Seeing that he had lost, Dakoto raised the corners of his mouth slightly, revealing a barely perceptible smile, and said softly:

""Ling Yu, you are very strong."

His voice was not loud, but it was filled with an indescribable majesty and confidence.

After he finished speaking, he slowly turned around and walked towards the exit with steady and firm steps.

Seeing this, Ling Yu felt an urge in his heart and wanted to catch up and find out what was going on.

However, when he took a step, he was surprised to find that Darko's figure had disappeared without a trace.

This scene made Ling Yu fall into deep thought, and his sense of mystery about Darko became stronger.

This trainer who has so many legendary beasts is absolutely unique in the Pokémon world.

Even he, a"hack" with the blessing of the system, only has four legendary beasts, but Darko actually has six!

What's more shocking is that there is also a legendary first-level god among them.

Such a gap in strength shocked Ling Yu and also aroused his strong curiosity deep in his heart.

He secretly made up his mind, if���If I have a chance to meet Darko again, I must ask him and find out where his mythical beasts came from.

Just when Lingyu was thinking hard, Xiaozhi and his companions came to him.

It turned out that during Lingyu's competition, Xiaozhi was also fighting fiercely with his opponent.

With his own strength and the favor of the goddess of luck, Xiaozhi finally defeated the passerby trainer and successfully advanced to the finals.

At this moment, Xiaozhi's face was full of excitement, with a confident light flashing in his eyes.

He couldn't wait to share the joy of victory with Lingyu, and was full of expectations for the upcoming finals.

So Xiaozhi said to Lingyu excitedly:

"Lingyu, I'm so sorry! I didn't have the chance to see the exciting and thrilling match between you and Darko during the competition just now, but I still want to congratulate you on your victory!

I never thought that you actually possessed a legendary beast~ What's more exaggerated is that even Mewtwo, who is so powerful, can be successfully subdued by you. This is incredible!

You are so awesome!

The final battle between us will soon be here. Although I have to admit that you are indeed very powerful, and even a powerful opponent like Darko cannot defeat you, I will never give up easily!

I firmly believe that I can defeat you completely!"

After hearing Xiaozhi's passionate and confident words, Lingyu's mouth corners slightly raised with a faint smile, he responded:

"Hahahaha, congratulations on making it to the finals! To be honest, I'm really excited and looking forward to playing against you soon!"

With all the events of the day coming to a successful conclusion, the finals will officially start the next day.

Afterwards, Lingyu returned to the Pokémon Center with Xiaozhi and several other partners.

As night fell quietly, Professor Oak suddenly called Xiaozhi and told him that Charizard was about to arrive at the destination.

It turned out that as early as the beginning of the Sinnoh League Tournament, Xiaozhi had contacted Professor Oak and asked him to help summon his own Charizard from the Charizard Valley.

And tomorrow is the final! This is really an exciting and tense moment!

At this critical moment, Charizard is about to arrive.

Xiaozhi, Xiaoguang and others were excited and rushed to the outside of the Pokémon Center impatiently, anxiously waiting for the arrival of Charizard.

What about Lingyu? He has always been curious, so he naturally would not miss this opportunity and followed everyone.

Time passed by, and the waiting process seemed a bit long and boring.

Just when everyone began to get impatient, suddenly, a deafening roar broke through the sky and came from far to near.

The voice was so loud and exciting, As if it was about to penetrate the sky!

Xiaozhi was so excited that he suddenly looked up at the sky.

As expected, he saw a majestic fire-breathing dragon flapping its wings and flying straight towards them!

It was like a burning meteor, with endless enthusiasm and power.

Xiaozhi was filled with joy and wanted to run over and hug it tightly.

However, just as he took a step and ran towards the fire-breathing dragon, the fire-breathing dragon directly spewed out a ball of blazing flames, which hit Xiaozhi's head directly.

Poor Xiaozhi was instantly burned to a charred piece and fell down in a mess. On the ground.

However, the Super Rookie quickly recovered from the burnt state and stood up again.

