Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1120: The Lightning Bird Invites a Fight! !

The latest website: "Not bad, Lucario, you really didn't disappoint me. The training goal of the first stage was successfully achieved."

Asking Lucario to disperse the "Bird Guide Spiral Shuriken" in his hand, the beloved applauded with a smile on his face.

"Aww!!" Lucario yelled.

The hard work was not only rewarded with increased strength, but also praised by the trainers, which made the loyal Lucario feel happy from the bottom of his heart.

"But you can't relax yet~" My good man patted Lucario's shoulder, "There are two more stages of training in the future, if they are successfully completed, then you will truly master the "Bird Guide Spiral Shuriken"!" A great trick. "

"And Lucario, if you can master this skill, then you will challenge the Orange Alliance Gym, and you will become the main force together with the Monarch Snake."

"So please do your best~" My husband encouraged me with a smile.

"Aww - I will work hard, Brother Master!!" Lucario clenched his fists and made an effort to respond.


He has conducted high-intensity training for five consecutive days, but now the time is a bit tight, but there is no way to take two days off to rest alone.

But the beloved also found a way to relax Lucario and the other Pokémon.

"Come on, let's all go to the hot spring together."

Back at the camp, after having dinner and resting for a while, Ryoto and Nanako changed into the short-sleeved and T-shirts they only wear in summer, and walked to the inner island with a few Pokémon.

The Island of Fire is a small island formed by volcanic eruptions. The altar of fire guarded by flame birds inside the island is built on the edge of the crater.

Before Nanako took a few Pokémon to do high-temperature training near the Inner Island Volcano, and discovered that there were several natural volcanic hot springs at the foot of the volcano.

After that, Ryoto and Nanako would bring their Pokémon over to the hot springs every evening after training and after dinner.

Even if the iron shell shells don't like the hot and high temperature environment of Fire Island, they heard from Monarch Snake and Miss Quen'er that their skin will become better after soaking in the hot springs.

The iron shell shell that has been staying on the Daxue Mountain of Ice Island,

Every evening, I come to Fire Island to soak in the hot springs with Bi Diao and Dumbmon.

"Yah Duo—??(??^o^??)?? Let's go to the hot springs."

"Bi Diao—(??????) I love taking a bath!!" Bi Diao, who didn't like to wet his feathers before, is now also impressed by the charm of hot springs.

The two each carried a small bathtub and led a group of Pokémon to the foot of the volcano on the inner island. In an open space, there were several hot spring pools, large and small.

There is a simple wooden board like a screen between the two large hot spring pools next to each other.

The beloved took four 'boys', Bi Diao, Slow Beast, Lucario, and Mini Dragon, to soak in the pool on the left.

Nanako took the five 'girls', Miss Qun'er, Meilihua, Snow Demon, Iron Armor Shell, and Monarch Snake, to the other side.


After taking off his clothes and hanging them on the fence, Liangren took a few Pokémon down to the hot spring pool.

The soft spring water caresses the body like hands made of silk. At this moment, it is not only × chocolate that enjoys silkiness.

"Brother Liangren, the gymnasium of the Orange Alliance will officially open in ten days. Which gym do you plan to start the challenge from?" Nanako's voice came from the hot spring pool on the other side of the wooden fence.

"There are still ten days until the official opening of the Gymnasium of the Orange Alliance. The time flies so fast. Before I know it, I have been training in Sanshen Island for two months."

"I'm here to challenge, but I'm not in a hurry. I have plenty of time. On your side, Nana, Golden Middle School, this semester is about to end. When are you going back to take the final exam?"

With his head resting on the towel placed beside the hot spring pool, Ryoto asked like Nanako on the other side of the fence.

He has now graduated from Golden High School, and the league hasn't had as many jobs as other recruits.

In addition, he is now the director of the Pokémon Supervision Bureau, and he is already at the top of the power. There are many subordinates and seniors like Qiao Yinan under him. Now he only needs to concentrate on improving his strength.

Nanako is different from him. Although she has met the graduation requirements, she has not yet applied for graduation. She is still a student of Golden Middle School.

As a student in the privileged class, it is no problem to take a long vacation to travel and experience, but it is still near the end of the semester to go back to school to take the final exam.

After all, taking the final exam is an obligation of the students in the privileged class of Golden Middle School, and it is also a right of the students in the ordinary class.

Absence from monthly exams and midterm exams is justified. If even the final exams are absent, the school will have no way to examine the progress of the students in the privileged class this semester.


In addition, ordinary class students also need to pass the final exam, compete with privileged class students for grade rankings, kick out those whose grades are lower than their own, and allow themselves to enter the next semester.

"I'm going to return to school after another week. After the school's final exam is over, Brother Liangren, you've just finished your special training. How about we meet again then?"

On the other side of the fence, Nanako asked her husband for advice in a discussing tone.

"No problem, I will wait for you to come back before proceeding to the gymnasium challenge. After all, we have already made an appointment when we come, haven't we?" Liang Ren said with a smile.

Nanako took a long vacation from school to accompany him to travel to the Orange Islands for practice, but because of his official business, she stayed with him on Sanshen Island for nearly two months.

The bitterly cold Ice Island and the scorching Fire Island have been on these two extreme climate islands for so long.

Although Nanako's strength has improved a lot and she has tamed a new Pokémon, he still feels a little sorry in his heart and feels sorry for her.

Of course, the girl accompanied him for nearly two months in the extreme climate of Sanshen Island without any complaints, which also moved him very much, and the relationship between them deepened a lot.

"Well, after I come back from school, I will accompany you on a trip to the gymnasium, and then I will be a witness for you to enter the "Palace of Victory" on Citrus Island. "

Hearing that her husband is willing to wait for her to come back before starting to challenge the Orange League's gym, Nanako also feels sweet and happy.

Training and traveling with my boyfriend not only had a great time every day, but also improved my strength very quickly, especially now that the team has an extra snow demon girl.



"Gulu Gulu~" After Jian Liangren and Nanako finished chatting, a "drowned chicken" in the hot spring pool bubbled and then came out. This is exactly what Bi Diao looked like after soaking in the hot spring.

"Bi Diao—boss, I suddenly remembered something that I forgot to tell you. I accidentally used "Sky Strike" during the anti-electric training in the afternoon, and the Lightning Bird dragged me to fight with it. "

"Because I'm a little tired after training for a day, I said that I will fight against it tomorrow, and you said that I will not be able to pass the Thunder Island tomorrow." Bi Diao revealed his head from the hot spring pool, blinking his eyes and asked his beloved .

"What's the matter, why don't you go?" After hearing Bi Diao's words, the beloved had a puzzled expression.

"Bi Diao ~ Boss, didn't you say that the three divine birds guarding Sanshen Island are existences whose hard power has surpassed the champion level and truly reached the level of divine beasts?"

"Lightning Bird is so strong that he still wants to fight me. Isn't that intentional to abuse me? Boss, do you think it's because I was training on Thunder Island during this time, and Lightning Bird made a noise and then it got upset~"

The drowned chicken Bi Diao asked his beloved with an aggrieved expression.

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