Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1114 Nanako's amazing strength! !

The latest URL: "Damn!! They are really two useless trash."

The gangster stomped his feet fiercely, cursed and hurriedly took out the baby balls, and took back the two Pokmon that had lost their fighting ability.

"Hoo hoo..." Shuangtan gas and moth lost their ability to fight, and the thick fog covering the dam of the park slowly dissipated.

Only the thin white snow accumulated on the bushes in the surrounding green belt tells about the battle that happened here just now, but the rising temperature and the sunlight, the thin snow is also melting rapidly.

At this moment, the Snow Demon Girl also floated down from the sky and stood beside Nanako.

The Snow Fairy has no feet, and her body is very light. It can float in the air like the other evolutionary Ice Ghost that corresponds to it.

The Snow Witch has a human-like appearance and looks like a pretty geisha in a white kimono with a red kimono belt tied around her waist.

The ice crystal blue eyes with yellow sclera peep out through the white 'mask'. Compared with the lively and active snow boy when she was a child, the snow demon girl has a quiet personality like a lady after evolution.

"Damn it!!" Looking at Nanako and the Snow Demon Girl next to her, the young gangster's face was filled with anger, as if he had forgotten that it was he who wanted to snatch the other party's Awakening Stone.

There is an established cultural custom in the Pokémon world. Whether it is a professional Pokémon trainer or not, no matter what the specific matter is, there is no Pokmon battle that cannot be resolved.

And after a battle, no matter how big the grievances are, they will be resolved in the end, and if there is no grievance between the two sides, there is a high probability that the two sides will establish a friendship after a battle.

"Snow Demon Girl, let's go~" Nanako glanced at the gangster youth, but she didn't pursue it any further. After greeting the Snow Demon Girl next to her, she prepared to walk out of the park.

But what Nanako didn't notice was that the young gangster's eyes were full of shame and anger, as if Nanako's leaving like this was a great humiliation to him.

When Nanako and the snow demon girl passed by him, the gangster youth suddenly became angry: "Damn kid, die for me."

The young gangster yelled, clenched his fists and smashed the girl on the back of the head. Generally good-natured people would think sneak attack was despicable, but for this bad-natured little gangster, it was simply commonplace.


After realizing the maliciousness of the little gangster,

Lucario had reminded the girl a long time ago that Nanako felt a bad wind coming from her back at this moment. She dashed forward to avoid the attack, then turned around and kicked the gangster young man hard on the cheek with a backspin kick.

"Ah!!" The young man fell to the ground after howling in pain, and looked at the girl with a little more fear.

During the special training in Ice Island before, Liangren taught the girl a few simple fighting techniques, firstly to exercise the body to resist the cold, and secondly to defend herself when necessary when going out.

Because of long-term dancing, Nanako's physical fitness is not bad. This can be seen from the fact that she turned around and kicked this gangster youth several years older than her to the ground.

"Damn brat, just wait for me!!" The gangster who knew that he had encountered a hard stubble today got up from the ground in embarrassment and fled after saying a harsh word.

Nanako stood there, frowning tightly, without moving.

Instead, a white elf ball in her bag suddenly opened, and Lucario turned into a blue whirlwind and chased after the little gangster with his wind step.


In the grove of the park, Lucario punched to the flesh, and it took several minutes for the little gangster to stop screaming.

When Lucario came back, Nanako was still standing in the small dam in the same posture as before, with a depressed and complicated expression on her face.

"Xiaolu, you don't have heavy hands." The subdued Pokémon attacked other human trainers. Such things are prohibited by the alliance law, but although Nanako was worried, she didn't blame Lucario.

"Aww~ Sister Nana, don't worry, I just taught him a lesson and let him suffer a little bit."

"This guy ordered Pokémon to rob the Awakening Stone. If he dared to report to Miss Junsha, he himself would be punished more severely."

"So after being taught a lesson, he shouldn't dare to trouble us again." Lucario has waveguide perception, which is very confusing to the emotional changes in the young man's heart just now.

"Hmm~" Nanako nodded, seeing that Lucario had said that, she was no longer worried.

"Xiaolu, what happened just now, remember not to tell Brother Liangren when you get back." Nanako reminded.

"Aww—Okay, Miss Nana." Lucario nodded obediently.

Nanako had nothing to lose when she was harassed by the gangsters, although she finally gave him a lesson and drove them away, but her happy mood was ruined.

The girl is not like the beloved as a time traveler, she has a lot of experience in being a human being in two lifetimes, whether it is the good or the evil in the heart, he has seen the beloved, so he will be very indifferent when encountering such a thing.

However, Nanako is an aborigine of the Pokémon world. At the age of thirteen, she grew up in a big city, with the love of her parents at home, and the care of her classmates and friends at school.

She has seen the truth, goodness and beauty of the human heart, but she has never personally experienced the ugly side of human nature before, so after experiencing the robbery by the gangster just now, she felt so uneasy.

However, she took a deep breath and adjusted, and the girl gradually recovered. The Pokémon world is very safe, but Nanako also knows that there are bad guys outside who will snatch the trainer's Pokémon.

There is even an evil rocket team in the Kanto area. There was a bomb terrorist attack in Tokiwa City before. If it wasn't for the accidental presence of a beloved person, I don't know how many people would lose their lives because of the bomb attack.

Back on the street, remembering what happened just now, the girl was still afraid for a while, and suddenly turned to look at Lucario while walking.

"Xiaolu, judging from your reaction just now, did you encounter similar things when you were traveling with your beloved before?" Nanako asked curiously.

"Aww——When I first started combat training, Brother Master would rent a battle field at the Pokémon Center every time he went to a city, and train my combat ability by offering rewards for gambling."

"In addition to some decent trainers, there will also be some trainers who treat Brother Master as a big fat sheep. They will secretly follow us and launch robberies in some alleys."

"So I have experienced such things quite a lot." Hearing Nanako's question, Lucario nodded and shared his experience, and Nanako was also very emotional after hearing it.

"Xiaolu, how did Liangren react when he encountered this kind of thing, and did he say anything afterwards?" Nanako became more and more interested in learning about Liangren's past travel life from Lucario.

"Aww——Brother Master didn't react at all, he looked calm and indifferent as usual when doing other things, Brother Bird, Brother Silly, and Sister Xiaobei are all the same."

"However, when encountering this kind of thing, brother master will also seriously explain some truths to me who have just started training." Lucario recalled.

"Brother Liangren, what did he tell you?" Nanako asked curiously.

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