With Ling Yu's victory in the second round, warm cheers and applause rang out from the sidelines.

However, Xiaozhi did not show any panic, but raised his lips slightly, as if he was full of confidence in the next battle.

He asked Pikachu, who had been staying by his side, to participate in this round of competition. Seeing

Xiaozhi send out Pikachu so quickly, the audience couldn't help but talk about it.

After all, this is one of Xiaozhi's most trusted partners!

And as everyone knows, Xiaozhi's Pikachu is very special. Sometimes it appears to be extremely weak, and it will have difficulty dealing with an ordinary vine snake; but sometimes it can burst out with amazing power, and even compete with the legendary beast.

Because of this, the true strength of Pikachu has always been like a fog, making it elusive.

Faced with such a mysterious opponent, Ling Yu did not dare to neglect it.

He immediately used the Data Eye to check Pikachu's information.:


【Race value: 320】

【Gender: Male】

【Skills: Cheek rub, trick, angel kiss, harmonious coexistence, flash of lightning, tail wagging, electric shock, call, electromagnetic wave, shadow clone, electric ball, feint, electric light, high-speed movement, iron head, discharge, 100,000 volts, light wall, thunder, volt attack】

【Level: Stronger when facing a strong opponent, weaker when facing a weak opponent】

【Qualification: Master】


【Personality: Naive】

【Features: Lightning rod】

【[Carrying items: None]

Seeing his level of being strong when facing strong and weak when facing weak, Ling Yu was very confused.

What a Pikachu! As expected of the protagonist Xiaozhi's elf partner, he has always been by his side and never left. He is really different and outstanding!

At this moment, facing Xiaozhi's Pikachu, Ling Yu immediately removed the bond evolution state of Koga Greninja and quickly took it back into the Poké Ball.

After all, Pikachu is an electric elf, and Koga Greninja is good at water attribute attacks. There is an obvious attribute restraint relationship between the two.

After careful consideration, Ling Yu decided to send Bangiras to fight the enemy.

You know, Bangiras is a powerful elf with ground attributes, and Pikachu's iconic electric trick has no lethality to it.

Originally, according to common sense, when Xiaozhi saw the opponent sending Bangiras with ground attribute advantages, he should replace other more targeted elves to fight.

However, what was unexpected was that Xiaozhi, who was known as the master of Pokémon's reverse attributes, still firmly chose to let Pikachu continue to fight.

The moment Banglas appeared on the battlefield, its unique sand-raising ability was triggered and activated.

In an instant, the entire venue was covered by flying sand and dust, forming an extremely fierce sandstorm.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Xiaozhi gave the order without hesitation:

"Pikachu, use 100,000 volts on Banguilas in the sandstorm!"

Before he finished speaking, Pikachu's body was gleaming with dazzling electric light, followed by a huge lightning bolt of astonishing power that streaked across the sky.

Like a bright meteor, it struck Banguilas, who was trapped in the sandstorm.

Ling Yu calmly watched Pikachu's attack fly towards Banguilas, but did not issue any evasive orders.

Instead, he ordered Banguilas to stand still and take the 100,000 volts of Pikachu.

Surprisingly, when the electric-type ultimate move 100,000 volts hit Banguilas, a ground-type Pokémon, it had no effect at all.

It turned out that according to the principle of attribute restraint, electric-type skills can hardly cause effective damage to ground-type Pokémon.

Seeing this, Ling Yu's eyes flashed with a hint of cunning, and he immediately ordered Banguilas:

" Now is the time, Banguilas, use Earthquake!"

Before he finished speaking, Banguilas stomped his feet on the ground, and a powerful shock wave instantly spread throughout the venue.

The entire venue shook violently, as if the end of the world had come.

Pikachu struggled hard under this strong vibration, trying to stabilize his body.

Xiaozhi on the side was anxious and gave orders without hesitation:

"Pikachu, rush towards Banguilas as fast as you can, and then use Iron Tail!"

