Seeing this, Darko's mouth corners slightly raised, as if he was confident in his choice.

He gently threw the Poké Ball, and Entei instantly disappeared from the spot and was taken back into the Poké Ball.

Then, he took another Poké Ball from his waist and threw it into the air without hesitation.

With a flash of dazzling light, a sturdy and majestic Pokémon appeared in front of everyone.

It was covered with silver-gray hair, flashing with mysterious light; sharp claws and sharp teeth revealed a powerful attack power; there was also a pair of lightning-like tails on the back, which brought gusts of wind when swung quickly.

"Wow! Another Level 2 God!"

There was a burst of exclamations from the audience, and people's emotions became more and more excited.

They stared at the battlefield with wide eyes, looking forward to the next exciting duel.

At this time, someone couldn't help but exclaimed:

"Oh my god, this is the fifth beast that Dakoto has sent out! Are all his six elves beasts? This is incredible!"

The audience around echoed and expressed disbelief.

However, facing such a strong enemy, Ling Yu did not show any panic.

In fact, long before the game, he had expected that Dakoto might have a lineup of all beasts.

Now witnessing it with his own eyes, it has confirmed his guess.

However, Ling Yu was not intimidated by the opponent's strength. Instead, he aroused a stronger fighting spirit.

He took a deep breath, concentrated his mind, activated his data eye ability, and began to carefully observe all the information of Jeraora.:

【Name: Zeraora】

【Race value: 600】

【Gender: None】

【Skills: Quick Defense, Cleave, Volt Replacement, Charge, Thunder Fist, Claw Grinding, Discharge, Crazy Ford, High Speed Movement, Plasma Lightning Fist, Close Combat, Bodybuilding, Provocation, Sleep】

【Level: 85】

【Qualification: Level 2 God】


【Personality: Bold】

【Features: Charge (When attacked by electric moves, you will not take damage but will recover)】

【Carrying things: None】

【[Clergy: None]

After seeing Zeraora's message, Ling Yu's casual expression became serious. He realized that this battle might not be as simple as he imagined.

On the ring, two powerful Pokémon stood opposite each other, and the atmosphere was extremely tense.

They both exuded an unparalleled aura, as if the whole world was waiting for the start of this fierce battle.

Suddenly, at Dakodo's command, Zeraora rushed out like an arrow from a string, rushing towards Mewtwo at an astonishing speed.

At the same time, it used its exclusive skill - Plasma Lightning Fist!

A dazzling blue light burst out from Zeraora's hand, like lightning across the sky, bombarding Mewtwo with endless power.

Faced with such a swift attack, Mewtwo did not panic.

Just when the fatal lightning was about to hit itself, it used its ability to teleport, and its figure flashed and disappeared from the spot.

In the blink of an eye, Mewtwo had appeared several meters away, successfully avoiding Zeraora's attack.

However, Zeraora was so fast that even Mewtwo could not completely capture its trajectory.

Taking advantage of the gap when Mewtwo was dodging the attack, Lingyu quickly issued an order for Mewtwo to launch a telekinetic attack, hoping to restrict Zeraora's movements.

Invisible forces emerged from Mewtwo, forming a huge energy field that enveloped Zeraora.

But surprisingly, Zeraora easily broke free from the shackles of telekinesis.

Its extraordinary speed and agility made Mewtwo's attacks ineffective against it.

Then, Zeraora's body flashed with strong electric currents, ready to attack again.

Seeing the powerful electric current released by Zeraora getting closer and closer, Mewtwo did not hesitate to use teleport again and dodge the opponent's attack at lightning speed.

At this moment, Lingyu keenly noticed the flaw in Zeraora's skills.

He made a prompt decision and ordered Mewtwo to seize this opportunity and use mental power to counterattack Zeraora.

This sudden attack caught Zeraora off guard.

Before it could react, the mental power had already hit its body hard. The severely injured Zeraora couldn't help but let out a painful howl. It was obvious that this attack had caused it a lot of damage.

At this moment, Ling Yu decisively issued an order:

"Mewtwo! Use your mental power now!"

After receiving the order, Mewtwo immediately released a powerful mental force, rushing towards Zeraora like a surging torrent.

Faced with such a fierce attack, Zeraora could not resist at all and could only struggle in pain.

However, Dakoto did not sit still and wait for death. He quickly asked Zeraora to use the Thunder Fist to try to interrupt Mewtwo's mental interference, but it was too late.

Mewtwo successfully controlled Zeraora with mental interference, making it unable to move.

Seeing that the situation was becoming more and more unfavorable to him, Dakoto was anxious.

He gritted his teeth and shouted desperately:

""Zeraora! The last move - Plasma Lightning Fist!"

Before he finished speaking, Zeraora's whole body shone with dazzling light, gathering into a huge plasma energy ball, and blasted straight at Mewtwo.

Faced with such a terrifying attack, Ling Yu knew that he could not confront it head-on.

He made a prompt decision and ordered Mewtwo to use teleportation again, avoiding the bombardment of Plasma Lightning Fist at an astonishing speed.

At the same time, Mewtwo used teleportation to get behind Zeraora and quickly launched a shadow ball attack.

The black energy sphere whizzed in with a fierce momentum and hit Zeraora accurately.

Zeraora, who was severely injured, fell to the ground, unable to fight again.

And this thrilling duel ended with Mewtwo's victory. The battle ended.

So Ling Yu seized this fleeting opportunity without hesitation, and with a firm look in his eyes, he commanded Mewtwo to launch a highly destructive light skill.

The dazzling light hit Zeraora's body like lightning!

Zeraora, who suffered such a heavy blow, was instantly defeated and fell to the ground in a mess, completely losing the ability to continue fighting.

The referee who witnessed this scene made a prompt decision and announced loudly that Ling Yu had won this round.

Seeing his beloved Zeraora defeated, Dakdo's face suddenly became gloomy and solemn.

He silently put Zeraora back into the Poké Ball, then turned to face Ling Yu and said in a deep voice:

"Excellent, Zero Feather. I have to admit that you are indeed very strong, and you can force me to this point. However, it is far from enough! Next, let me show you the last Pokémon I have in my bottom drawer!"As soon as he finished speaking, Darko threw the Poké Ball in his hand.

As a dazzling white light gradually dissipated, a mysterious Pokémon with a sturdy body and majestic momentum suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

The abdomen of this Pokémon showed a fresh and elegant light blue color, and its tail was like a deep blue ocean. The rest of its body was covered with pure white, giving people an unparalleled sense of shock.

Its lower jaw grew sharp teeth, and its eyes were surrounded by a mysterious blue mask-like structure, as if it contained endless power and majesty.

That's right, this Pokémon is Lugia, known as the God of the Sea.

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