At the same time, Ling Yu also faced his own challenge. In order to end the battle as soon as possible and compete with the powerful Darko as soon as possible, he decided not to hide his strength anymore.

A thrilling duel is about to begin...

So in this match with the passerby, he chose Gardevoir without hesitation to participate.

With the referee's order, the exciting duel officially kicked off.

As soon as the game started, the opponent quickly sent out his first Pokémon, the Roentgen Cat.

Faced with this powerful enemy, Ling Yu did not dare to neglect it at all. He immediately used the Data Eye to carefully check the detailed information of the Roentgen Cat.

After some investigation, he was surprised to find that the Roentgen Cat in front of him was only level 55.

While secretly happy in his heart, Ling Yu made a prompt decision and decisively issued an order:

"Gardevoir, launch a mental power on Roentgen Cat!"

After receiving the order, Gardevoir instantly entered combat mode, emitting a dazzling light all over its body.

With the powerful super power fluctuations, Roentgen Cat was firmly controlled in place, and no matter how it struggled, it could not move a step.

Seeing that the time was ripe, Ling Yu took advantage of the victory and gave another order:

"Gardevoir, release the power of the moon!"

Before the voice fell, the energy surging around Gardevoir became more and more violent, as dazzling as a star about to explode.

In the blink of an eye, a huge beam of energy fell from the sky and bombarded the Roentgen Cat directly.

There was only a loud"boom" and a deafening explosion suddenly sounded.

In an instant, smoke and dust rolled, covering the sky and the sun.

When the smoke cleared, everyone was shocked to find that the originally flat ground was blown into a pit. As the smoke dissipated, a Roentgen Cat who had lost his combat ability was lying inside.

Seeing this, the opponent sent out the second Pokémon - Tanabata Bluebird.

After seeing Tanabata Bluebird, he also used the Data Eye to check the level and found that it was actually level 57.

However, facing the powerful strength of Gardevoir, which is already in the middle stage of the champion, a mere level 57 The gym-level Tanabata Bluebird had no power to fight back.

So, Ling Yu calmly commanded Gardevoir and casually used a magic flash, which instantly made the Tanabata Bluebird dizzy and at a loss.

Then, another powerful loud attack directly hit it without any resistance, and it completely lost its combat ability. It defeated the opponent's two Pokémon so easily, and Gardevoir's outstanding performance won thunderous cheers from the audience.

"Wow, Gardevoir is so awesome!"

"Wow, I want to be Gardevoir's loyal dog!"

""Wow, this Shiny Gardevoir really wins my heart!"

Hearing the bursts of praise from the audience, the opponent couldn't help but grit his teeth, glared fiercely, and then sent out his third Pokémon, Poison Frog.

Through the observation of the Data Eye, Ling Yu found that this Poison Frog was actually as strong as level 58.

However, Ling Yu just smiled slightly, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and then calmly commanded Gardevoir to use the meditation skill to further enhance its special attack power. When the opponent saw it, he commanded Poison Frog to use the sludge bomb, but Gardevoir easily and flexibly avoided it.

Then, Gardevoir gathered energy and used a mental interference to make Poison Frog fall into chaos.

Taking this opportunity, Gardevoir used the power of the moon again, and Poison Frog could not resist and fell to the ground in defeat.

The opponent had no choice but to send out the fourth Pokémon, a level 56 Manura.

Manura stepped onto the battlefield with a vigorous step, and the trainer on the opposite side gave orders without hesitation:

"Attack now!"

With a roar, Manuela rushed out like a cannonball and rushed straight towards Gardevoir.

Its sharp claws flashed with cold light, as if to tear the air apart. It was not difficult to see that if this attack hit the target, it would inevitably cause considerable damage to Gardevoir.

Facing such a fierce attack, Gardevoir seemed unusually calm and composed.

She jumped lightly, like a dancing fairy, and easily avoided Manuela's sharp claws.

Ling Yu knew that he could not sit and wait for death, and he had to take the initiative to attack in order to seize the initiative in the battle. So he immediately gave the order:

"Gardevoir, use hypnosis!"

Before she finished speaking, Gardevoir's eyes suddenly shot out two strange rays of light, shining directly at Mainula.

In an instant, Mainula seemed to be under a spell, her eyes became confused, her body shook involuntarily, and finally fell to the ground with a plop, falling into a deep sleep.

