In the sky above the bustling city, a huge white flying saucer-like object quickly flew towards the Pokémon Center.

The people in the city saw it, and both ordinary people and trainers were shocked.

"Look, what is that? Why is there a white thing flying in the sky?"

"You don't even know this, this is a quasi-god Metagross! And it's shiny!"

"Ah, what is Metagross? Is it powerful?"

"A quasi-god, comparable to a second-level god. How powerful is that?"

"Look, there seems to be someone up there. Who is he? He is so powerful that he can capture Shiny Metagross. He must be a big shot."

Zero Feather was riding Metagross and flying in the sky. He didn't know that the people below were discussing him and his Metagross. He was now thinking about getting to the Pokémon Center as soon as possible to cure Charmander.

Soon, Zero Feather arrived at the Pokémon Center.

After Metagross landed, Zero Feather came down and collected Metagross. People around the Pokémon Center saw Zero Feather riding Metagross and landed, and they all cast envious eyes on him.

"Such a young child has a shiny Metagross, it's obvious that he is from a big family"

"I wish I had a Metagross, too."

"What are you thinking about, is this a Pokémon you can have?"

"That's right, I really envy those people from big families!"

After taking back Metagross, Ling Yu hurried into the Pokémon Healing Center and handed the poisoned Charmander to Miss Joy.

Miss Joy saw that Ling Yu's Charmander was so seriously injured, and immediately sent him to the emergency room.

Because the poison in Charmander was not an ordinary poison, but a deadly toxin from the dying Abe Snake, it needed intensive treatment.

Seeing Miss Joy sending Charmander to the emergency room, Ling Yu was still very anxious.

With an anxious mood, after a long time, Miss Joy came out of the emergency room and said to Ling Yu:

"It's okay, Charmander is out of danger, he just needs to rest for a few days"

"Thank you, Miss Joy."

Hearing Miss Joy's words, Ling Yu's anxious mood finally calmed down, and he hurriedly thanked Miss Joy.

After a while, Charmander was pushed out on the bed, and Ling Yu hurried over to check on Charmander's condition.

He looked at Charmander, extracted the healing medicine from the system space into the backpack, and then took it out and gave it to Charmander. After using it, Charmander's condition improved. After

Miss Joy saw that Charmander was in good condition, she handed it to Ling Yu.

After receiving Charmander, Ling Yu was ready to go home, but as soon as he walked out of the door of the Pokémon Center, he heard

"Isn't this Lingyu? Has the Pokémon egg hatched?"

Lingyu heard the voice and looked in the direction of the voice. It turned out to be Li Cheng, so he answered:

"It's hatched! What's up?"

"Since it's hatched, how about a Pokémon battle with your newly hatched Pokémon?"

Ling Yu heard it and agreed without thinking too much.

"Okay! Let's have a Pokémon showdown!"

After saying that, Ling Yu released his Charmander. Seeing the Shining Charmander released by Ling Yu, Li Cheng was excited and thought:

"I finally found this little Charmander. I didn’t expect it to be shiny. It turned out that it was taken away by Ling Yu. So he said to Ling Yu:

"What's the point of just Pokémon duel? Why don't you bet your Charmander and I bet my Pokémon, and whoever loses will give his Pokémon to the other one?"

Ling Yu replied:

"Impossible, Charmander is my partner, I won’t bet with you."

Li Cheng threatened after hearing the answer:

"Don't refuse a toast and then drink a forfeit. I'm giving you a duel to give you face. If you dare to refuse, you'll have to wait for me."

After saying that, Li Cheng left. After watching Li Cheng leave, Ling Yu felt a bad premonition and thought to himself:

""Who cares? I still have Metagross anyway, what can happen?"

So he went home, but on the way home, he suddenly met two men in black, wearing masks, walking towards him.

Ling Yu saw that the two of them didn't look like good people, so he silently reached into his pocket, pinched Metagross's advanced ball, and was ready to summon Metagross at any time if something unexpected happened.

Sure enough, the two men in black approached Ling Yu and directly released their two Pokémon, a big wolfhound and an Arbo monster.

Ling Yu directly opened the Eye of Insight and began to check the information of these two Pokémon.

【Name: Big Wolf Dog】

【Race value: 420】

【Gender: Male】

【Skills: Impact, long howl, sand throwing, biting, smell detection, roaring, bluffing, malicious pursuit, ghost face, sealing】

【Level: 30 (Professional level)】

【Qualification: Professional level】

【Attribute: Evil】

【Personality: Cheerful】

【Features: Intimidate (intimidate the opponent when appearing, make them retreat, and reduce the opponent's attack)】

【Carrying things: None】

【Name: Abe】

【Race value: 438】

【Gender: Female】

【Skills: Tighten, Stare, Poison Needle, Bite, Poison Needle, Bite, Snake Stare, Harsh Sound】

【Level: 35 (Professional level)】

【Qualification: Professional level】

【Attribute: Poison】

【Personality: Careless】

【Features: Peeling (sometimes cures abnormal conditions by shedding skin)】

【Carrying items: None]

Seeing these two Pokémon, Ling Yu knew that the two men in black were up to something, so he threw out the advanced ball of Metagross.

Just like that, a tall white figure appeared in front of Ling Yu. The two men in black on the opposite side saw the sudden appearance of Metagross and felt that the situation was not good. They directly abandoned the Pokémon and chose to run away, but how could they run away?

Metagross directly used telekinesis to control the two men in black and the two Pokémon. Seeing that they could not escape, the two men in black began to plead with Ling Yu.:

"Brother, don't kill us, we were also ordered to do this."

Ling Yu said with an evil smile on his face.:

"I won't kill you, okay? Tell me who ordered you to kill me."

The two men in black said fearfully.:

"Li Cheng ordered us to do this. He gave us money to kill you and take your little fire dragon away."

After hearing what they said, Ling Yu thought:

"Li Cheng, I just didn't agree to bet with you on Pokémon, and you want to kill me. Very good, Li Cheng, I will remember you. If someone doesn't offend me, I won't offend them. If someone offends me, I will double it. Since you want to kill me, don't blame me for being ruthless." So

Ling Yu ordered the Metagross.:

"Metagross, send them down!"

"No, you don't........."

Before the two men in black could finish their words, they were crushed to death by Metagross. Because it was his first time killing someone, Ling Yu looked at the two corpses and couldn't help but vomit. He felt better after vomiting, but he knew that if he wanted to become a strong man, killing people was a common thing, so he had to get used to it.

Ling Yu cheered up, walked to the two corpses, and began to search the two corpses for spoils.

On the two of them, Ling Yu found some Alliance Coins, several Poké Balls and Ultra Balls, as well as Poké Balls containing 5 other Pokémon.

Ling Yu picked up the Poké Balls of the Great Wolfhound and the Abra Monster and put away the two Pokémon controlled by Metagross.

Looking at these 12 Poké Balls, there were some very common Pokémon in them. Ling Yu didn't know how to deal with these Pokémon, so he stored them at home and prepared to take some time to go to the black market and sell them.

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