After this difficult battle ended.

Xiaofeng knelt on the ground facing this moment.

Tonger, who looked incredulous, nodded.

Immediately afterwards, the giant needle bee appeared behind the opponent in a flash.

He charged up the spear in his hand and knocked it down, knocking this guy who was good at causing trouble to the ground.

"Xiaofeng, are you okay? I've contacted the people in Joban City and they will be here soon!"

Li Ke re-entered the cave.

At this time, he was fully equipped with all kinds of equipment.

Xiaofeng even saw a shotgun on it.

It seems that for the safety of the investigation workers, the alliance also provided They are specially equipped with weapons, which are quite intimidating.

"Don't worry, Investigator Li Ke!"

"I have stabilized the situation here."

Just wait for the police officers to take away this cholera suspect."

As for this biting land shark...

Xiaofeng dared to get close to observe the other party at this moment.

It can be clearly seen.

Accompanied by the shattering of the dark ball.

At this time, the patterns entangled on its body became darker.

But it didn't disappear.

Its overall appearance is still so ferocious.

And his body shape is still so burly.

This is how the Dark Ball changes the Pokémon's physique.

This irreversible mutation.

Even after the Dark Ball was destroyed.

It will still affect the life of this Pokémon.

Worry that the bitten land shark will wake up at any time and then run away.

Xiao Feng attacks others around him again.

He glanced helplessly at the dark ball that had become fragments.

Take out a brand new empty Poké Ball of your own.

Subconsciously, Xiaofeng wanted to try to see if he could use the elf ball to put it away first.

After all, it would be too dangerous for it to wake up like this.

It threw it at the biting land shark on the ground, and the elf ball ejected.

The big guy in front of him turned into a red light and was taken into the elf ball.

Xiaofeng's guess was correct.

This biting land shark is a wild Pokémon.

What happened to it was after researchers used dark balls to forcibly recover it.

I originally thought that the Poke Ball's reaction would be very violent.

But reality is not like that.

Looking at the Poké Ball falling from the sky to the ground.

With just a slight sway, the subjugation was completed instantly.

Xiaofeng's expression looked very solemn.

This can only mean one thing.

This Pokémon's life force has begun to drain away.

Even the basic will to resist the elf ball's subjugation was gone.

The Dark Ball is a terrifying existence that can corrode even Pokémon like Celebi.

This power has too many consequences for ordinary Pokémon.

Xiao Feng, who picked up the elf ball, looked behind him and Li Ke, who was hesitant to speak.

"If you don't convince it now"

"I was worried that it might not survive the rescue of the Elf Center."

Knowing that Li Ke in front of him has objections to humans conquering Pokémon.

Xiaofeng doesn't want to have too much communication with him.

After all, he wants to impose the thoughts of a researcher on a trainer.

That's nonsense.

The profession of trainer has its own idea of harmonious relationship with Pokémon, and it is actually very one-sided to say that you should not use balls to restrain Pokémon.

You know...

there is no way that many Pokémon can survive to adulthood in the wild.

If some trainers don't tame them, their future is very likely to be suddenly ruined in the process of looking for food.

It is said that this issue has been debated in the Pokémon world.

Whether Pokémon should be given freedom or let them live better in a human way.

The latter situation may not be applied to other animals.

This situation can be realized with Pokémon, because Pokémon have the same thoughts as humans and can understand human language.

The key is that they do not have as complex personalities as humans..

Even if they have intelligence that far exceeds that of humans, they will still not do anything that threatens ordinary people.

It is precisely because of this that countless Pokémon live with humans and live happily.

A series of other professions were born out of this kind of life.

It was already an hour later when the police helicopter appeared in the clearing of Tsukimi Mountain.

The distance from Nibi City is not short.

The most important thing is that the environment is so complicated.

If it were not for the famous place, it would have been much later before the helicopter arrived.

Li Ke had already informed most of the facts here, so Xiaofeng didn't waste much time and watched Tonger being carried onto the helicopter on a stretcher.

As a witness, Li Ke took out a shining moon stone from his pocket and handed it to Xiaofeng before boarding the plane.

"This is Pippi, a gift of thanks for your heroic performance."

"Although I don’t know what happened to you inside, but I know how powerful the explosion that shook the earth was."

"You went through a very difficult battle"

"Thank you very much for saving my life, and thank you for protecting Pipi."

After that, the two were arranged on two helicopters and flew away from the place.

Looking at the scenery that was quickly retreating in front of their eyes,

Xiaofeng's mouth curled up slightly.

Xiaofeng, who had been roaming in this forest all day, Wind.

He didn't expect that he would have to return to Nibi City again...

The progress of the trip had been slowed down a lot, which made him slightly unhappy.

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