Seeing this good opportunity, how could Gardevoir miss it? She quickly gathered all her strength and once again used her signature skill - the power of the moon

A dazzling moonlight fell from the sky and hit Mainula squarely.

This terrifying power shocked everyone present, and the severely injured Mainula directly lost his ability to fight.

Seeing that the game was over, the opponent shook his head helplessly and admitted defeat.

So far, Lingyu successfully won the fourth round of the game and embarked on the challenge of the fifth round.

In the fifth round, the opponent sent out the fifth Pokémon-Greaves.

After checking with the data eye, Lingyu found that this Greaves was only level 55.

The opponent obviously saved the strongest Pokémon for the last.

However, Lingyu was not afraid. He believed in the strength of Gardevoir.

The game started, and Greaves used Mushroom spores appeared, and a large amount of powder floated towards Gardevoir.

But Gardevoir easily avoided the attack of the spores.

Ling Yu seized the opportunity and ordered Gardevoir to use mental interference.

The Destroyed Mushroom was hit by the powerful super power and was on the verge of collapse.

Immediately afterwards, Gardevoir attacked again, and with a magic flash, it knocked the Destroyed Mushroom out of the field.

Followed by a giant body sound. After a while, the Destroyed Mushroom that had lost its combat ability was seen.

With the continuous failure of 5 Pokémon, the opponent gritted his teeth and took out the last Pokémon-the level 60 leave king.

The moment it stepped into the battlefield, an incomparable powerful aura swept in like a storm, as if the whole space was trembling.

Ling Yu's heart He was nervous, he knew clearly that this battle would be extremely difficult, but he had full confidence in his Gardevoir, and firmly believed that she would be able to defeat the powerful enemy in front of him.

With the referee's order, the game officially kicked off.

The King of Leave launched an extremely fierce offensive without hesitation at the beginning, and each move contained amazing power.

And Gardevoir, with its extraordinary speed and flexible posture, cleverly dodged these fatal blows.

Seeing that the time was ripe, Ling Yu decisively gave the order, and Gardevoir instantly displayed the mental strengthening skill. A dazzling light shot out from her eyes and flew straight towards the King of Leave.

However, what was unexpected was that the King of Leave was far more powerful than him. Beyond Ling Yu's expectation, it easily broke free from this powerful mental bondage.

Then, the King of Leave took advantage of the situation to launch a more fierce attack, which made Gardevoir retreat step by step and gradually fall into a passive situation.

Faced with such a predicament, Ling Yu was not panicked at all. He calmly analyzed the situation and tried to find a way to defeat the enemy.

At this moment, inspiration flashed through his mind like lightning, and Ling Yu's eyes lit up, and a wonderful plan came to his mind.

He immediately ordered Gardevoir to use the shadow clone technique to create several identical clones to confuse the opponent.

In an instant, a group of Gardevoirs that were difficult to distinguish between true and false appeared on the battlefield. Their movements were consistent, which made the King of Leave confused for a while.

At the moment when the opponent was distracted, the real Gardevoir adjusted its state at an astonishing speed, ready to attack like a cheetah, ready to give the enemy a fatal blow that was caught off guard!

At this moment, the King of Leave was confused by the several Gardevoirs that were difficult to distinguish between true and false in front of him, and its attack became disorderly.

This was the perfect opportunity that Gardevoir had been waiting for!

She used the powerful power of the moon without hesitation. This move was like a meteor across the night sky, accurately hitting the vital parts of the King of Leave.

After suffering such a heavy blow, the King of Leave was in great pain, his body was shaking and his steps were staggering.

However, Gardevoir did not give the opponent any time to breathe, and then once again used the gorgeous and dazzling magic shining skill. This light was like a bright star falling to the ground, and it hit the already seriously injured King of Leave hard.

Finally, the King of Leave, who was unable to resist, fell to the ground with a bang, and completely lost the ability to continue fighting.

After this fierce battle, the victory belonged to the brave and fearless Zero Feather and his powerful Gardevoir!

Thunderous cheers broke out in the audience, and people were very excited, applauding and cheering for the wonderful performance of Zero Feather and Gardevoir.

With a smile on his face, Zero Feather waved to the enthusiastic audience to thank him. He knew that he had taken another solid step towards challenging the trainer Darko.

In this way, Ling Yu successfully won this crucial match and advanced to the semi-finals.

He was full of anticipation and confidence for the upcoming head-on confrontation with Dakduo, and his heart was burning with fighting spirit.

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