After seeing Darko take Latias back, Lingyu also carefully put his Darkrai back into the Poké Ball.

He thought to himself:

"The next Pokémon that Darkrai will appear in will surely be powerful! After all, my Darkrai has already gone through three fierce battles, and was unfortunately hit by a parting gift, so his current condition is not good."

Sure enough, Darkrai immediately sent out the fourth Pokémon, Entei.

Facing such a strong opponent, Lingyu threw the second Master Ball in his hand without hesitation.

In an instant, a dazzling white light flashed, and a Pokémon with a strange figure and a human-like appearance appeared in front of everyone.

There is no doubt that it is Mewtwo!

Seeing this mysterious Pokémon appear on the field, everyone was dumbfounded and their faces were full of astonishment.

They were full of curiosity and doubts about this Pokémon that they had never seen before, and even the illustrated book could not find its exact information.

However, when Xiaozhi and others saw Mewtwo appear, they were shocked in their hearts.

Although others may not know Mewtwo, Xiaozhi is very familiar with it.

He has encountered Mewtwo many times and knows its terrifying strength.

Not only that, there is also Rocket who feels happy. The three members of the Rocket Team were also staring at Mewtwo on the stage in amazement, their faces full of disbelief!

You know, this Mewtwo with such terrifying strength is an artificial Pokémon created by their Team Rocket!

Back then, Mewtwo escaped from the Rocket Team's laboratory before it was fully formed, and unfortunately fell into the trap set by Sakaki, and was bewitched by him to become a thug.

However, when Mewtwo saw through Sakaki's conspiracy, he resolutely chose to break with Team Rocket and lived a solitary life from then on.

Now seeing Mewtwo again, the three members who had participated in the Mewtwo plan were very excited.

Without saying a word, they hurriedly left the audience and went straight to their boss Sakaki, ready to report this important situation to him.

Faced with this situation, Dakoto seemed unusually calm, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and said softly:

"A powerful elf that has never been discovered? Interesting."

There is a hint of curiosity and expectation in his words.

In contrast, Ling Yu just stared at Dakduo and Yan Di in silence, his eyes as calm as water.

Then, he gently closed his eyes, activated the data eye, and began to carefully check the relevant information of Yan Di.:

【Name: Yandi】

【Race value: 580】

【Gender: None】

【Skills: Bite, Stare, Spark, Roar, Flame Vortex, Jet Flame, Trample, Bluff, Flame Burst, Speed, Holy Fire, Hold, Flash Charge, Iron Head, Stone Attack, Self-Sacrifice Charge, Crushing】

【Level: 85】

【Qualification: Level 2 God】

【Attribute: Fire】

【Personality: Cheerful】

【Features: Mental strength (possessing a trained spirit, and not flinching from the opponent's attacks, and not wavering in the face of intimidation)】

【Carrying things: None】

【[Clergy: None]

After seeing the data of Emperor Yan, Ling Yu could not help but frowned slightly, thinking to himself:

"The strength of this Entei really can't be underestimated!"

He knew that the enemy in front of him was no ordinary person, but there was no fear in his eyes. Instead, he placed his trust and hope in Mewtwo beside him and whispered in a low voice:

"Mewtwo, this battle is entirely your responsibility."

Mewtwo heard what his master said, and nodded resolutely, indicating that he was fully prepared to meet the challenge.

In an instant, a powerful and frightening aura emanated from its body, as if the entire space was trembling with its existence.

Entei keenly sensed the pressure from Mewtwo, and he involuntarily raised his head to the sky and let out a long roar to boost his momentum, and took the initiative to launch an offensive.

Darko stood in the back and calmly issued orders, signaling Entei to use his signature skill - jet of fire.

Entei opened his bloody mouth, and a blazing flame gushed out like a fire dragon, sweeping straight towards Mewtwo.

Faced with such a fierce attack, Mewtwo Displaying amazing speed and agility, he flashed past and easily avoided Entei's fatal blow.

Then, Lingyu seized the opportunity and decisively ordered Mewtwo to use his telekinesis skills. An invisible force suddenly erupted, trapping Entei in mid-air like a whirlpool, making him unable to move.

Entei struggled desperately to break free, but Mewtwo's telekinesis was too strong, making it difficult for him to escape.

Seeing victory in sight, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

However, things are unpredictable. At this critical moment, Entei's body suddenly glowed with a strange red light, and his strength suddenly soared several times.

With the sudden explosive power, Entei unexpectedly Miraculously, Mewtwo broke free from Mewtwo's telekinetic control!

Mewtwo was shocked and did not dare to delay for a moment. He hurriedly distanced himself from Entei.

How could Entei miss this opportunity?

He immediately used his trample skill. There was a loud bang, and the whole earth began to shake violently!

Mewtwo was unstable and almost fell to the ground.

Fortunately, Mewtwo reacted quickly and ordered Mewtwo to use Shadow Ball.

In an instant, powerful dark energy gathered in Mewtwo's hands. These energies quickly condensed into a giant sphere, and were thrown towards Entei with unparalleled power!

Entei, who had just released his trample skill, had not yet come to his senses when he was hit directly by Mewtwo's Shadow Ball. Hit.

This attack was incredibly powerful, hitting Entei's vitals directly, sending it flying backwards.

Seeing that Entei was seriously injured, Lingyu decisively ordered Mewtwo to pursue the victory and launch a more fierce attack on Entei - a beam of destructive light with extremely destructive power shot out!

Mewtwo concentrated all his strength on one point, turning it into a dazzling beam of energy, and blasted towards Entei who was flying backwards like lightning.

Faced with such a fierce attack, Dakoto was extremely anxious, and hurriedly ordered Entei, who had just landed, to perform a defensive move, hoping to withstand Mewtwo's fatal blow.

After hearing the order, Entei tried his best to mobilize the energy in his body and built a solid layer in front of him.���Defense, but it was only barely able to resist Mewtwo's terrifying destructive beam.

At this moment, Darko issued an order without hesitation:

"Entei! Use Holy Fire on Mewtwo, who has just released a destructive ray and is in a stalemate!"

In an instant, the raging flames swept towards Mewtwo like a surging wave.

Faced with the sudden attack, Mewtwo was caught off guard, but it still relied on its agile reaction speed to quickly create a powerful energy shield to resist the fierce impact of the flames.

Seeing that his carefully planned attack was easily resolved by Mewtwo, Dakodo was shocked.

He made a prompt decision and ordered Entei to launch a flash charge again, rushing towards Mewtwo with a thunderous force.

However, in sharp contrast to Dakodo's nervousness and panic, Lingyu seemed unusually calm.

He gave orders calmly:

"Mewtwo, use the hold skill to meet the enemy's attack!"

Before he finished speaking, Mewtwo performed the hold skill steadily and easily caught the powerful Flame Charge of Entei.

Then, Lingyu gave the opponent no chance to breathe and decisively ordered:

"Mewtwo, use Double Payback immediately!"

With his order, Mewtwo instantly burst out with powerful strength, doubling the damage caused by the fire-type skill Flare Charge to return it to Entei.

This attack was like a thunderbolt, with incomparable power. Entei was unable to withstand such a fierce attack and fell to the ground on the spot, losing the ability to continue fighting.

Seeing this scene, the referee immediately announced loudly:

"In this round, Ling Yu wins!"

The audience was immediately excited, and cheers and applause resounded through the sky.

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