When he woke up in the morning, Ling Yu looked towards the incubator and instantly became sober.

"Where is my egg? How come such a big Pokémon egg is gone?"

Ling Yu quickly lifted the quilt, but he suddenly found a golden creature on the bed. Isn't this the hatching Charmander? How did it get on my bed?

Since the Pokémon eggs issued by the academy are all cultivated in the breeding house, they will basically hatch after the students get them.

Ling Yu looked at the shining Charmander sleeping on his legs and felt at a loss.

""When was this little Charmander hatched? How did it get on my bed?"

Ling Yu wondered in his heart.

Ling Yu wanted to get up, but he was afraid of waking up the little Charmander, so he could only cover himself with the quilt and continue sleeping.

It was not until noon that Ling Yu and the little Charmander woke up. After waking up, Ling Yu looked at the golden little Charmander in front of him and checked his information with the Eye of Insight.

【Name: Charmander (Flash)】

【Race value: 309】

【Gender: Male】

【Skills: Catch, Call】

【Inheritance: Dragon Dance, Dragon Claw, Dragon Fury, Dragon Breath】

【Level: Level 1 (entry level)】

【Qualification: King level】

【Attribute: Fire】

【Personality: Stubborn】

【Ability: Fierce Fire (When HP decreases, the power of Pokémon's moves will increase)】

【Carrying items: None]

After Ling Yu looked at Charmander's condition, he reached out and touched Charmander's head and said:

"Charmander, I will be your trainer from now on. Please give me your guidance. I will definitely train you to be the most powerful Charizard."

【"Fire Dragon, Fire Dragon"

Little Fire Dragon responded to Ling Yu.

After that, Ling Yu got up with Little Fire Dragon. The first thing he did after getting up was to find the system to sign in.

"System, sign me in"

【Ding, congratulations to the master for getting a piece of charcoal.

Charcoal, great, just right for my Charmander.

So Lingyu handed the charcoal to Charmander.

Charmander felt that the charcoal had dense fire energy, which could help him become stronger, so he put on the charcoal.

After putting on the charcoal, Lingyu released the Metagross from the advanced ball.

Seeing such a big guy appear in front of him, Charmander suddenly felt a little scared.

"Don't be afraid, Charmander, he is also our partner."

Ling Yu comforted him quickly.

After hearing Ling Yu's words, Charmander relaxed his vigilance and began to become less afraid.

Charmander slowly walked to Metagross, stretched out his small claws, and greeted Metagross.

Metagross saw it and also stretched out his big claws to respond to Charmander.

Seeing that the two of them became friends, Ling Yu was also very happy, so he took out the energy block from the system space and gave Charmander and Metagross one energy block that increased physical attack and speed.

As soon as the energy block was taken out, Charmander smelled the smell of the energy block, and immediately ran towards Ling Yu with a step that did not recognize any relatives.

"Slow down, don't rush, we have everything."

Charmander ran to the energy cube and started to gobble it up.

Metagross followed and chewed the energy cube bite by bite. Seeing them eating so happily, Lingyu was also very happy.

After they finished eating, Lingyu put away Charmander and Metagross, and then went to a deserted place, released Metagross, and rode Metagross to the nearby forest, ready to take Charmander to level up.

Because Lingyu has not yet obtained the trainer qualification certificate, he cannot go to the secret realm and can only level up in the nearby forest.

There are many green caterpillars, Pidgeots, Rattatas, and Ironshell Pupa in the forest. Metapod, etc. These Pokémon are not of high level, just suitable for Charmander to level up.

As soon as you enter the forest, you can see a lot of wild green caterpillars crawling between the trees, and there are a few Rattatas playing in the grass.

Because of Metagross, those wild Pokémon ran away when they saw it, so Lingyu put Metagross into the advanced ball and released his Charmander.

Lingyu walked in the forest with Charmander. Because the appearance of Metagross before scared those Pokémon away, they searched for a long time and finally found a Pokémon.

Looking at the green caterpillar crawling on the tree, activate the Eye of Insight to check its information.

【Name: Green Caterpillar】

【Race value: 195】

【Gender: Female】

【Skills: Spinning, Impact】

【Level: Level 3 (entry level)】

【Qualification: Amateur】

【Attribute: Insect】

【Personality: Timid】

【Features: Scale powder (protected by scale powder, not affected by the additional effects of moves)】

【Carrying items: None]

Looking at the green caterpillar, Ling Yu said to Charmander:

"This is our first battle, let's go! Charmander, get close to him and use Grab."

