Tick tock~tick tock!

A trace of juice dripped down from the end of the interlocking stalactites.

It hits the ground and makes a nice sound.

Under a ray of light.

This deep cave was brightly illuminated.

The breeze traveled for half an hour among Mount Tsukimi.

I also saw the sad living conditions of the local Pokémon.

There are many pangolins because the internal environment is really horribly dry.

There is absolutely no motivation in life.

He could only lie weakly on the ground and gasp for breath.

Only when they are hungry will they turn over in search of food.

At the same time, Pokémon that Xiaofeng had never seen before also appeared in the cave.

Pokémon such as Paras and Palast are obviously very impatient with this dark and damp cave.

He desperately planted the mushrooms on his body on the ground.

For them, who live in symbiosis with plants, this will seriously affect their daily lives.

Among them, the ones with the greatest impact are the supersonic bats and the large-mouthed bats.

At this time, they are affected by the environment and cannot sleep normally.

Completely turned into rioters in the cave.

A full half hour.

Xiaofeng has experienced more than a dozen battles.

Along the way.

A group of them also discovered some devices that Team Rocket had manipulated.

These devices are placed on cliffs or in cave entrances.

Not in working condition yet.

But once you start working.

The entire front passage of Mount Tsukimi will be directly exposed to the scorching light. if that is the case.

These Pokémon live in a dark and humid environment all year round. will be greatly troubled.

Xiaofeng could see...

Li Ke's expression beside him remained tense.

Anger welled up in the eyes of this helpless clerk.

Obviously it could break out at any time.

However, his good work quality allowed him to suppress the anger in his heart.

Just turn grief and anger into strength.

Like a machine.

One, two, three... they pulled out all the search devices they saw, and their actions were extremely skillful and swift.

It seemed that the anger towards Team Rocket was being transferred onto these machines.

Of course...

Xiaofeng, who was walking through the cave at this time, did not forget Tonger beside him.

Ever since he entered Mount Tsukimi, he had been taciturn.

This is completely different from how impatient he was at first


The three people who were walking slowly on the road ahead suddenly heard a miserable cry.

The sound came from a fork in the road on the left

"not good! That voice is!"

After hearing this sound,

Li Ke, who was the first to react, changed his face.

After saying a word with unknown meaning, he got rid of Xiaofeng and Tonger. He took a step towards the direction of the scream, rushed over

"Investigator Li Ke!"

"please wait a while!"

What did you feel?

Tongger, who had not said a word as soon as he entered the cave, suddenly showed a smile on his face.

Then he shouted to Li Ke.

Then he followed the other person's pace closely.

Ha......Finally your purpose is exposed

"Please keep your eyes open for a while."

"The guy who gave us money to come in to do things is not a good person, so be wary of him at all times."

After hearing what Xiaofeng said, several Pokémon around him nodded at the same time.

After stuffing the Rubik's Cube that they were playing with out of boredom back into their pockets,

Xiaofeng and the Pokémon around him also followed the two who turned into the side road. , walked over


A small voice like a baby's murmur sounded in Xiaofeng's ears.

He subconsciously looked at it.

It could be seen very clearly.

At this time, a short stature, very light body, cute and sweet appearance, with an appearance of The pink Pokémon was cowering in the corner with a panicked expression, tears streaming from the corners of its eyes. This look would almost arouse the desire of every male animal to protect itself.

The ferocious purple monster opened its bloody mouth

"It's Pippi! Pippi! Don't be afraid, we will rescue you right away!"

With Li Ke's shout, he instantly attracted the attention of an Abo monster.


The Abo monster that suddenly appeared was obviously not afraid of the three humans in front of him.

At this moment, Li Ke, who was carrying a briefcase and rushed forward to attack the Abo monster.

The Abo monster's throat was squeezed quickly, and in an instant A dark purple solution hit Li Ke's briefcase directly.

A strong corrosive sound was produced!


Li Ke subconsciously took out the document in his hand after finally working up the courage.

The bag was thrown directly to the ground.

Faced with the terrible desire of the Abo monster, Li Ke ran back and looked at Xiao Feng.

In this situation, only his Pokémon could turn the tide.

~ The Abo monster that highlighted Snake Letter was obviously very satisfied with Li Ke's fear.

It even shook its huge head and opened its mouth and glanced at the Pokémon behind the protagonist.

The corrosive saliva dripping from the fangs is terrifying.

"Mountain rat! I'll leave this guy to you, well... you don't have to give me face."

After shaking his palms twice with the breeze, the pangolin nodded quickly.

His body shrank into a ball and then looked at the Abo monster with a shocked face.

A high-speed spin hit it directly on the head.

After knocking it into the rock wall on one side, the angry Abo pulled himself out of the wall and fired a large number of poisonous needles at the mountain rat.���

And face the opponent's attack.

The pangolin directly hugs its body into a ball.

Ding ding ding~

These poisonous needles bounced away after hitting the pangolin's outer skin.

It didn't have the slightest impact on it.

After discovering that the Arbor snake's attack had come to an end, the pangolin immediately released its spherical state and burrowed into the ground, starting its burrowing trick.

At this moment, the Abo monster could only look at the surrounding terrain with a panicked expression. Suddenly

, the sound of ground breaking out of the cave was heard.

At this moment, smoke appeared behind the Arabian snake, and the dispersion was obvious. The pangolin used the burrowing technique to appear behind the opponent.


The moment Aboguai reacted, he had already lost consciousness.

The crossed steel claws were like scissors, and the guillotine struck directly on its 7-inch sides.

After this move, the Abo monster immediately foamed at the mouth, fainted on the ground, and lost the ability to fight.

"Beautiful~ Mountain rat, your movements are very coherent. It seems that you are really suitable for fighting in such terrain."

He praised the pangolin.

Pippi, who was holding his little heart and breathing rapidly, had already stood up.

It seemed that he was still a little frightened.

I saw this little guy coming in front of the pangolin.

He directly gave the pangolin a shot. Hug.

This behavior instantly turned the face of the pangolin in front of me red.

It can be seen that this Pippi must be a girl. It has to be said that such a stuffed toy-like Pokémon is very attractive to girls. The macho man liked it.

Xiaofeng felt a little itchy when he saw this move, and then he recalled the skinny stuffed toy on his bed in his previous life.

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