When Ling Yu stepped into Professor Oak's house, he was greeted by a strong academic atmosphere.

Professor Oak enthusiastically led him into the bedroom, and the two sat down on the comfortable sofa one after another, and an in-depth conversation began.

Facing Professor Oak's curious and expectant eyes, Ling Yu briefly mentioned that he came from another time and space, but did not reveal too many specific details.

Professor Oak nodded in understanding, and then gave him a detailed introduction to the current situation of the Pokémon world and various wonderful adventure stories.

When the topic was in full swing, a crisp ringtone broke the silence - it turned out that Xiaozhi called Professor Oak's video call through the PC.

The screen turned, and the lively and cute Xiaozhi with a smile on his face appeared on the screen together with the playful Pikachu; and standing behind Xiaozhi was Xiaoguang holding Pogaman and the steady and reliable Xiaogang.

Xiaozhi excitedly told Professor Oak that the purpose of this call was to replace some of his Pokémon in order to better prepare for the upcoming Sinnoh League Bell Conference.

Around this topic, everyone enthusiastically discussed the best lineup and strategy and tactics...

Based on these clues, Ling Yu keenly deduced that the current time node should be close to the end of the Pearl Arc.

When mentioning the Lily of the Valley Conference, we have to mention the legendary figure that Xiaozhi encountered in the final stage-the legendary male beast Darko.

This powerful opponent easily defeated all of Xiaozhi's Pokémon with only one Darkrai and one Latios.

The true identity of Darko has always been confusing. In the previous life, some people speculated that he might be the incarnation of Arceus' will, and some people believed that he was a character specially inserted by the official to prevent Xiaozhi from winning the championship.

For such a mysterious background of Darko, Ling Yu was full of curiosity and expectation, and was eager to see what his true strength was.

On the other hand, Xiaozhi took action and went to Professor Oak to exchange for a group of new partners including Lobster Soldier, Crocodile, Snorlax, Bayleaf and Infernape to prepare for this competition.

Knowing that he had to collect 8 badges to participate in the Lily of the Valley Conference, Ling Yu resolutely decided to say goodbye to Professor Oak and began to prepare for his trip to the Sinnoh region, with the goal of collecting the crucial 8 badges.

As time went by, the Lily of the Valley Conference was about to begin, which made Ling Yu anxious.

Faced with such an urgent situation, he had to take some extreme measures to collect the required badges.

Ling Yu summoned the extremely powerful Metagross without hesitation and quickly rode on it.

Then, they rushed away like lightning, away from Professor Oak's home.

At the same time, Ling Yu quickly changed into the black robe and mysterious mask that had been prepared long ago to hide his true identity.

After everything was ready, Ling Yu carefully released the Master Ball containing Rayquaza.

With a flash of dazzling light, the majestic and majestic body of Rayquaza appeared before his eyes.

Then, Ling Yu sat steadily on the back of Rayquaza and flew high towards the distant Sinnoh region.

Rayquaza is indeed a legendary Pokémon, and its flying speed is jaw-dropping.

In the blink of an eye, they arrived in the sky above the Sinnoh region.

Then, Ling Yu went to the eight gyms in the Sinnoh region one by one according to the plan.

These gyms are: the challenging Black Gold Gym, the historic Bai Dai Gym, the solemn and mysterious Curtain Gym, the humid Wetland Gym, the warm and harmonious Family Gym, the gurgling Water Veins Gym, the icy and snowy Snow Peak Gym, and the turbulent Coastal Gym.

When he first arrived at each gym, Ling Yu did not delay at all and challenged the gym leader directly.

He decisively sent out the powerful Mewtwo, and with Mewtwo's excellent combat ability, he easily defeated the gym leader of each gym.

There is no doubt that this battle was completely one-sided, and in the end, Ling Yu successfully obtained all the badges.

These badges represent the honor and strength of different gyms: the Coal Badge of the Black Gold Gym gleams with a deep light; the Forest Badge of the EMI Gym exudes a fresh natural atmosphere; the Stone Badge of the Curtain Gym contains endless power; the Swamp Badge of the Wetland Gym reveals a mysterious sense of moisture; the Relic Badge of the Family Gym carries the weight of history; the Mine Badge of the Water Vein Gym shows a tough texture; the Glacier Badge of the Snow Peak Gym is icy but full of charm; and the Lighthouse Badge of the Coastal Gym is as dazzling as a beacon guiding the direction.

On that day, a myth began to spread in the Sinnoh region. There is a legendary story circulating here:

It is said that there is a boy with a mysterious halo, driving a Rayquaza that exudes a brilliant golden glow, and next to him is a Pokémon whose name is unknown but exudes a powerful aura.

This boy is Lingyu!

