Anyway... the battle at this moment has begun.

As the first battle between the two after they woke up, Xiaofeng was also fully focused.

This time the opponent was chosen as the frog.

Through retrieving Xiaofeng's memory, Liejie Lusha knew almost everything about the opponent in front of him.

Although the expressions of the two did not change at all.

But the communication between them has been extremely frequent

"teammate? opponent? enemy?"

In his mind, Lie Biting Lu Shark's"keep strangers away" and extremely cold tone still made Xiaofeng feel a little helpless.

It was obviously shared with his own thinking, why didn't Lie Biting Lu Shark learn even half of his humor?

After secretly complaining,

Xiaofeng still responded decisively to Liejie Lusha's inquiry. His three meanings represented the level of strength he would use in this battle, which would be a disservice to his teammates. , will naturally have reservations when fighting.

If he is competing with his opponent, he will use his full strength, but will not kill him. This is Lie Jie Lu Shar's personal judgment...

As for the final enemy... according to Lie Jie. Lu Shark gave the information to Xiao Feng.

Then Xiao Feng didn’t need to worry about it, just leave it to him to solve.

Anyway, Xiao Feng thought that... the picture was bloody and not suitable for children.

"This croak-headed frog has good strength and a strong fighting instinct, but for this reason, it is a bit exclusive, and it is quite conceited about its own strength. It is in the rebellious stage. You fight carefully and don't hurt it."

Xiao Feng is rarely able to find such a partner who can communicate with him in detail.

Although like the fiery monkeys, they can achieve a mind-to-heart connection with themselves through super evolution.

But at the end of the day, it is because of their different visions.

Therefore, there is no way to speak freely.

The time for communication is also limited.

But unlike the manslaughter, after they shared their memories, Liebite Lusha also understood Xiaofeng's identity.

Because of this, they also appear to be more equal in communication.

However , there are differences in how they behave.

As for the battle between them, they will use their interconnected thinking.

No matter how long the communication is, it seems to outsiders to be just a short moment.

"After subduing it, are you sure there is a way to turn it into a bonded state?"

Obviously through Xiao Feng's memory.

Biting Lu Shark knew the existence of bond evolution.

He also knew how powerful Xiaozhi's Ninja Frog was.

Of course, about the golden healing shuriken.

The two also had a long discussion. analysis and discussion

"No, no, no, the reason why I chose Ninja Frog is that besides its popularity, the key is that there is one less water Pokémon in my team so far."

"Although relatively speaking, Emperor Nabo, who has water and steel types, is also very strong, and his attribute combination is simply perfect."

"But in my team, the attack surface against fire-type Pokémon now highly overlaps with the ground-type Pokémon."

"If fighting a positional battle, relying on the Pangolin King and the Armored Tyrannosaurus is enough."

"But it would be particularly difficult for them to face fire-type Pokémon that can move at high speeds like Charizard."

"So when it comes to choosing water Pokémon, you have to choose a faster attacker."

After hearing Xiaofeng's explanation,

Liejie Lusha nodded with satisfaction.

Apparently he also agreed with Xiaofeng's vision.

"And the appearance of Little Intelligent Frog is no longer a surprise."

"The bigger surprise for me was the mega form of Koga Ninja."

"Got it, let’s start fighting."

As the exchange between the two ended, Liebite Lu Shark reopened his pupils and released his strong murderous aura.

Susu ~

As the exchange between the two ended, the croak-headed frog first attacked with a brisk pace, He rushed towards the Liebite Land Shark.

Although he was frightened by its ferocious face at first sight, his pace of action did not slow down at all.

He immediately stabilized his form and began to use his strong jumping power to quickly approach his opponent, creating opportunities for close combat.


in Xiao Feng's eyes, every time his toes touched the ground, he would be able to move quickly.

Make a half-step parallel movement to the right or left.

Then after completing this action, you will perform an oblique jump sprint to the front or left or right after doing this twice.

Something will change soon.

This ghostly pace has stretched the original straight line distance of only ten meters, and the frog that was originally biting the land shark has now used his own movement..

Appeared in the visual blind spot on the left side of Liebite Land Shark.

It is obvious that the opponent is not approaching the opponent alone.

I don’t know where this guy learned it.

It's like hip-hop dancing, but in Xiaofeng's eyes, the clear tracks are particularly mysterious.

"This guy has great potential."

The words that suddenly came to mind were Lie Biting Lu Shark's evaluation of the croaking frog in front of him.

You know, Lie Biting Lu Shark now has all the fighting methods in Xiaofeng's mind, and has seen all kinds of Pokémon. There are many.

Even it can say words of appreciation, which is naturally what Xiaofeng thinks.

"Yes, this guy looks like he can shake in the Z-shape! There is a future!"

"However... not all opponents can be faced with close combat."

Use Sandstorm!

With Xiaofeng clenching the fist of his right hand, he charged downwards and swung.

Liebite Lushak on the field completed this action almost at the same time as Xiaofeng.

However, Liebite Lushak's punch was It hit the ground and instantly cracked the ground around its body. With the attack of the biting land shark, the dust suddenly covered the ground that was originally moving at high speed. The croaking frog has a look of embarrassment on its face because the wind and sand have affected its movement speed and its sight. It doesn't dare to open its eyes completely because it will be attacked by the wind and sand.

The reason why his body was so wet was that the sand instantly covered his body, making the frog feel uncomfortable all over.

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