Nebi City, Police Center.

Xiaofeng was bored at this time.

He slumped down on the stool in a hanging posture.

Xiao Feng has been conducting data collection and questioning for three hours.

At this time, I felt as if my soul was about to ascend to heaven.

He looked at the familiar Miss Junsha and a male policeman whose face seemed to be mosaic.

He let out a sigh of relief.

Still said helplessly

"You two...I've said everything I can say."

"Didn’t I just take some of the traveling expenses from him and introduce him to Yuejian Mountain?……"

"I don’t know what it’s like to go into Yuejian Mountain. It’s just for money."

"As for what the other party’s purpose is, it’s impossible for him to tell me, an ordinary trainer.……""

Xiao Feng has always been an ordinary person in his previous life.

I didn’t expect that I had only been in this world for half a month.

I went directly to the police station.

In front of me, the two people were sitting upright.

Coupled with the airtight iron-clad dark rooms around it.

Xiaofeng really felt as if he was the one on trial. in such a closed environment for a long time.

Xiaofeng is an outgoing person.

Now I can only say that I am mentally and physically exhausted.

And it seemed that he could see Xiaofeng's emotions.

Miss Junsha, who had been recording, coughed.

Then he looked at the young man in front of him

"I'm really sorry."

But the situation at the scene is too complicated."

"First of all, the criminal suspect, I now suspect that his brain has been severely stimulated"

"Still undergoing rehabilitation treatment in the hospital"

"There is no evidence in a short period of time."

And the impact of this incident is so bad, so I can only ask you to cooperate with the work."

Miss Junsha explained. Xiaofeng, who was about to leave at this moment, felt unprecedentedly uncomfortable.

"But two police comrades, if this continues, it will have a great impact on my trip."

"You didn't tell me at all what you needed to know before you were willing to let me go. This made me feel so unsure."

"I have been chatting with you for more than three hours, and I have been the one doing the talking."

"You will just nod and shake your head, and then write something in the notebook," seeing Xiaofeng's impatient look.

The male policeman sitting next to Junsha scratched his head and said with some helplessness.

"What you said is really unscientific~"

"Such a dangerous Pokémon"

"How could you, a new trainer, be able to defeat you?"


After hearing what this man said.

Xiaofeng has scolded these people who underestimated him countless times in his heart.

Simply because I am just a new trainer and do not have a background in a big family.

So... he shouldn't have powerful Pokémon.

There is no way he can defeat the evil organization.

So now the two hosts must have some doubts in their minds.

Xiaofeng can appear here safe and sound.

That's because he has an affair with the Rockets organization

"This logic is really smooth!"

It's really because of this idea.

That's why the action team members who were dispatched at the first moment preconceived the protagonist as an accomplice of the evil organization. That's why they persisted in biting it. They thought about it in their hearts.

After that,

Xiaofeng almost slapped himself...

No wonder the other party thought it was a joke.

But if you don't believe it, you can put me in. If there is nothing else, I will leave first..

I originally thought I could get the title of an enthusiastic citizen, but now it seems that I myself may be included.……

"Please wait for this trainer!"

"I have a way to prove your innocence……"

Miss Junsha, who had been thinking about how to deal with it, suddenly thought of something.

After snapping his fingers.

Stopped Xiaofeng


The smell of anxiety in the air makes people's adrenaline soar.

People in the midst of a struggle will have a bit of a bad temper.

The night was as cold as water, but the moonlight reflected the bodies of everyone present.

But not affected at all.

Looking at the spacious running playground in front of me.

This is where police officers usually conduct training.

The police of this world.

Not only does it require strong security knowledge.

At the same time, he is also very successful in using Pokémon to fight.

Because of this... most police stations have increased the use value of their playgrounds a lot.

After reducing the number of football fields.

The remaining areas.

All are freed up for Pokémon duels.

Feel the high outer walls of the surrounding buildings.

Xiaofeng could feel how much psychological pressure it would put on the trainer in this dialect environment.

The internal situation of the Nibi City Police Department has never been seen in the anime.

Xiaofeng has seen it this time

"Now that he appears here, as the name suggests, he is going to have a fierce Pokémon showdown with Miss Junsha."

Of course, it's not that he took the initiative to provoke anyone.

It was just to prove that he had the qualifications to defeat the biting land shark.

At this time, Miss Junsha put on sportswear, showing off her proud figure. At the same time, her vitality His face was full of excitement.

It was clear that this police officer also had a simple exchange with Xiaofeng in the interrogation room.

1 vs.


As long as Xiaofeng's Pokémon can defeat her Pokémon, she can unilaterally prove that what Xiaofeng said is true..

But for the situation that has reached a dead end, Xiaofeng does not know that this battle has actually entered the eyes of others.

At this moment, in the corridor of the building on the side of the playground, an old man with fair hair and a kind face was sitting in a wheelchair, his mouth slightly open.

An unpredictable smile.

At this moment , a young girl holding an umbrella stood beside the old man.


"I can't understand why my sister wants to compete with this new trainer"

"You must know that my sister is always among the best in family competitions."

"If there is a strength match among trainers,"

"There is also the level of quasi-king, right?"

"Isn't it very clear that the outcome of her battle with the other party will be clear?"

From the girl's words, it can be understood that the two people present are also members of the Junsha family. And they are directly related to Miss Junsha in front of them. relatives

"Kyoko~This is the consciousness of being a trainer!"

"You can know a person's character from the battle"

"Battle is not the ultimate goal, the purpose is to learn what kind of trainer the opponent is through the battle."

"As one of the required courses for our Junsha family, this is also very important."

After the mother-in-law said this, the girls beside her were thoughtful.

Under their gaze, the battle in front of them had officially begun.

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