As the dust settled on the fourth round of grouping, today's fierce battle came to an end.

Xiaozhi and Lingyu dragged their tired bodies back to the Pokémon Center.

As soon as he stepped into the gate, Xiaozhi went straight to the foster area of the Pokémon.

He knew that these little guys fought hard in the arena and deserved the best reward.

So he carefully prepared a bowl of rich food to comfort the hard work of the contestants such as the round land shark.

When the food appeared in front of them, the Pokémon's eyes lit up instantly, and they pounced on the piles of food without hesitation, enjoying this delicious meal.

The way they ate like a whirlwind seemed to express their gratitude to Xiaozhi.

At this moment, Shinji happened to pass by here and accidentally saw Xiaozhi carefully organizing his Pokémon team.

Xiaozhi also noticed Shinji's arrival, and his eyes were immediately attracted by the mighty and majestic electric beast beside him.

Seeing such a powerful opponent, Pikachu couldn't help but let out an excited"Pika" sound, as if to provoke the opponent.

The electric monster did not show weakness and responded with a low roar.

For a moment, the atmosphere became tense and subtle. Xiaozhi and Shinji looked at each other, their eyes flashing with eager anticipation for tomorrow's game.

Night fell and the lights came on. Lingyu noticed that Xiaozhi sent the night owl to Professor Oak, and then went to the rooftop and happily welcomed the returning Scorpion King.

The addition of this new member was like a shot of adrenaline, injecting endless possibilities and variables into the battle of the next day.

In this way, the night passed in a flash, and when the dawn broke, it indicated that today was the key battle to advance to the top four.

Lingyu, Xiaozhi and others were in high spirits and full of eager anticipation for this game.

Especially Xiaozhi, he was particularly excited because he would face Shinji in the first match of the day.

In order to fight against the powerful Shinji, Xiaozhi specially stepped up the training of Scorpion King in the early morning and successfully taught it the move of Ultimate Charge.

Not long after, the time of the game finally came.

Xiaozhi confidently sent Pikachu, Infernape, Mook, Itachi, Tortoise and the newly trained Scorpion King.

Shinji was not to be outdone and sent Boskodora, Sea Rabbit, Poison Dragon Scorpion, Iron Ninja, Snow Fairy and Electabuzz.

The two sides launched a thrilling and fierce duel. Every Pokémon tried their best and the scene was extremely exciting.

In the end, Xiaozhi successfully defeated Shinji with his excellent tactical arrangement and tenacious fighting spirit.

However, at the last moment of this game, an unexpected scene appeared.

When facing the extremely powerful Electabuzz, Infernape, who was once abandoned by Shinji, stood up, but was ultimately unable to withstand the opponent's powerful force and fell to the ground motionless.

Just as the referee was about to sentence Infernape to lose the ability to fight, something unexpected happened.

It actually stood up again with difficulty and slowly!

At the same time, Shinji on the opposite side witnessed all this, with no ripples on his face, and just spoke lightly:

"Is this the limit of your power? Don't let him be disappointed in you again.……"

Not only that, the Electric Beast standing by the side also cooperated tacitly and made various provocative and mocking movements towards Infernape.

Faced with such a humiliating scene, Infernape finally couldn't stand it anymore and exploded completely!

In an instant, a sharp light suddenly flashed in its originally dull eyes, and then it stood up steadily, step by step.

Under the gaze of Xiaozhi full of trust and encouragement, Infernape raised its head to the sky and let out a roar that shocked the whole audience. The long-hidden characteristic"Fierce Fire" in its body was instantly activated!

In an instant, a majestic flame gushed out of Infernape's body, as if it was going to burn the whole world to ashes!

The scorching breath quickly spread like a surging wave, and in the blink of an eye, it completely enveloped the huge arena.

At this moment, Infernape, who had been reborn from the fire, had a brand new look, and was filled with an indestructible and powerful force.

Seeing that the time had come, Xiaozhi gave the order without hesitation:

"Infernape, use flamethrower!"

I saw a raging flame that was countless times stronger than ever before erupting like a volcanic eruption, sweeping straight towards the electric beast with the power of destroying the world!

Faced with such a terrifying and fierce jet of flames, Shinji immediately ordered the electric beast to use lightning to fight back.

In an instant, two shocking energies collided in mid-air!

Accompanied by a deafening roar, billowing smoke suddenly rose from the collision point, covering the sky and the sun, as if the end of the world was coming, making people palpitate and shudder.

At this moment, Xiaozhi quickly commanded the Infernape to rush into the thick smoke and launched a fatal blow to the electric beast - the sonic fist! In a flash, the powerful sonic fist hit the electric beast, which had not yet reacted, at a speed as fast as lightning. The huge impact instantly knocked it dozens of meters away!

However, the indomitable electric beast did not admit defeat. It He quickly got up from the ground and braced himself for the next challenge.

At the same time, Shinji and Satoshi were not to be outdone. After they looked at each other in tacit understanding, they both issued the final order:

Electabuzz used the Lightning Fist, while Infernape used the ultimate fire-type move, Flash Charge!

For a moment, the sky and the earth changed color, and the entire battlefield was shrouded in dazzling light...

Electabuzz, which was emitting lightning, and Infernape, which was emitting blue flames, collided with each other.

The collision between the two sides formed a huge yellow-blue tornado.

In the center of the storm, there was only a roar that resounded through the sky, and Infernape rushed straight towards Electabuzz like a burning flame!

The Electabuzz behind him instantly burst into dazzling light, followed by a shocking explosion.

With thick smoke billowing, Electabuzz fell to the ground and completely lost its ability to fight.

At this point, the winner was decided! The referee announced loudly without hesitation:

"Infernape wins! Let us congratulate Xiaozhi on his successful advancement to the semi-finals!"

Before he finished speaking, the audience was boiling with thunderous applause and cheers, as if to overturn the entire venue.

Facing the hard-won victory, Xiaozhi was extremely excited. He quickly ran to Infernape, tears of joy flashing in his eyes, and whispered:

""Thank you, Infernape! You did an amazing job!"

After saying that, Xiaozhi hugged Infernape tightly, feeling the deep bond between them.

On the other side, Shinji walked silently to the side of the fallen Electabuzz.

This time, he did not blame his Pokémon for its incompetence as usual, but praised it for the first time:

"Well done, Electabuzz."

Then, he looked at Xiaozhi and Infernape with a smile that showed his recognition and respect for his opponent.

Finally, Shinji turned and left the competition venue.

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