Looking at the Charizard in front of him, who still had his arms crossed and an arrogant look on his face, Xiaozhi was not discouraged. He opened his arms and hugged it tightly again.

This time, Charizard did not seem to resist, but just pouted his head with a little arrogance to express his dissatisfaction.

But no matter what, the deep emotional bond between them has been connected and cannot be severed.

Xiaozhi looked at Charizard with joy on his face, his eyes flashing with excitement, and his voice was full of longing:

"Charizard, long time no see! I really missed you! You are now even stronger, I believe you must have worked very hard in the Charizard Valley!"

However, Charizard just curled his lips slightly, growled at Xiaozhi twice, and then returned to his proud and conceited demeanor.

Xiaozhi felt helpless when he saw this, but still patiently said to Charizard:

"Charizard, tomorrow is the final crucial battle, our opponent is very strong! So you must go all out in tomorrow's game and strive to defeat Lingyu!"

After listening to Xiaozhi's words, Charizard remained indifferent, still maintaining that arrogant and self-centered look, as if he didn't take Xiaozhi's advice to heart at all.

Lingyu, who was standing aside, saw all of this.

He thought secretly in his heart:

"This Charizard is still so unruly! It seems that I have to teach it a lesson, so that it can understand that there are always people better than you."

So they chatted for a while and then went back to their room to rest.

Soon the next day arrived, and Lingyu also signed in for today.:

【Ding——Congratulations to the owner for getting 10 magic candies.

Seeing that the thing he signed in was another magic candy, Ling Yu asked the system:

"System, why are all the things I signed in these days magical candies?"

A pleasant and heavenly system prompt sounded into my ears:

【Since the host's current ordinary elves are too weak, they must use magic candies to enhance their own strength in order to cope with difficult and dangerous tasks and various situations in the future.

After learning that the system did this out of concern for him, Ling Yu's doubts suddenly disappeared.

At this moment, he began to think about how to reasonably distribute these magic candies.

After careful consideration, a plan gradually took shape in his mind:

"Seeing that the final with Xiaozhi is imminent, if we let powerful Pokémon like Metagross go on stage at this moment, Xiaozhi will be powerless to fight back! The reason why he recalled Charizard must be to keep it for a showdown with me.

After all, the strength of this Charizard has been promoted to the King level. In this case, I plan to send Charizard and the other three Pokémon of the same King level to participate in the battle first.

And the current strength of Metagross is enough to deal with the current situation.

Then the magic candy will be given to Charizard and the other four!"

The idea was decided. Ling Yu immediately gave four magic candies to Charizard, allowing him to successfully upgrade to level 65.

Then, he gave two magic candies to Greninja, Lizard King and Bangiras respectively, raising their levels to level 62.

When the magic candies were distributed, Ling Yu went to find Xiaozhi and the others.

As soon as he found them, Ling Yu saw Xiaozhi concentrating on directing Charizard to fight against Xiaogang's Onix!

It turned out that Charizard had just returned from his training trip in Charizard Valley, and Xiaozhi didn't know its current strength.

Therefore, he decided to familiarize himself with the true strength of his own Charizard through this fierce battle with Xiaogang.

And Charizard really lived up to everyone's expectations and easily defeated Xiaogang's Onix.

At this moment, Ling Yu happened to arrive beside them.

After witnessing this wonderful battle, Ling Yu couldn't help but admire Xiaozhi:

"Xiaozhi, your Charizard is amazing!"

Faced with the compliment, Xiaozhi scratched his head a little embarrassedly and replied with a smile:

"Haha, you're flattered! Actually, your Charizard is also very powerful!"

After that, everyone chatted excitedly for a while, and then they rushed to the competition venue without stopping, officially opening the curtain of the Sinnoh League Finals.

Xiaozhi and Lingyu walked to the player area at the same time, and said to each other:

"Come on, Lingyu, let’s start our decisive battle!"

"Well, come on, Xiaozhi."

After saying that, as the referee shouted, both sides released their elves at the same time.

I hope everyone can give me some urges to update, and send me some free love power generation. Your love power generation is my motivation to update.

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