Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 946 Scaring the Incontinent Bandit

"Since you dare not press the detonator, then let me do it for you." My husband said while playing with the four detonators that looked like remote controls in his hand.

"Then let me ask you now, do you think I detonated the bomb between your legs, or the one in your mouth, or the two next to your head."

Ryoto regained his composure, and asked Yamaguchi in a flat tone.

"Ah!!! Don't kill me, I don't want to die~ I don't want to die..." Yamaguchi looked at the boy in front of him with horror and pleading eyes.

Joining the Rockets for so many years, Yamaguchi felt the fear of the league from the bottom of his heart for the first time.

And it's all because of the young man in front of him who doesn't behave like the league and the police.

Yamaguchi is really scared...

Looking at the three Rockets who have been scolded by their lovers and have collapsed, and the terrorist in front of him whose mental state is on the verge of collapse under the threat of bombs and death.

The police officers of Junsha not far behind, and the citizens of Tokiwa City watching the live broadcast in front of the TV sighed.

They not only felt a burst of pleasure for the bomber's punishment, but also felt sincere admiration for the man's iron and blood methods.

Of course, it doesn't matter if it's the police, the citizens of Changpan, the trainers watching the live TV broadcast, or the high-level alliance powers far away at the headquarters of the Alliance on the Quartz Plateau.

What they are most interested in is how the beloved man who is in a violent mood will deal with the thugs next.

"This young man is really tough, but he won't detonate a bomb to kill these four gangsters in a fit of anger~"

In the conference room of the alliance headquarters, a congressman asked with some concern.

The alliance's laws are loose on the outside and strict on the inside, and many criminals with serious crimes are not punished very lightly after being arrested, as the lover said.

Only some general crimes can be released on bail and have their sentences reduced. Although other serious crimes do not have the death penalty, they basically have no chance of life imprisonment.

The four Rocket thugs in front of them carried out a bomb terrorist attack in the subway station. Death is not a pity for such a serious crime. Even after being tried by the Supreme Court of the Union, they will be sentenced to life imprisonment.

But the lover detonated the bomb and killed the four gangsters, which is a bit like a lynching.

Even if he is valued by the alliance and appointed as the highest inspector of the Pokémon Inspection Bureau, he will eventually be punished by law for using lynching and intentional homicide.

Thinking of this, a group of high-level power officials in the headquarters of the Quartz Plateau Alliance also looked at the boy holding a bomb detonator in the live TV broadcast with concern.

What the beloved doesn't know is that the alliance values ​​and expects him more than he imagined.

If possible, they don't want to leave any stains on Liaoren's resume, because this will affect his future position in the Kanto League....


In the sky, the news reporter of the Tokiwa City TV Station, who was broadcasting live, did not make any noise at this moment, but let the camera lens focus on the lover's side.

Looking at the boy holding the detonator, everyone wondered if he would press it.

Ryoto didn't hesitate at all, looking down at Yamaguchi who was on the verge of mental collapse, and Ryoto gave his answer directly with actions.

"Farewell ~ Team Rocket!!!" Ryoto's eyes were cold, and in front of Yamaguchi's terrified expression, Ryoto,

Depressed a bomb detonator in his hand.

Watching the red button being pressed, Yamaguchi's pupils dilated infinitely, amidst a burst of pain and explosions that his brain imagined.

As soon as the urethral sphincter relaxes, a stream of turbid yellow, smelly and somewhat warm urine gushes out, flowing down the crotch.

As the person involved, Yamaguchi has already fainted from the fright of his lover.


"Why didn't the bomb explode?" In the conference room of the headquarters of the Quartz Plateau Alliance, the congressman who had just watched and expressed concern asked.

"You ask me, who do I ask?" The person next to him rolled his cute eyes and said.

At the head seat at one end of the long meeting room, an old woman with gray hair and a purple shawl nodded with a smile.

"It seems that our supreme inspector not only possesses super courage and iron-blooded wrists, but also has extraordinary wisdom and a sense of proportion in doing things."

"Indeed, the four vicious Team Rocket terrorists were broken down with just one word.

I'm afraid even the chief of our highest police station can't do this~haha..."

"What are you talking about? They are not ugly, how could they scare the gangsters to tears~"

In the conference room, Junsha Rou, the chief of the alliance's highest police station, smiled coquettishly.

"I said, why don't you transfer my beloved brother to our alliance police station, this kind of courage and means is simply a natural policeman."

Junsha Rou's words made Joey Nanliu, the director of the Alliance Supervision Bureau sitting next to her, jump.

"I don't care about digging the corner of the wall, but don't stick the hoe to the bottom of the wall of my Supervision Bureau, or don't blame my sister for being rude."

Although she was very upset that the Alliance had arranged for a man to enter her surveillance bureau, Joey Man single-handedly subdued the Rockets terrorists in front of the live TV footage.

The direct subordinates who are about to come to the alliance to take up their duties are very satisfied in their hearts.

"I said male sister, weren't you very reluctant when we arranged my beloved brother into the Supervision Bureau before? How come the topic has changed now~"

Jun Sharou squeezed her chest, put her cheek in one hand, and said to Qiao Yinan, who was sitting next to her, playfully and charmingly.

"Hmph~ I didn't say anything about your sister's reluctance, it's just your own side." Joy Nan said coldly.

If this cold and arrogant aura is seen by outside trainers, they will definitely be suspicious:

"This is really the gentle and sweet Miss Joy? Besides, Miss Junsha, how can you be so playful and charming? How about your policeman's fierce and capable, where are your whips and handcuffs?"



In the conference room of the headquarters of the Quartz Plateau Alliance, a group of high-level power officials were discussing in a relaxed tone.

On the highway out of the city in the north of Tokipan City, the last Rocket team finally broke his will, and he stopped teasing him.

The beloved turned and walked in the direction of Junsha and the police, looking at the four bomb detonators in his hands.

"Stay~" My beloved yelled, and Stupid instantly understood, grabbing four bombs and throwing them high into the sky.


The good man pressed the bomb detonator, and the four bombs thrown into the sky exploded immediately, and then spewed out scorching flames and made a deafening scream.

A burst of strong and turbulent explosion blasted the canopies of the street trees on both sides of the road below to shake crazily.

It was just to scare Yamaguchi, so Slowbeast used the mental blade to destroy the circuit of the detonator in his hand.

What he pressed at this moment was a normal and intact detonator.

Four bombs were detonated in the sky, and the dazzling flames and scorching flames were all reduced to the background board of the beloved at this moment.

In the sky, reporters from the Tokiwa City TV station on the helicopter frantically asked their colleagues to take close-up shots and camera captures of their beloved.

The overturned jeep, the four gangsters who had already collapsed, and the explosion formed a wave of flames and smoke.

Under the natural background full of visual shock.

A handsome but masculine boy in baseball uniform and casual sportswear, a heroic and handsome Lucario, and a dull beast floating around the boy.

At this moment, Ryoto and the two Pokémon around him are deeply remembered like heroes by the citizens of Tokiwa and the residents of other cities in Kanto who are watching the live TV broadcast.

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