Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1121 Thunder Island, Energy Crystal! !

The latest website: "Bi Diao, what are you thinking in your head?" My lover glanced at Bi Diao speechlessly, "The flame bird and lightning bird invited you to the island of fire and the island of thunder for training. .”

"The lightning bird asked you to fight, probably because he noticed the exclusive skill of Rogia, the god of the sea included in the "God of the Sky Strike": air blast, so I was a little curious and wanted to experience this skill for myself. "

"Of course, there is another possibility that the Lightning Bird has been guarding the Thunder Island for a long time, and it is a bit boring, so I want you to fight with it to relieve boredom."

"No matter what, the Lightning Bird is the God of Thunder, so it won't be idle to abuse you. It is estimated that the other party will lower their strength at that time, and maybe they just want to guide you~" the lover comforted.

"Oh! Alright." Bi Diao nodded suspiciously.

Although it has comprehended the spiritual will of "Brave of Burning Will", it does not mean that it likes to be abused without incident. Against an opponent like the Lightning Bird, Bidiao still has self-knowledge.

"I'll go there with you tomorrow, and I also want to see the power of the Lightning Bird." Picking up a handful of spring water and pouring it at Bi Diao with a gloomy expression, the beloved said with a smile.


After soaking in the hot spring, the skin feels smooth and comfortable. After putting on the clothes, the skin is in contact with the dry and skin-friendly fabric of the T-shirt, which makes people feel extra relaxed.

The first phase of Lucario's "Bogus Spiral Shuriken" training has been completed, the pressure in his heart has been reduced by more than half, and he sleeps very comfortably at night.

In the night sky, the bright moon is surrounded by stars, and on the sparkling sea, a sea fish jumps out of the water from time to time. The fish scales reflect the clear light of the moon and shine with beautiful silver light.

There was nothing to say all night, until the moon in the night sky disappeared and disappeared, and a golden-red radiant morning sun rose from the sea in the east.


In an instant, not only the sea was illuminated brightly, but the gray and black volcanic rocks of the Island of Fire were also dyed golden red, as if injecting vitality into this dull island, and the volcanic rocks flowed out of the volcano back to the beginning of its birth. The shining magma.

On an open area outside the island facing the sea, two tents were facing the rising sun. The lover who had slept soundly all night also opened the curtain door at this moment, and came out wearing shorts and shirtless.

Facing the blue sea with white waves,

Bathed in the morning light, the muscle lines on the muscular body intercepted the warm sun, and the wheat-colored skin supported by the plump muscles shone beautifully.

"Bi Diao—!!" Bi Diao, who had slept all night and his body was a little stiff, raised his head and uttered a high-pitched and clear bird song, then flapped his wings, riding the sea breeze to fly to the sun in the eastern sky.

After simply washing up, doing morning exercises and eating breakfast, the best and precious time of the day was effectively used by my lover and his Pokémon.

After breakfast, the Pokmon didn't start training immediately like they did in the past, but turned their attention to the boy who was doing push-ups with one hand on the rock block completely illuminated by the sun.

"Although it's just a simple practice match, it's the Lightning Bird who enjoys the title of God of Thunder. You all should go and see it with me." Liang Ren said to the Pokémon.

I have come to Sanshen Island for more than two months for special training. During this period, I have had a lot of contact with the three magical birds, but I have never seen each other make a move, so not only my lover is very curious, but all the Pokémon are also very curious .

"Ya Duo—"




Ryoto, Nanako, and a group of Pokémon rode Bi Diao and flew towards Thunder Island, which is completely symmetrical with Fire Island, with Ice Island as the central axis.

The Island of Ice, the Island of Fire, and the Island of Thunder are shrouded in different extreme climates, and the islands also give birth to completely different landforms.

The island of ice is snowing all the year round, with snowy mountains, snowfields, cedar forests, and frozen seas, the whole is a world of ice and snow wrapped in silver.

The Island of Fire is a small island formed by volcanic eruptions. There is also an active volcano with gurgling magma on the inner island. There are many steaming hot springs scattered at the foot of the mountain.

The vegetation is sparse, all of which are thorny low shrub vegetation that grows in barren and arid areas. There are small jagged leaves on the edges, and the color is gray-black like the volcanic rocks under your feet.

If the main color of the island of ice is white, then the main color of the island of fire is black with a slight reddish tinge.

Thunder Island is one of the corners of the Trident, and the island's topography is also very distinctive. The overall feeling is somewhat similar to the barren stone forest island that the "Overlord" compares to.

The rocky surrounding stone forest, the center of the island is a steep mountain, but different from the barren stone forest island, there is no vegetation on Thunder Island, and it looks even barren than Fire Island.

However, this barrenness only refers to vegetation resources. From the perspective of mineral deposits, Thunder Island is definitely the richest of the three small islands.

The thunderbolt not only left scorched marks in the rocky rock forest, but also injected a large amount of electrical energy into the rocks, so golden electric energy crystals were precipitated on the rocky rocks of Thunder Island.

There were not many energy crystals precipitated from the surrounding stones. When the lovers came to the inner circle of the island on horseback, clusters of crystal flowers grew on the surrounding stone forest.

The crystal flowers are golden yellow. These are the purest electrical energy. Because the Thunder Island has a very special magnetic field, it can gather and absorb the power of lightning to form such an energy spar.

Although it does not contain evolutionary power like the Thunder Stone, the energy crystal grown on Thunder Island is also a rare treasure that can enhance the strength of the Electric Pokémon.

"Hey—!!" Just as Bi Diao carried his lover and the others to land on a huge rock platform on the inner island, there was a thunderous bird call from the steep peak in the middle of the island.

"Here we come~" Liangren said, looking up at the dangerous peak covered by lead gray thunderstorm clouds.

As soon as the beloved's words fell, a snipe with golden thorn feathers broke through the gray-black thundercloud and flew down. With a few flaps of its wings, the Lightning Bird had come to the front of the stone platform where the beloved and the others were.

"Hey——guarding Thunder Island for so many years, my bones have become stiff."

"Liangren boy, yesterday when you were training for the eagle comparison, you used a skill that is very similar to Lord Rogia's exclusive skill Air Blast. I think it's quite interesting."

"How is it? Are you interested in having your bidou fight me?" Lightning Bird flew steadily in mid-air, looking at the young man on the rocky platform, and asked aloud.

"Okay, that's what I wish for, but Lightning Bird, you have to be merciful." My beloved grinned and said with a hearty smile.

"Bi Diao—!!" Bi Diao, who was standing next to his lover, also jumped up, flapping his wings and flying into the air.

Knowing that the Lightning Bird didn't really want to abuse it, Bi Diao not only lost the psychological pressure, but also activated his courage and returned to his usual militant passion.

"Yah Duo—(^O^) Brother Bird, come on, if you are abused, I will let you eat my chicken legs at noon."

"Bi Diao—(??????) Then I really thank you, Temiao." After Bi Diao said something without looking back, he stared at the Lightning Bird with fighting spirit in his eyes.

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