Before the Caterpillar could react, Charmander's attack had already hit the Caterpillar.

"Very good, just like that, while he hasn't reacted yet, continue to use the grab."

After two consecutive grab attacks, the Caterpillar finally reacted, but it was too late.

Charmander's third attack followed, and three consecutive grabs hit the Caterpillar, making him lose his combat ability. At the same time, Charmander also gained experience in defeating the Caterpillar. Because it was a cross-level defeat, Charmander gained a lot of experience and directly upgraded from level 1 to level 2.

In this way, with the efforts of Charmander and Lingyu, it took a day for Charmander to finally reach level 5.

Since the level of Pokémon in this forest is very low, Charmander's upgrade speed is very slow.

However, Lingyu was powerless, so he could only start a one-month training in this forest. During this month, he signed in many things one after another.

【Advanced Ball 30, Super Ball 50, Elf Ball 60, Qualification Enhancer 1, Advanced Energy Cube 50, Ultimate Energy Cube 30, Weakness Insurance 1 (When the Elf is hit by an attacking move with an absolute effect, it will increase the physical attack and special attack by two levels), Thunder Stone 1, Fire Stone 1, Vitality Fragment 8]

Equipping the Weakness Insurance to Metagross can better improve Metagross's combat capabilities on the battlefield.

At the end of the training, Charmander encountered a very powerful opponent.

【Name: Abe Snake】

【Race value: 288】

【Gender: Male】

【Skills: Poison Needle, Wind Tight, Dissolving Liquid, Sludge Bomb, Dust Shot】

【Level: 20 (Normal level)】

【Qualification: Professional level】

【Attribute: Poison】

【Personality: Cheerful】

【Features: Intimidate (intimidate the opponent when appearing, make them retreat, and reduce the opponent's attack)】

【Carrying items: None]

Looking at this level 20 Arboretum, Ling Yu wondered whether to release Metagross, but Charmander was about to evolve, so he decided to send Charmander first. If he couldn't defeat it, he would send Metagross first. Now Charmander's panel is

【Name: Charmander (Flash)】

【Race value: 309】

【Gender: Male】

【Skills: Grab, Scream, Sparks, Smoke Screen】

【Inheritance: Dragon Dance, Dragon Claw, Dragon Fury, Dragon Breath】

【Level: 15 (amateur)】

【Qualification: King level】

【Attribute: Fire】

【Personality: Stubborn】

【Ability: Fierce Fire (When HP decreases, the power of Pokémon's moves will increase)】

【What to bring: Charcoal】

"Go! Charmander, use smokescreen on Aber Monster."

Charmander heard Ling Yu's command and immediately used smokescreen to cover Aber Monster, so that he couldn't see Charmander.

But at the same time, Charmander couldn't see Aber Monster, but Ling Yu could see it. He used the Eye of Insight to see the location of Aber Monster and gave Charmander an order.

"Charmander, use Sparks at the six o'clock position in front of you."

The Abel Snake in the smoke was still looking for Charmander, but was suddenly hit by a spark and was stunned.

So he crawled in the direction where the sparks came from, trying to find Charmander's position.

However, Lingyu, the sixth, asked Charmander to continue using the smoke screen, and covered the Abel Snake again when it was about to run out of the smoke range.

In this way, Lingyu used the smoke screen, long-distance sparks and his eyes of insight to consume the physical strength of the Abel Snake.

Seeing that the Abel Snake had lost its ability to resist, Lingyu was ready to let Charmander use its claws to resolve the battle, but who knew that the Abel Snake would be in the end... Shiji used all his strength to poison Charmander.

Because he was too close, Charmander could not dodge and was hit by the poison. Purple bubbles began to appear on his body. He was poisoned.

Because Abramoth used all his strength, he also lost his ability to fight. Charmander also successfully reached level 16, but he did not evolve because he also lost his ability to fight due to the poison and had no spare energy to evolve.

Seeing Charmander who was poisoned and lost his ability to fight, Lingyu immediately released Metagross. He no longer cared whether Metagross would be exposed. After picking up Charmander, he rode on Metagross and flew to the Pokémon Center.

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