Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1115 plan, shocking Flora! !

The latest website: "Whether it's me, Sister Xiaoqing or Xiaolong now, when we were not strong at the beginning, brother master would put us outside the baby ball and bring us with him."

"Brother Master will tell us a lot of truths. When we met some gangsters blocking the way and robbing us, what Brother Master said was——

‘There are good people and bad people in this world, we should always be kind to good people, but if there are bad people who intend to do things that hurt us, we don’t need to be too polite to them’

‘The alliance promulgates laws to protect the interests of good citizens from infringement, not as a shelter for bad people to do bad things, so there is no need to tell them the laws and rules for everything. "

"That's what Brother Master said." Lucario replied.

"When dealing with bad people, shouldn't you act according to the standard of treating good people?" Nanako is a very smart girl, and she was thoughtful after hearing Lucario's words.

Thinking back to the gangster who wanted to snatch her Awakening Stone just now, a Stone of Awakening worth millions is nothing to her family, but what if the gangster snatched someone else?

I worked so hard to save a sum of money and found a way to buy it with great difficulty, but was snatched by a street gangster by force.

Nanako felt that despair when she thought about it in another way, and she also understood that the one who used the power of Pokmon to do bad things like the one she met just now should never be condoned and forgiven.

"It's true that you shouldn't be too polite to bad people." After understanding this truth, Nanako's mood suddenly became much lighter.


Ryoto didn't know what happened to Nanako at the moment. After coming out of the Pokémon Center, he took a taxi to the central business district on the inner periphery of the island.

At this moment, in a high-end office building with all glass exterior walls, Liangren is sitting in a spacious and bright office discussing matters with others.

This is the headquarters of the "Sun News" company. The Pokémon World company law is a little different from the previous life. Although it is funded by a good person and occupies 90% of the company's shares, this can not be disclosed to the public.

The company's employees and outsiders don't know the actual relationship between the beloved and the company, they only know that Flora is the ostensible person in charge of the company.

"The Orange Alliance has officially appointed my sister as the owner of the Mandolin Gym,

Messenger... Brother Liangren, what is the plan to make the "Sun News" company famous and gain a firm foothold in the Orange Islands that you mentioned on the phone? "

Sitting opposite Liangren was Flora. With the 50 million start-up capital provided by Liangren, this news media company has been established and has started formal operation.

Weibo community, bilibili Ma Ma Xiao Yu and other video sites have already certified the company's official account, and every day in the form of "Sun Daily" to push pictures, texts and video content online.

Because the company has just been established and its reputation has not yet been established, the data feedback of the "Sun Daily" pushed by the company in various channels is not ideal.

Aurora is not surprised by this result, because this is a dilemma, or a test, that any new company will face.

However, Flora also seemed a little excited when she heard her lover say that he had a plan to make the Sun Daily of the Sun News Company quickly gain popularity within the Orange Islands and occupy a part of the market share.

"Not bad." The beloved nodded.

"As a news media company, if it can consistently output high-quality and eye-catching news content, it will naturally be remembered by everyone."

"Of course I understand this truth, but it is not an easy task to dig out enough attractive news content." Flora said, holding the white porcelain coffee cup in her hand and taking a sip.

"I came here today to provide you with an exclusive news content." My beloved smiled mysteriously.

"Oh!! Messenger... Junior Li, what scoop are you talking about?" Flora's eyes lit up, her face full of curiosity.

"The Orange League has just been established, and the gymnasium and competition system are also undergoing reforms. Before the Orange League asked me to discuss reform issues, and I also gave a set of plans..."

"The four gymnasiums of the Southern Cross will be retained, and the Orange Winners Cup will also be retained. The eleven gymnasiums of the Orange Alliance will be officially opened in half a month at most."

"As the director of the Pokémon Supervision Bureau of the Kanto League, and the proposer of the Orange League Gymnasium and competition system reform plan, the Orange League temporarily authorized me as a special supervisor."

"After half a month, after the official opening of the Orange Alliance Gym, I will review and assess the work of the eleven Orange Alliance Gyms as an inspector, and at the same time challenge as a challenger."

"Collect all the seven new Gymnasiums of the Big Dipper and the badge of any Southern Cross Gymnasium to participate in the Orange Alliance Conference;

On the basis of the seven Big Dipper Gymnasiums, if you collect all the badges of the Southern Cross Gymnasium, you can participate in the special meeting after the Orange League Conference: "The Winner's Cup". "

"This time because the Orange Alliance Gym has just opened, the alliance meeting will be held next year, but because I will assess the Gym, I will eventually challenge the eleven Gymnasiums one by one."

"If I can collect the badges of eleven gymnasiums, then I will be eligible to participate in the Winner's Cup."

"So in theory, I will be the last challenger in the traditional event of the Orange Islands, the "Victor's Cup", and the first participant in the "Orange League Conference". "

"The Sun News Company used this gimmick as a news topic, and made an exclusive follow-up report on the whole process of this special contestant challenging the gymnasium and finally participating in the competition on the "Sun Daily". Do you think the residents of the Orange Islands will understand this news? develop interest? "

After finishing the plan, the beloved took a sip of the coffee in his cup, looked at Flora with a smile and asked back.

"The last challenger of the "Orange Winner Cup", the first contestant of the "Orange League Conference". "

"Exclusive follow-up report on this special contestant in The Daily Sun. "

"Hiss!!" After reading the plan carefully, Flora opened her eyes wide and looked at her husband in shock.

As a news media professional, Flora has a keen sense of news hotspots, and the news that my beloved just mentioned is really fascinating.

Especially the last challenger of the "Orange Winner Cup" and the first contestant of the "Orange League Conference".

This news entry point and topic gimmick are so amazing, Flora feels that the young man in front of her is simply a born media person.


If Liangren is willing to switch from behind the scenes to the front desk, he will have full control over the operation of "Sun News".

It is believed that in a few years this new company will become a super media company famous in the Pokémon world, just like Liangren himself.

"Phew... this plan is really great." Flora took a deep breath, looked at her husband and sighed.

In fact, there are still some contents of this plan that have not been finished.

In addition to the last challenger of the "Orange Winner Cup", the first contestant of the "Orange League Conference".

If this special contestant is the star trainer Ryoto Muki who has been popular all over the Internet recently, Kanto Chengdu and Orange Islands are well-known, and even famous in the entire Pokémon world~

that... tsk tsk

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