Both sides released their Pokémons at the same time. Xiaozhi released Charizard, while Lingyu also released Charizard, but it was a shiny one.

Seeing that both sides sent out the same Pokémon, the referee said:

"In the first finals, Xiaozhi and Lingyu both sent out Charizard at the same time. Whose Charizard is more powerful? Let's wait and see."

So Lingyu used the data eye to check the information of Xiaozhi's Charizard:

【Name: Charizard】

【Race value: 534】

【Gender: Male】

【Skills: Claw, Shout, Spark, Smoke Screen, Dragon's Fury, Dragon Claw, Glare, Rage, Jet of Fire, Air Slash, Dragon's Breath, Flame Fang, Cleave, Dragon Dance, Big Word Explosion, Flame Vortex, Earth Throw, Flash Charge】

【Level: 64】

【Qualification: Champion】

【Attributes: Fire, Flying】

【Personality: Stubborn】

【Ability: Fierce Fire (When HP decreases, the power of Pokémon's moves will be increased)】

【Carrying items: None]

After seeing the information about Charizard, Ling Yu was surprised to find that Xiaozhi's Charizard���It's only 1 level lower than his own!

This discovery surprised him secretly, but at the same time, a strong fighting spirit surged up in his heart.

He commanded Charizard to perform the Dragon Dance skill without hesitation, wanting to take this opportunity to increase its own attack power.

Seeing this, Xiaozhi immediately realized that the situation was not good and tried to stop the opponent.

He quickly ordered his Charizard to fire a beam of blazing jet flames at Lingyu's Charizard.

However, it was too late.

Facing the surging jet flames, Lingyu calmly commanded Charizard, which had just completed the Dragon Dance action, to fly into the air and easily avoided the attack.

Looking at Xiaozhi's anxious expression and Charizard's slightly embarrassed appearance, Lingyu's mouth corners slightly raised, revealing a barely perceptible smile.

He thought to himself:

"Since you started it first, don't blame me for being ruthless."

Then, he lowered his voice and issued a concise and clear instruction to the fire-breathing dragon:

"Use Dragon Breath!"

Instantly, Charizard opened its bloody mouth and suddenly blew out a breath of dragon with amazing power.

This breath of dragon was like a roaring dragon, rushing straight towards Xiaozhi's Charizard with endless power.

Xiaozhi couldn't help but be shocked, his face changed drastically. He hurriedly shouted:

"Get out of the way!"

His voice was filled with tension and worry.

However, it was too late. The fire-breathing dragon that had just released the flames did not even have time to react. It was hit hard by the dragon breath from Ling Yu's fire-breathing dragon's mouth and suffered a heavy attack.

"Charizard, are you okay??"

Xiaozhi shouted anxiously.

Charizard gritted its teeth, endured the severe pain, and nodded slightly, indicating that it could still hold on.

Its firm eyes flashed with an indomitable will to fight.

Xiaozhi bit his lips tightly, and secretly made up his mind to launch a counterattack:

" Charizard, use all your strength to perform the Big Word Explosion!"

Charizard took a deep breath, gathered strength, and then suddenly opened its mouth. A surging flame gushed out, quickly gathered into a huge and spectacular"big" shape, and bombarded Lingyu's Charizard with endless power.

Facing this fierce attack, Lingyu was not afraid at all, and also ordered his Charizard to launch a big character explosion to fight back.

In an instant, the two violent big characters collided with each other like two ferocious beasts, causing an earth-shaking explosion.

The raging fire soared into the sky, burning the air around it so hot that it seemed to melt the whole world.

However, because Lingyu's Charizard had used the Dragon Dance skill before, its attack power was significantly improved, and its own level was one level higher than Xiaozhi's Charizard, so it gradually gained the upper hand in this fierce confrontation.

Not only that, Lingyu also knew a truth: since ancient times, when the two sides confronted each other, the party standing on the left side would definitely lose.

Therefore, as smart as he was, he decisively arranged his Charizard to stand on the right.

With the blessing of various buffs, the situation changed rapidly.

I saw that the big character explosion of Xiaozhi's Charizard gradually could not compete with the big character explosion released by Lingyu's Charizard, and was finally completely swallowed by the latter, and rushed towards Xiaozhi and his Charizard.

However, the incident happened suddenly, and Xiaozhi had not yet recovered, and he was hit by the big character explosion of Lingyu's Charizard, and the whole person and Charizard were knocked out.

Then, Lingyu commanded Charizard to chase without hesitation, and ordered it to hold Xiaozhi's Charizard tightly and rush into the sky together.

After reaching a certain height, Lingyu's Charizard used a trick-Earth Throw.

At this time, Xiaozhi's Charizard completely lost its resistance and was held tightly by Lingyu's Charizard.

As the two Charizards fell rapidly from the air and were about to approach the ground, Lingyu's Charizard suddenly smashed Xiaozhi's Charizard to the ground, and then quickly turned and flew away.

Poor Xiaozhi's Charizard was severely injured and unable to fight back.

When Xiaozhi's Charizard fell heavily to the ground, it stirred up a thick cloud of dust.

To ensure that everything was safe, Lingyu decisively ordered Charizard to spray a blazing flame towards the smoke.

This powerful jet of flame was like a violent fire tornado, instantly tearing through the diffuse smoke and accurately hitting the Charizard hidden in it.

As expected, when the hot flames released by Lingyu's Charizard gradually dissipated, Xiaozhi's Charizard fell to the ground, his eyes dizzy and spinning, obviously unable to fight again.

Then, the referee loudly announced that Lingyu won the first round.

Seeing his beloved pet lose, Xiaozhi was anxious and rushed forward to check Charizard's injuries.

After confirming that it was not fatally injured, he felt relieved and quickly put Charizard back into the Poké Ball.

Then, he sent out his second Pokémon without hesitation - Infernape.

Facing the aggressive Infernape in front of him, Ling Yu immediately used the Data Eye to carefully check his information:

【Name: Fire Monkey】

【Race value: 534】

【Gender: Male】

【Skills: Glare, Claws, Sparks, Provocation, Sonic Fist, Crazy Grab, Flame Wheel, Feint, Punish, Close Combat, Flame Vortex, Stuntman, Meditation, Flash Charge】

【Level: 62】

【Qualification: Champion】

【Attributes: Fire, Fighting】

【Personality: Stubborn】

【Features: Fierce Fire (When HP is less than 1/3, the power of fire-type moves increases by 1.5 times)】

【[Carrying items: None]

After seeing the detailed information of this inferno monkey, Ling Yu couldn't help but frowned and thought to himself:

"This battle may not be easy. Although my Pokémon is three levels higher than it, once it activates the Fire attribute, its attack power will be greatly increased. It should not be underestimated."

After a little thought, Ling Yu made a prompt decision and decided to recall Charizard and replace it with Greninja, which can effectively restrain Infernape.

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