
Walking to Xiaofeng, Pippi bowed to him with a smile on his face.

Then he raised his hands and gestured back and forth in front of the three people. Then

Pippi turned around.

Jumping and running into the distance

"Let’s follow quickly!"

"What Pippi means is to thank you for saving your life and give you a gift. Let us follow it to get it."

Just when Xiaofeng was confused,

Li Ke promptly provided an official explanation.

"That’s enough! Mr. Li Ke can actually understand Pippi’s language!"

Compared to Xiaofeng, who usually only knows a little bit about communicating with his Pokémon.

Pokémon's language is really difficult.

The weirdest thing is that each of their Pokémon's calls are different.

But before each other, But they can understand and communicate with each other.

This situation even includes human language.

This has been a mystery that has puzzled the scientific community for many years. Xiaofeng felt that Li Ke could understand Pipi's language.

Very curious

"Oops, that’s an award."

"In fact, I have no way of understanding their language, but because I have been with them day and night, I have a little grasp of some of their movements, expressions, and auras."

"After all, you have to know that the movements and demeanor of Pokémon are exactly the same as those of us humans."

"Even if you don’t communicate much with your good friends, you will develop a tacit understanding after getting along for a long time."

"The other person’s look tells you what he or she is thinking."

After hearing what Li Ke said, Xiaofeng also sighed secretly.

It is obvious that the other party has a deep love for Pippi and the Pokémon of this land.

Otherwise, this kind of talent will not be developed.

In fact, I have to say.

Alliance Many of our researchers have a true love for the natural environment. Some of them even live in extremely harsh conditions all the time, even if they are far away from the hustle and bustle of the city and the human community.

They are still able to face life with full enthusiasm, partly because of the Pokémon who accompany them.

After paying their respects to researchers like Li Ke, the three of them took their time. Following Pippi's footsteps, he walked in.

The surrounding cave seemed to be getting wider and wider.

At the same time, Xiaofeng could hear the gurgling sound right in front of him, following Pippi's steps. After that,

Xiaofeng felt that the stuffy atmosphere was completely dissipated, and instead, everyone felt particularly comfortable after turning the last corner..

Xiaofeng saw the brightest natural light since entering the cave.

It was the light reflected by the bright moonlight on the smooth stone walls.

"Unimaginable! This place can actually have moonlight from outside shining in!"

It seems...

Li Ke is obviously the first time he has arrived in this area.

Although he usually has a good relationship with the Pipi people, after all, there are a large number of Pipi people living in Yuejian Mountain.

Apparently he has just been assigned here. Yes, Li Ke had never been to this place.

As this Pippi marched deeper and deeper, everyone led by Xiaofeng suddenly saw a large number of other Pippi coming from different areas. Walking back and forth with a swaying pace, they walked towards the area where the moonlight was projected.

When the three of them broke through the last corner at the same time

, what appeared in front of them was two football fields. A huge and empty space.

You can see that the ground of this space is covered with soft haystacks, and there are many plush toys placed in it, making the whole environment look particularly special. It was warm.

What made Xiaofeng feel healed was the scene of hundreds of Pipi playing and resting in front of her.

Faced with this scene,

Xiaofeng couldn't help but take out the recorded images of the trip.

Good memories need to be recorded all the time.

After Xiaofeng captures each Pokémon, these will become precious memories for Xiaofeng in the future.

While taking pictures, an object suddenly appeared in the distance and attracted Xiaofeng's attention.

It was an extremely large round stone, and the surface of the rock was as white as a crescent moon.

It is obvious that the moonlight in the open air above the head shines perfectly on this stone.

It is precisely because of the light reflected by this stone that it attracts Xiaofeng and others to come here.

"This... is this the reason why Yuejian Mountain attracts so many Pippi to appear here?!"

Looking at the stone in front of him, Li Ke's face showed a hint of surprise.

However, just when Xiaofeng and Li Ke were both attracted by the scene in front of them. They didn't say much during the whole process.

Tonger suddenly said Crazy laughter

"really! Sure enough~ there is the ultimate secret of Pokémon evolution in Yuejian Mountain"

"If such a large piece of complete moon stone were to be sold on the market"

"Sell it completely for a sky-high price. In that case, the problems of research topics and research funding can be solved smoothly."

Hearing Tonger's ultimate goal,

Xiaofeng's lips raised slightly.

This guy really had another purpose.

He came for the sacred stone belonging to Pippi inside Yuejian Mountain from the beginning.

This can explain why he This time the action was so secretive.

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