What is amazing is that in just a few hours, he defeated eight famous gyms in a row!

Lingyu's feat was like a thunderbolt that broke through the sky, shocking the senior officials of the entire alliance.

They stared with wide eyes, deeply impressed by the group of elves with extraordinary strength that Lingyu possessed.

However, facing the earth-shaking power of Rayquaza, the senior officials of the alliance were terrified and did not dare to have any bad intentions.

After all, who would dare to easily provoke such an invincible existence?

After successfully collecting all eight badges symbolizing honor and strength, Lingyu embarked on the journey to Suzuran Island without hesitation.

Perhaps for the sake of keeping a low profile, he did not choose to ride the eye-catching Rayquaza this time, but instead took Charizard as a means of transportation to reach his destination.

As soon as he set foot on the land of Suzuran Island, Lingyu rushed away like an arrow from a string, aiming directly at the Pokémon Center.

He completed the registration procedures in a hurry, and then signed up for the upcoming grand event without hesitation.

Ling Yu was exhausted on the way, and there was a slight delay. He couldn't help but worry:

Will he miss this competition? However, luck favored him, and he was able to sign up successfully at the right time. If he was a step later, he might really miss this event.

After successfully registering, Ling Yu felt relieved and happy.

He randomly chose a room in the Pokémon Center to settle down. After a short rest, he began to carefully count the items he had recently signed in. A wide range of gains appeared before his eyes-a pile of energy cubes, various therapeutic drugs, some advanced balls, and the tempting 40 magical candies!

With full expectations, Ling Yu decided to go all out to prepare for the Lily of the Valley Conference.

To this end, he upgraded powerful companions such as Charizard, Greninja, Shakiras and Lizard King to level 60 one by one, so as to meet the challenges from trainers from all sides in the best condition.

As a result, in this vast desert, Shakiras underwent a shocking transformation.

Finally, it successfully evolved into the fearsome desert tyrant - Bangjiras!

Under the attention of everyone, the originally petite Shakiras began to undergo amazing changes.

Its body gradually expanded and became taller and more powerful; the originally short tail also grew and extended rapidly, dancing like a steel whip; and above and below its body, two thick and strong arms and feet emerged respectively.

As the dazzling white light gradually dissipated, a majestic behemoth appeared in front of people.

This new Bangjiras was covered with a layer of green armor as hard as iron, just like a god of war in armor descending to the world.

Several sharp spikes of varying lengths stand out from its head, neck, and the back of its shoulders, flashing with a chilling light.

At the end of its tail, which looks like it was made of steel, there is a circle of fine and sharp spikes, as if announcing to the enemy:

Anyone who dares to touch it will pay a heavy price!

Looking closely, you will find that there is a pair of extremely sharp fangs on the upper and lower parts of Bangiras's mouth, and its limbs are also very strong, showing a tripod-like situation.

In addition, there are several unique structures on Bangiras's indestructible shell: on both sides of its broad and solid chest, in the middle of its proudly upright back, and at the knees of its strong and powerful legs, there are two equilateral triangle-shaped dark holes, deep and dark, like an endless abyss, revealing a hint of mystery; and on its bulging abdomen and the lower part of its broad and thick waist and back, there is a regular diamond-shaped gap, revealing a solid shell with the same color as its shell.

At this moment, Banguilas has been reborn, radiating an incomparable powerful momentum!

Not only has the appearance undergone earth-shaking changes, but it has also mastered powerful skills such as Flame Fang, Frozen Fang, Lightning Fang, Dark Wave and Ultimate Impact, and its racial value has soared to 600!

After witnessing the successful evolution of Banguilas, Ling Yu was ecstatic.

However, the surprises are far more than that-when Greninja reached level 60, it actually mastered the two skills of Black Mist and Water Cannon!

In addition, Lizard King was also not to be outdone, it learned Megaton Absorption and Blade Back Strike.

In order to make these Pokémon more powerful, Ling Yu spent 33 precious upgrade items.

The remaining 7 were evenly distributed to Gardevoir, Metagross and Garchomp, with each Pokémon getting two.

The last one was given to Metagross as a special reward for its outstanding performance.

After completing all the upgrades, Metagross was successfully upgraded to level 78, and Gardevoir and Garchomp both reached level 77.

When everything was ready, suddenly, a message came from the system:

【Mission: Win the Sinnoh League Championship. Rewards: One Mega Evolution Stone, one Master Ball, one random Legendary Beast. 】

Seeing the generous rewards after completing the mission, Ling Yu was dumbfounded and thought to himself:

"Wow, such tempting rewards, I must try my best to get them all!"

"If I win the championship, I will get another divine beast. I am really looking forward to it!"

Here is a 3,000-word chapter. I hope you like it.

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