Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1132 Collecting Axi Lei Waterweed~

"But what, is there anything embarrassing you, Ms. Joy?" My beloved hurriedly asked.

"No no~~" Joey waved his hand.

"It's not embarrassing me, it's just that I heard from the farmer that the pond with Axilei aquatic plants was occupied by a group of wild mosquito-repellent frogs and mosquito-repellent tadpoles."

"Before, people in the farmer's village wanted to collect Axilei aquatic plants, but they were attacked by mosquito-repellent tadpoles and mosquito-repellent frogs, so..."

After listening to Joey finish talking about the difficulties, my husband heaved a sigh of relief.

"Don't worry, the strength of me and my Pokémon is quite good.

Ms. Joey, please temporarily stabilize the situation of the little fluorescent fish, and then give me an image drawing card of Axiele aquatic plants. I will go to collect Axiele aquatic plants now. "

"Ah!!!" Hearing his lover's confident expression, Joey, who had a headache at first, was shocked.

"But the mosquito-repellent tadpoles and mosquito-repellent frogs..."

"Miss Joy, don't worry, my companion is very strong, and it's not too difficult to avoid mosquito-repellent frogs and collect some Axile aquatic plants."

This time it was Nanako on the side who spoke, and she had more confidence in her husband's strength than anyone else.

"Okay then, since you've all said that, I'll get you a picture card of Axilei aquatic plants now." Joey agreed, and hurriedly turned and ran towards the front desk.

Soon, when she ran over again, she had a colorful picture card in her hand, which contained a detailed introduction to Axilei's aquatic plants.

"Nai Nai, wait for me at the Pokémon Center. I'll be back soon after I collect Axilei water plants—"

"Okay, brother Liangren, be careful on the road and pay attention to safety."

"Don't worry." The man who took the picture card from Joey responded to the girl, and rushed out of the Pokémon Center quickly.


"Bi Diao, come out—" Liang Ren who rushed out of the Pokémon Center didn't care about the surprised eyes of the people around him, opened the baby ball and released Bi Diao directly.

"Bi Diao, fly me a little higher. We need to follow the creek at the mouth of the sea to find a pond occupied by mosquito-repellent tadpoles and mosquito-repellent frogs, with Axilei aquatic plants growing at the bottom of the pond."

The beloved turned over and jumped on Bi Diao's back, took out the picture card Joey gave Bi Diao, and gave Bi Diao a look, and then quickly told the destination to go next.

"Bi Diao—Boss, I get it." Bi Diao nodded in response, and the five-meter-long wings flapped violently after spreading out, and then carried his lover up into the sky.

Dagan Island is a very inconspicuous small island among the islands in the Orange Islands.

Because it is closest to Yuzi Island, the southern main island, and at the same time, a liaison ship transshipment point was set up by the Shipping Directorate of the Orange Islands, Dagan Island has slowly developed in recent years.

Even so, Dagan Island is still a very inconspicuous existence among the southern islands of the Orange Islands.

At this moment, Bi Diao was flying over Dagan Island, and the scenery of the whole island could be seen by my beloved and Bi Diao.

The trees and vegetation on Dagan Island are verdant, and the terrain gradually increases from southeast to northwest. Looking down from above, Dagan Island looks like turquoise dotted on blue brocade.

However, the little fluorescent fish was still waiting for treatment in the ward of the Pokémon Center. At this moment, the anxious lover didn't care about enjoying the beautiful scenery, and moved his eyes to the entrance of Dagan Island.

After finding the creek that Joey mentioned, Liangren patted Bi Diao's shoulder blades to signal it to lower, and then went upstream along the creek against the fresh mountain wind mixed with the fragrance of plants.

It didn't take long to find the pond Joey was talking about in a slightly flat valley on the upper stream of the creek, which was hidden by hills and woods.

When the mountain wind blows, the dense treetops below sway and make a rushing sound of forest waves, and the pond in the mountain depression is hidden like emerald, and the water surface is also blown out of layers of wrinkles.

In a burst of dazzling sparkling light, the beloved indeed saw a large number of mosquito-repellent frogs and mosquito-repellent tadpoles squatting on the grass and stream stones beside the small pond.

"Daddy, I'll leave it to you for the rest." The beloved who was riding on Bi Diao's back didn't land, and directly opened the baby ball in the air to release the dumb beast.


"Yah Duo—(′?ω?`) I understand." The dumb beast flying in the air with superpowers flicked its tail.

After raising his little meaty claws and saying "OK" to his beloved, his body was like a bomb dropped by a bomber, and it fell straight down towards the pond where mosquito-repellent frogs and mosquito-repellent tadpoles lived directly below.

As the main trump card of the lover, the dull beast understands what the lover wants it to do without too many words, just by meeting eyes.

"Bi Diao, let's go down." When the beloved patted Bi Diao's shoulder to signal it to land, the dumb beast that fell like a missile hovered over the pond.

The superpower vibrates, although there is no contact, but the pond under the dumb beast has ripples in circles.


"Yo Bo~ Yo Bo???"





The sudden arrival of the Slowly Beast made the small pond that was originally very quiet and quiet suddenly become lively.

I heard the curious discussions of the companions basking in the sun on the rocks and grass, and other mosquito-repellent tadpoles and mosquito-repellent frogs diving and swimming in the pond also popped up out of curiosity.

"Ya Duo—" The dumb beast hovering an inch above the water surface of the pond squinted its eyes.

Looking around and staring curiously at it, the mosquito-repellent frog and mosquito-repellent tadpole that hadn't reacted to the intruders in its territory, there was a strange smile on the face of the dull beast.

Then he opened his mouth wide and let out a big yawn.





The action of the Slowly Beast immediately triggered a chain reaction, and all the mosquito-repellent tadpoles and mosquito-repellent frogs in the pond yawned loudly along with it.

The mouth opened wider and wider, but the big and protruding eyes became smaller and smaller, and the eyelids seemed to be filled with lead, and they quickly closed their eyes and fell asleep.

"Hoo hoo..."

A strong wind hit the ground, and Bi Diao landed from the sky carrying his lover.

The beloved looked around, and all the mosquito-repellent frogs and mosquito-repellent tadpoles in the pond had been hypnotized by the slow-witted beast.

"Good job." Looking at the center of the pond, Liangren stepped on the belly of a floating mosquito-repellent frog, and praised the dumb beast that was playing mischievously.

LV.62, the dumb beast whose strength level has reached the middle stage of the king, now even a yawn can already hypnotize an entire pond of Pokémon.

"Ya Duo——Yesmola~" Slowly Beast responded happily.

He didn't care about the dumb beast playing tricks, and the lover turned his eyes to the pond in front of him, and threw out another treasure ball.

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