At the moment when the voice fell, Pikachu rushed out like a dazzling lightning, rushing towards the huge Banguilas in front of him at an astonishing speed.

At the same time, Pikachu's originally soft tail gradually shone with a bright metallic light, as if it had become extremely hard in an instant.

With a roar, Pikachu swung the metal tail with all his strength and smashed it hard at Banguilas!

Faced with such a fierce attack from Pikachu, Banguilas didn't show any fear.

It twisted its body quickly, and then swung its thick and powerful tail violently, effortlessly knocking the aggressive Pikachu away.

Pikachu hit the ground heavily like a thrown cannonball, and its body trembled violently. For a while, it was difficult to get up.

" Bangilas, give it a fatal blow! Use the wave of evil!"

Zero Feather, who was standing by and watching the battle, shouted loudly.

Hearing the master's order, Bangilas gathered a powerful wave of evil energy in his mouth and gushed out of it, like a surging black torrent, sweeping straight towards Pikachu lying on the ground.......

Seeing this extremely evil energy wave about to hit Pikachu, Xiaozhi's heart was in his throat. He shouted anxiously:

"Pikachu, get out of the way!"

Pikachu struggled hard to get up, but the severe pain in his body made it unable to do so.

Despite this, he still endured the pain and used up the last bit of his strength to jump up.

Unfortunately, he was still a step too late. Although he avoided the head-on impact, he was still swept by the aftermath of the evil wave and fell to the ground again. The fallen Pikachu trembled and tried to stand up again, but it seemed that every effort made him more exhausted.

However, Xiaozhi did not give up hope. He decided to give it a try. After making up his mind, Xiaozhi shouted without hesitation:

"Pikachu, use all your strength to use the Volt Attack on Banguilas!"

Hearing the master's order, Pikachu endured the severe pain and propped himself up with difficulty.

His eyes were firm and resolute, as if he wanted to gather all the energy in his body here.

As Pikachu hit with all his strength, a surging, incomparably powerful electric current gushed out of his petite body like a volcanic eruption, and quickly wrapped around his body, weaving into a circle of dazzling and brilliant electric light.

Pikachu bit his lower lip tightly, widened his eyes, and concentrated on gathering every bit of the remaining strength in his body to his side.

Then, these powers seemed to be given life, merging into a dazzling golden lightning, rushing straight towards Banguilas who was trapped in the sandstorm at lightning speed!

However, in the face of such an unstoppable and fierce offensive, Banguilas did not show any fear.

At this moment, Lingyu calmly commanded Banguilas to use the"self-sacrifice collision", preparing to confront Pikachu's powerful"Voiceover" head-on. Special attack".

In an instant, a dazzling golden light and a emerald green figure collided in the sandstorm that covered the sky!

For a moment, the flying dust around was blown away.

Unfortunately, the good times did not last long, and Pikachu gradually became unable to do it - after all, it had consumed a lot of physical strength in the previous fierce battle, and the"Volt Attack" itself would also cause certain damage to itself.

Not long after, the exhausted Pikachu was still unable to withstand the powerful impact of Bangilas. It flew backwards like a kite with a broken line, fell heavily to the ground, and completely lost the ability to continue fighting.

Lingyu on the side took in everything that happened in front of him, and a trace of admiration and surprise rose in his heart.

He never expected that in such a desperate situation, Pikachu could still launch such a tenacious counterattack.

Seeing his beloved Pikachu fall, Xiaozhi was anxious.

He rushed forward quickly, hugged Pikachu tightly, and asked with concern:

""Pikachu, are you okay?"

Pikachu blinked weakly, his eyes fell on Lingyu.

Although his body was extremely weak, he still nodded reluctantly, indicating that he still had the strength to fight.

Xiaozhi smiled and said,"Pikachu, you go off the field and have a rest first!"

After that, Xiaozhi handed Pikachu to Joey who was ready at any time off the field.

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