premium physical attack energy blocks and 10 high-level speed energy blocks in the system space.

Looking at Charmander's egg in the incubator, Ling Yu couldn't calm his excitement for a while, so he released Metagross and gave him a high-level speed energy block and a premium physical attack energy block for him to eat, so that he could increase Metagross's speed and physical attack.

After Metagross finished eating , it walked in front of Lingyu and rubbed Lingyu's body, indicating that it was very happy.

Lingyu also touched the head of Shiny Metagross, indicating that he was also very happy.

Then, Lingyu got up and went to the kitchen to make himself a dinner. After eating, he took Metagross back into the advanced ball.

After returning to his room, he sat down at the table and looked at the Charmander's eggs in the incubator, hoping that the Charmander would hatch soon and become his new partner.

After observing the Charmander's eggs for a while, he went to bed.

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