After seeing his Pikachu being taken away by Miss Joy, Xiaozhi sent out his fourth Pokémon, Lizard King.

Seeing the Lizard King that instantly killed the Nightmare God Darkrai in the original book appeared in the field full of sandstorms.

Lingyu immediately used the Data Eye to check the information of Lizard King.:

【Name: Lizard King】

【Race value: 530】

【Gender: Female】

【Skills: Slap, Stare, Absorb, Lightning, Continuous Cut, Pursuit, Noise, Leaf Blade, High-Speed Movement, Sun Beam, Seed Machine Gun, Leaf Blade, Blade Back Hitting Leaf Storm, Guard】

【Level: 61】

【Qualification: Champion】

【Attribute: Grass】

【Personality: Cheerful】

【Trait: Lush (When HP decreases, the power of grass-attribute skills will increase)】

【[Carrying items: None]

After seeing the information from the Lizard King, Ling Yu's mouth corners slightly raised, and a cunning flashed in his eyes.

He took Bangilas back into the Poké Ball, and then quickly threw another Poké Ball.

With a dazzling light dissipating, the powerful Charizard appeared on the field!

However, surprisingly, when Bangilas was taken back, the raging sandstorm did not dissipate as expected.

Faced with this situation, Ling Yu did not hesitate to order Charizard to use the skill it had just mastered through the Sunny Day Learning CD - Sunny Day!

In an instant, a mysterious power gushed out of Charizard's body, like a bright rainbow light shooting straight into the sky.

This power gradually dissipated in the sky, but at the same time, the sandstorm caused by Bangilas's characteristics also miraculously disappeared.

Instead, there was a bright and sunny world.

Seeing the sudden change in the weather, Xiaozhi was startled and hurriedly waved his baton, guiding the Lizard King to attack Charizard, which had just released the Sunny Day skill and was a little tired.

Under Xiaozhi's exquisite command, the Lizard King was as fast as lightning, approaching Charizard at an astonishing speed, and then brazenly swung out a sharp and unmatched leaf blade!

Facing the fierce attack, Lingyu remained calm and gave orders calmly.

With its extraordinary mobility and fighting instincts, Charizard cleverly dodged sideways and easily avoided the attack of the Lizard King.

Then let him use the jet of fire on the Lizard King.

The Charizard spewed out blazing flames from its mouth and swept towards the Lizard King. Facing the jet of fire from the Charizard, the Lizard King did not retreat, but used his speed advantage to dodge sideways and immediately launched a leaf storm to counterattack.

The two sides went back and forth, neither giving in.

However, under the restraint of Charizard's attributes, the Lizard King gradually fell into a disadvantage.

At the critical moment, Xiaozhi decided to change his strategy.

He calmly commanded the Lizard King to display amazing high-speed movement skills and instantly opened a safe distance from Charizard.

Then, the Lizard King began to concentrate on gathering the surging energy in his body, preparing to launch the amazingly powerful solar beam attack.

Seeing that the Lizard King was fully prepared, Lingyu hurriedly ordered Charizard to use the Dragon Claw skill in an attempt to interrupt the Lizard King's gathering process.

However, the Lizard King easily avoided the attack with his extremely agile movements.

After some unremitting efforts, the Lizard King finally succeeded in accumulating enough powerful power and shot out another dazzling solar beam!

This light was as fast as lightning and hit Charizard accurately, causing it great damage.

Seeing that his beloved Charizard was injured, Lingyu was distressed and immediately gave an order for Charizard to flap its wings and fly high into the sky.

Obviously, he intended to give the Lizard King a fatal blow-ending this fierce battle with a powerful big word explosion!

In an instant, a surging stream of flames rolled and condensed violently in the mouth of Charizard, and in the blink of an eye, a huge and dazzling"big" character was formed in the air.

This big character burning with blazing flames was like a meteorite, with unparalleled power, it smashed directly towards the Lizard King who had just released the solar beam and had not yet recovered.

Faced with the sudden explosion of the big character, the Lizard King had no time to make any effective evasive action.

So Xiaozhi immediately ordered the Lizard King to use the defend skill and successfully resisted the powerful big character explosion of Charizard.

Seeing that the Lizard King had easily taken the powerful blow of Charizard, Lingyu did not dare to neglect it at all. He immediately ordered Charizard to pursue the victory and quickly approached the Lizard King, and took advantage of its unpreparedness to use an extremely sharp dragon claw to attack the Lizard King who had just used the defend skill and was in a short state of stiffness.

Facing this sudden attack, Xiaozhi remained calm and decisively ordered Lizard King to use Leaf Blade to meet the enemy.

However, after all, Charizard's level was much higher than Lizard King, and the difference in strength between the two sides was too great.

Not long after, Lizard King gradually became powerless and was eventually knocked out by the powerful Charizard.

Seeing this, how could Ling Yu miss such a good opportunity? He did not hesitate to command Charizard to send out a blazing jet of flame, which went straight to Lizard King, who was flying backwards in midair.

At this moment, the poor Lizard King had no more energy to use the defend skill to protect himself, and could only watch the blazing flames coming at him.

In an instant, it was hit by Charizard's jet of flame.

You know, not only was there a level gap of up to 4 levels between the two sides, but Lizard King had also suffered a series of attacks and consumption from Charizard before.

What's worse, the fire type has a natural attribute restraint advantage over the grass type.

So Lizard King was directly beaten to lose his combat ability under this powerful jet of flame.

So the referee announced that Ling Yu won the fourth round.

Seeing that his Lizard King had lost his ability to fight, Xiaozhi hurried over to check his injuries, only to see that Lizard King was burned black everywhere by Charizard's huge explosion.

Fortunately, the rest of the body was fine, and he just needed to go back and recuperate.

So he took Lizard King back.

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