The pangolin's sudden attack caused the overlord Needle Bee to dodge to the side in a hurry.

Its wings flap like a roaring hurricane.

It is conceivable that in a real battle situation.

What terrible destructive power this guy will create

"Come back, pangolin!"

Faced with such an opponent.

If Xiaofeng wants to gain the opponent's recognition, he can only defeat it 1-on-1.

In this case, the appearance of the mountain rat will make the opponent decide who to fight.

That's trouble.


The Overlord Needle Bee just reacted and was about to fight back. When he discovered that Xiao Feng used the Poké Ball to take back the mountain rat, he let out a deafening roar. This was a terrifying moment.

The monster rushed towards Xiaofeng.


Just as the Overlord Needle Bee started to move, a white energy ball hit it directly, interrupting its progress.

After shaking his head

��The main stingray looked intently.

A Pokémon that had already taken a fighting stance appeared in front of him.

"I am so sorry! Overlord Needle Bee!"

"I didn't mean to steal your food"

"My purpose this time is to challenge you and gain your approval in a one-to-one way."

After hearing Xiaofeng's words, the face of the Overlord Needle Bee seemed to show a humanized look of ridicule.

It saw that it had its hands crossed with spears in front of its chest.

Then they separated instantly.


Accompanied by a rapid There was a sound of airflow hitting.

The ground around it was destroyed by the invisible force and exploded backwards.

Xiaofeng could already feel the terrifying explosive power from the other party's body, which had surpassed his understanding of attributes. Ordinary Pokémon have the ability to control power.

This is why the Overlord Pokémon can stand out from the crowd and command the heroes.

Xiaofeng doesn't know if the hot monkey after the mega evolution can compete with the opponent, but he is willing to believe it. My own Pokémon. I also believe in my commanding ability. With the roar of the other party, the horn of a fierce battle was officially sounded. Swinging quickly, he charged towards the fiery monkey. He started to move at high speed, hoping to kill the fiery monkey with one blow.

"Hot Monkey uses bodybuilding!"

The opponent increases his speed.

Xiao Feng can only make the Fiery Monkey increase his power!

In the blink of an eye, the opponent relies on his own strong speed and has arrived in front of the Fiery Monkey.

Under this situation...

It is already impossible to continue to avoid things

"Explosive Monkey uses Explosive Punch!"

Facing the opponent's menacing double-needle attack,

Xiaofeng knew very well that the first test between the two sides had begun.

Under this situation, if you don't advance, you will retreat.

I believe that the hot monkey will never retreat like this.


After completing the bodybuilding and strengthening his muscles, the Fiery Monkey raised his right fist and let out a roar.

An astonishing murderous intent flashed between his eyes, and a large number of veins covered the Fiery Monkey's face.

A punch with a crackling sound Boom!

The two men met each other and instantly created a terrifying wave of air.

This force directly cut off a tree nearby and blew the grass and soil into the air. The recoil of the collision caused the two to be instantly ejected to both sides after only a few tenths of a second.


"How do you feel, Hot Monkey?"

Looking at the Fiery Monkey who took a few steps back to stabilize his figure.

Xiaofeng could sense the astonishing destructive power of the first firepower collision between the two sides from its violent breathing and the stalemate with its right hand.

In retrospect , The giant needle bee on the other side just fell to the ground, and then flapping its wings slowly returned to its original appearance. stand up...

In this round of confrontation, the Fiery Monkey is completely the one who suffers a unilateral loss.

"Is the Fiery Monkey confident enough to defeat his opponent?"

Xiao Feng's question made the fiery monkey clenched its fists.

It turned around and nodded heavily towards Xiao Feng.

"Very good, having such confidence is the most important thing!"

At the moment when the two communicated, the opponent's attack came again.

The giant sting wasp thrust its tail towards the fiery monkey.

The long needle at its tail swayed desperately, creating afterimages. It was shocking. dazzled...

I don't know how to avoid it at all

"Did you choose crazy attack this time?"

"Hot monkey! Use See Through!"

Facing the opponent's strong attack, a flash of light flashed between the eyes of the Fiery Monkey.

At the critical moment, the Fiery Monkey's body squatted down very quickly.

It rolled to the left on the spot.

It was easily dodged. The second attack of the Big Stinging Monkey seemed to be very smooth, but the"see through" skill could not be used frequently. The hair on the body was already covered with sweat. body...

This is not because it is too physically demanding.

It's because of the battle with the Overlord Pokémon.

Every Pokémon is under tremendous psychological pressure.

This kind of psychological pressure would not be possible without the help of a trainer.

It's entirely possible for most Pokémon to become overwhelmed by sheer stress.

He even forgot how to release his moves.

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