Ling Yu stared at the cute Celebi beside him, his eyes gleaming with anticipation.

He took a deep breath, mobilized the power of Changpan in his body, and called softly to Celebi::

"Celebi, please lead me through time and space to a brand new world!"

As if she understood Lingyu's request, Celebi nodded obediently, then stretched out her small claws to hold Lingyu's hand, and led him to fly into the mysterious cave of time and space.

As soon as he stepped into the cave of time and space, a strong feeling of dizziness surged into his heart like a tide. Lingyu suddenly felt dizzy and the scene in front of him became blurred.

Not long after, he finally couldn't hold on, lost consciousness and fainted on the ground.

Time passed quietly, and I don't know how long it had been. Lingyu gradually regained consciousness, and he felt as if something was touching him gently in a daze.

He tried to open his eyes and took a closer look. It turned out that Celebi, who brought him through, was holding him up with his head!

After gradually waking up, Lingyu looked around. This... Only then did he realize that he seemed to have been in another completely unfamiliar world.

He reached out and gently stroked Celebi's furry head, his heart full of gratitude.

Then, Lingyu stood up and carefully looked at the surrounding environment.

He saw that he was now under an extremely huge tree, and in front of him was an endless vast grassland with green grass.

After carefully checking all the Poké Balls he carried with him and confirming that no items were missing, he began to think about how to figure out what kind of world he had traveled to.

After careful consideration, he gently took out the Master Ball, cast his eyes on Celebi standing beside him, and whispered:"Celebi, I want to explore the surroundings, but it may be a bit inconvenient to bring you with me.

Why don't you get into my Master Ball first, so that it will be more convenient for us to move, what do you think?"

Celebi seemed to understand what he said, and nodded cutely to show his agreement.

Then, it stretched out its little hand and took the initiative to press the button on the Master Ball.

In an instant, a dazzling red light flashed, and Celebi's figure disappeared from the spot and was successfully collected into the Master Ball.

The whole process was extremely smooth, and even the Master Ball did not shake at all, and the action of conquering was completed.

Ling Yu witnessed all this, and a feeling of joy surged in his heart.

He did not expect that he could conquer Celebi so easily, which undoubtedly proved his strength and ability.

However, despite his excitement, he tried to control his emotions so as not to affect the next action.

Then, he summoned the powerful Metagross, turned over and jumped onto its broad and solid back.

With a roar, the Metagross took Ling Yu up Into the air, flying towards the distance.

Their goal is to find a nearby town, hoping to get more information about this new world from there.

After flying for a while, a small town appeared in front of Lingyu.

From a distance, you can see a magnificent house standing by the river next to the town.

Lingyu's heart moved, and he decided to go and check it out in order to determine his current location.

So he adjusted the direction and flew straight towards the big house.

As the distance got closer, Lingyu was surprised to find that behind this house was hidden a vast and huge park.

In this mysterious park, there live all kinds of strange and weird elves.

The most eye-catching of them is a group of Kentaro running wildly on the grassland.

Seeing this scene, Lingyu thought to himself:

"If I am not mistaken, I am afraid I have traveled to the magical and fantasy Pokémon world."

Then, the small town not far away is most likely the starting point of the story's protagonist Xiaozhi's initial adventure.

And this place must be the residence of the highly respected Professor Oak!

As for the group of Kentaro active behind Professor Oak's home, it should be the 30 Kentaro that Xiaozhi captured when he first stepped into the wild park.

There are only 30 hunting balls in the wild park at a time, and he happened to catch a Kentaro every time, so he subdued a group of Kentaro.

So Lingyu decided to let Metagross land safely first, and then go to find Professor Oak for help.

After all, he is new to this world and he doesn't even have a legal identity!

Don't be caught as a bad guy by accident!

In the Pokémon world, every legal trainer must go to the league to register and receive his own Pokémon illustrated book.

This small illustrated book The Pokémon Identification Book is a symbol of every trainer’s identity. It can be said that it is as important as an ID card in modern society!

Without it, you would be an"illegal household"!

So for the current Lingyu, the best way to get a Pokémon Identification Book recognized by the League is to find the famous Professor Oak!

The full name of this Professor Oak is Xueshenari Oak, and he is one of the most authoritative experts in the entire Pokémon research field!

Not only does he have extremely high attainments and achievements in academic research, his own strength is not to be underestimated. He was the strongest champion in the Kanto region back then.

After introducing Professor Oak, let’s come to our protagonist Lingyu.

Just as he was about to land, he saw a destructive death ray shooting towards him from the ground.

