Looking at the humming frog in front of him, Xiaofeng raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

On the surface, this guy seems to be quite energetic.

The moment he moved forward.

The buzz-headed frog that was originally crouching on the ground in front of him jumped directly on the spot.

He did a backflip and fell back two meters.

He jumped onto the table behind him in three steps and two steps at a time.

The frog jumped up on the table and put his hands on his chest.

In an instant, a ball of water condensed in his hand.

This is what it looks like after using the wave of water and getting ready to attack.

"This guy! He seems to have quite a bad temper!"

"Alas~ Wait, don’t you want a fight to break out here? I, the principal’s office, can’t stand the torment!"

Looking at Xiaofeng and the frog in front of me, there was a strong tendency to have a big fight.

The principal immediately came out to be the peacemaker.

"Frog, it looks like you have been stuck in the Poké Ball for a long time, right?"

"Do you want to find a suitable opponent...or do you want to compete with me? I don't care about any of this"

"In that case... let's make a bet"

"If I defeat you, you become my Pokémon!"


Gua Touwa's expression still didn't change at all. He was just one step ahead of Xiaofeng.

He jumped out of the window in one stride.

Xiaofeng also walked directly out of the principal's office door.

He reached the open ground outside.

He found this moment. The frog was doing warm-up exercises on the spot.

It can be seen that this guy should fight frequently, otherwise he would not be so familiar with the process before the battle.

"Wait boy!"

"I think I heard you right. You said you were going to fight the frog and conquer it! ?"

After seeing Xiaofeng's nodding action, the principal's face changed drastically.

He also knew that there are indeed some fighters with excellent physical skills in this world who can defeat some weak Pokémon with human bodies.

You This method of harvesting Pokémon made him more convinced. But at this moment ,

Xiaofeng had just recovered.

No matter how he thought about it, he couldn't be the opponent of the evolved frog in front of him!

After Xiaofeng came out,

Yuto Sundai, who had been waiting outside the door, also came towards her.

Apparently she had also heard the conversation between the principal and Xiaofeng.

The girl in front of her also looked at Xiaofeng with surprised eyes.

"Even if you want this Pokémon to obey your command, is there no need to play by yourself?"

Ignoring the questions from the two,

Xiaofeng came directly in front of the frog.

Then under the solemn gazes of the two people, he took out a precious ball.

"This is your first regular battle since joining the team, so let’s work hard together with my share!"

Clenched the elf ball in his hand and whispered softly.

As soon as he finished speaking, he directly threw the precious ball in his hand in a parabola and landed on the ground.

In an instant, a white light flashed...

Liebite, who had fully recovered, appeared on the field. Lu Shark slowly opened his eyes and quickly glanced at the surrounding environment.

Then his ferocious pupils suddenly shrank... facing the opponent who was taller than him. Many opponents feel an unprecedented dangerous aura.

It can feel that this guy is very strong.

If he is not careful, he will be easily defeated by the opponent.


A slow roar. He bit Lu Shark's mouth and closed his eyes again after glancing at the opponent in front of him and regained his terrifying momentum.

"What is this guy doing!"

"I thought he was really going to go out on his own to fight Pokémon."

"It took a long time……"

Seeing the situation in front of them, Yudou Sundae and the principal beside him breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as Xiaofeng doesn't act stupid and goes up to fight the Pokémon by himself, everything else will be easy.

Otherwise, during this battle, if Xiaofeng had another accident and his wound worsened, who knows if Dr. Ohmu would let them go.

"Wait, something is wrong. The frog also agreed to Xiaofeng's request before officially accepting the challenge."

"If Xiaofeng deceives it in this regard"

"How could the current frog still be willing to persist in this battle?"

"But it seems that the croak-headed frog didn't look angry after being deceived."

"Instead, he was already preparing to fight with that biting land shark."

"This young man named Xiaofeng is really not simple."

After hearing the principal's reminder,

Sundae also looked at the biting land shark on the field with a scrutinizing gaze.

To be honest... this one was almost killed by the biting land shark he released last time. She lost her Pokémon.

Yuto Sundae felt guilty now, and under her observation, she discovered a shocking phenomenon.


The frequency with which Liebite Land Shark's limbs shook, as well as the expressionless look on his face at this moment, were not much different from Xiaofeng's.

"They seemed to exist as one body. This is a state that can only be achieved by Pokémon and trainers with a high degree of tacit understanding."

The principal's sighing voice suddenly came out.

Yudo Sundae frowned~

You must know that the last time he faced a battle, the opponent's biting land shark was even afraid of fighting.

How could it have changed so much now?

This is absolutely impossible. However

, how can the two of them know that the power emerging from the opponent in front of him is the same as that of Xiaofeng behind him. The small wind and the strong fire in front of me

���Land Shark is already in a state of synchronization.

The actions of the two in this state will be very similar.

At the same time, communication between the two has become extremely simple.

Even with a glance from Xiao Feng, Lie Jie Lu Shark can react quickly through the ability of the two to connect like brainwaves.

At the same time...this state.

It will also inspire another more powerful force.

That is the so-called bond evolution.

That's right~

After Xiaofeng finished sharing his life with the biting land shark in front of him.

The two souls merged almost at that moment.

They know each other's past.

That's why.

Xiaofeng would regard the biting land shark in front of him as an existence that was no different from himself.

If all your memories were experienced by another person with you from a first-person perspective.

Then ask him if he and you are in a certain sense.

It can also be regarded as the same existence.

At this time, Liebite Lusha and Xiaofeng were like this.

They already know all of each other's secrets.

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