For every Pokémon.

The status of the dominant Pokémon is unassailable.

Defeating the Overlord is also the real whetstone for every Pokémon to undergo all-round transformation in terms of mind and strength.

In Xiaofeng's understanding.

Defeat an Overlord Pokémon in a 1 vs 1 situation.

Then this Pokémon is qualified to stand in front of a mythical beast to challenge.

Yes, this is what Xiaofeng is thinking now.

At the same time, it is also the thought in the mind of almost every time traveler.

That is to allow your Pokémon to defeat the mythical beast in a 1-on-1 situation.

So defeating the overlord now can be regarded as a small goal for Xiaofeng. before that...

This goal in front of us must be overcome.


After discovering that the opponent in front of him had dodged his attack.

The Overlord Needle Bee looked particularly angry.

I saw it arching its tail.

The long needle at the end of the butt instantly projects a slender steel needle like a machine gun.

This is an insect type move"��"Bullet Needle".

It was originally a move that was not very powerful.

But when used on the Overlord Needle Bee, it will make people feel as if they are on the battlefield.

It is as terrifying as being covered in a hail of bullets.


"The Fiery Monkey quickly dodges while approaching its opponent."

Facing the opponent's firepower output.

Xiaofeng can only make the Explosive Monkey quickly twist its body to dodge.

The Explosive Monkey's dexterous fighting rhythm also allows it to face the opponent's firepower suppression. It can quickly perform repeated horizontal jumps.

Move forward. The rushing fiery monkey is very smart...

It specializes in finding the opponent's blind spots to move.

Suddenly, it exploded and tumbled.

A large number of steel needles pierced the ground and lifted up layers of soil and bricks. As for the green grass and green leaves, they didn't know where they had flown.

I can tell.

There has been no fighting for a long time.

The Overlord Needle Bee is now fully equipped to face the challenge from the Fiery Monkey.

"It's now! Fiery Monkey uses Fire Punch!"

Using the surrounding terrain, the Fiery Monkey quickly rushed in front of the Big Needle Bee.

His right hand was instantly dyed with a ball of scorching flames and shot out instantly.

Facing the Fiery Monkey's attack, the Overlord Big Needle Bee's hands condensed green energy..

Use the cross scissors with a backhand to hit the fiery monkey.


The attacks from both sides hit their opponents almost at the same time.

The chest of the Overlord Needle Bee, which received a flaming punch, instantly turned black.

Its body fell back several meters.

It flapped its wings desperately before it stabilized its figure.

It issued. The Overlord Sting Bee was obviously severely injured by this move.

On the other hand, the situation of the Fiery Monkey was not optimistic.

It was hit in the head by the cross scissors and was smashed directly into the ground.

A big hole appeared.

Under Xiao Feng's condolences,

Fiery Monkey Pa struggled to stand up.

A clearly visible scar appeared on its head, which would have a great impact on the next this moment....

Xiaofeng knew that he could no longer hide his trump card.

This is why the giant sting wasp is relatively reckless.

If the opponent's output is wretched, this battle will be troublesome.

"Hot monkey! Let us face this opponent with the strongest attitude!"

"Beyond evolution, mega evolution!"

As Xiaofeng lit up the evolution key stone on his wrist with his finger.

The evolution key stone instantly scattered colorful light.

It was entangled with the light extending from behind the fiery monkey.

It changed its appearance in an instant.

Roar. ~

Facing the new look of the Fiery Monkey, the Overlord Needle Bee's expression suddenly changed, and it looked at Xiaofeng thoughtfully for a second....

The overlord Needle Bee felt a terrible threat from the Fiery Monkey.

This threat is compared to just now.

Completely different people

"It's our turn to take the initiative!"

"Hot Monkey uses bodybuilding!"


The fiery monkey, whose eyes instantly turned blood red, hit the steel glove of his right hand heavily with the bandaged fist of his left hand.

The muscles of his entire body began to expand rapidly.

The terrifying figure of nearly 1.8 meters was like a hill.

Invisible. The air waves blew away the dust on the ground without a trace, which showed the terrifying fighting power of the


Monkey at this moment....

If it doesn't take action again.

The next battle will be extremely difficult for it.

First, the overlord sting wasp releases a large number of poisonous stings on the spot.

After taking cover, he immediately raised his spear and charged towards the fiery monkey.


Facing the poisonous needles.

Hot Monkey didn’t even look at it.

Let these nasty things hit you.

However, these poisonous needles had no effect at all when they hit the fiery monkey who already had steel attributes.

Obviously he was a little surprised by how tough the opponent in front of him was.

Overlord Needle Bee's movements are slower

"The fiery monkey intercepts the opponent's impact!"

The Fiery Monkey, who was connected to Xiaofeng's mind at this time, knew all his thoughts.

Xiaofeng hardly needed to say anything in the following battle. The

Fiery Monkey was already able to perfectly use his moves in the most appropriate way. A cruel smile appeared on the Fiery Monkey's face as he used the fatal needle to hit the ground with a strong impact. Split into pieces. Then, the Fiery Monkey quickly twisted its body and kicked the gravel towards the swooping giant needle bee. After letting out a roar, the long thorns in his hands turned into afterimages and easily smashed the gravel into powder.

"It's now! Hot Monkey uses a flying knee kick!"

After hearing Xiaofeng's confident command,

I subconsciously...The overlord Needle Bee sensed the approaching crisis.

It quickly shattered the remaining two stones in front of it....

After that, he made a shocking discovery.

Where the Fiery Monkey should have stood.

Where are the people now?

And at this moment.

He suddenly felt the strong sound of breaking wind coming from above his head...

The sound was like a falling meteorite.

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