He quickly let Metagross dodge, then looked in the direction of the attack and found that it was a Dragonite.

Lingyu checked the information of this Dragonite through the Data Eye.:

【Name: Kuailong】

【Race value: 600】

【Gender: Male】

【Skills: Storm, Fire Fist, Lightning Fist, Ice Fist, Bind, Stare, Tornado, Electromagnetic Wave, Dragon's Fury, High Speed Movement, Dragon Tail, Water Tail, Dragon God Dive, Mystic Bodyguard, Wing Attack, Dragon Dance, Dragon Scale Fury, Destruction Ray, Dragon Claw, Sunny Day, Freezing Ray, Hold On, 100,000 Volts, Tile Splitting, Shadow Clone, Flame Jet, Rock Sealing, Sleep, Sharp Stone Attack, Flying, Iron Head, Iron Tail, Reverse Scale, Brute Force, Water Wave】

【Level: 79】

【Qualification: Champion】

【Attributes: Dragon, Flying】

【Personality: Stubborn】

【Features: Multiple Scales (When HP is full, the damage taken will be reduced)】

【[Items to carry: exquisite headband]

When Ling Yu stared at the amazing attribute panel of Dragonite in front of him, he couldn't help but feel a sense of sudden enlightenment in his heart.

It turned out that in Professor Oak's park, there was such a powerful Pokémon hidden for him - Dragonite!

This Pokémon has been with Professor Oak for a long time, and its strength must be extraordinary, but it was never expected to be so strong.

Yes, Professor Oak has been the strongest champion in the Kanto region for a long time. Isn't it normal to have a Dragonite that is at the peak of the championship?

However, thinking back to the Metagross he owns, it is only in the middle stage of the champion. How can he compete with such a strong enemy? Anxiety instantly surged in his heart.

In a hurry, Ling Yu hurriedly jumped off the back of the Metagross, and quickly raised the shining super evolution bracelet in his hand, and shouted to the Metagross:

"Metagross! Please listen to the call of my heart and achieve super evolution!"

Instantly, a dazzling white light burst out from the body of Metagross, and the super evolution process was completed in an instant.

After the super evolution, the power of Metagross suddenly increased to the initial level of the master level.

Despite this, facing the Dragonite standing at the top of the championship, it still seemed incapable and difficult to resist.

Because Dragonite has many powerful skills, coupled with its rich experience in battles, Ling Yu's Metagross was a little embarrassed when fighting against it.

However, with Ling Yu's calm and composed command, Metagross was still able to deal with the powerful enemy in front of it with ease.

Not long after, a figure appeared in the distance-an old man with white hair, a red shirt and white overalls was riding a Charizard and galloping towards this side.

There is no doubt that the little old man standing on the top of the Charizard's head is the famous Professor Oak.

When Ling Yu noticed that Professor Oak was riding a Charizard and approaching him, he immediately signaled Metagross to stabilize his position and firmly trap Dragonite.

Then, he shouted to Professor Oak:

"Professor Oak, please don't misunderstand me! I have no ill intentions, I am just a trainer who happened to pass by here, and I have something to ask you."

After hearing what Ling Yu said, Professor Oak's eyes lit up, and he immediately ordered Dragonite to stop attacking.

After receiving the order, Dragonite immediately folded its wings and landed steadily on the ground.

Professor Oak turned his head, stared at the mysterious young man in front of him with a sharp gaze, and asked calmly:

"Young man, what do you want from me?"

��Seeing Ling Yu gently press the button of the Master Ball in his hand, a flash of light passed by, and Celebi appeared in front of everyone.

Its smart eyes looked around curiously.

Ling Yu took a deep breath, and then said sincerely to Professor Oak:

"Professor Oak, I am a trainer from another time and space. I have just arrived in this world and I know very little about it.

I have long heard of your great name, that you are the most outstanding wise man and scholar on this continent, so I have come here to visit you, hoping to learn something about this world from you."

Professor Oak stared at Lingyu, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes, but when he saw Celebi, the expression on his face suddenly became relaxed.

It turned out that when Professor Oak was young, he had the good fortune to meet a Celebi.

That experience made him realize that anyone who can be recognized by Celebi must have a kind and pure heart.

So he replied to Lingyu:

"It turns out that you are a trainer from another time and space. I can tell that you are very close to Celebi. Since you can get Celebi's recognition, you must be a very good trainer, so let's go to my house to talk!"

After that, Professor Oak brought Lingyu to his home.

Here is a 3,000-word chapter, I hope you like it.

I hope you can give me some urging for more, and send me free love power generation, your love power generation is my motivation for updating.

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