Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1133 Mosquito Frog Pond~

"Come out ~ Monarch Snake, I need your help with something."


"Wum——" the baby ball opened, and the Monarch Snake appeared on the grass in front of the lover.

The mosquito-repellent frogs and mosquito-repellent tadpoles occupying the pond have been hypnotized by the slow-witted beast, and there is no obstacle to collecting Axilei aquatic plants, just let the monarch snake go down to the pond to collect them.

"Monarch Snake, the little fluorescent fish is sick and needs Axiele aquatic plants. Now you dive to the bottom of the pond to help collect some Axiele aquatic plants."

As the beloved spoke, he handed the drawing card that Joey had given him to Monarch Snake.

Achilles is a slender dark green aquatic plant that is twisted and twisted like kelp.

"Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooows..." lord snake stared at Huaka and then nodded, belly pressed the green grass by the pond, and slid into the pond silently.

Lin Feng blew gently, wrinkling the green water of the pond.

Liangren and Bi Diao kept their eyes on the place where the Monarch Snake entered the water, waiting for the Monarch Snake to gather Axilei water plants to come up, but the Dumb Beast was bouncing around on the belly of the mosquito-repellent frog. .


The Sovereign Snake was very efficient and didn't keep his lover waiting, and soon it climbed up from the pond with a bunch of Axile waterweed in its mouth.


"This is indeed Axilei water plant, Monarch Snake, you did a good job."

He took out a plastic basket for washing vegetables from the system warehouse, and after praising the monarch, the beloved also packed the Axilei water plants it collected.

"Since Axilei's aquatic plants have been collected, let's go back quickly, the little fluorescent fish is still waiting for us."

After taking back the precious ball from the Monarch Snake, Liangren turned over and rode on Bi Diao's back and said.

"Hoo hoo..." Bi Diao fluttered his wings into the air, and carrying a beloved man with a basket of Axilei water plants, he yelled at the dumb beast that was still playing on the pond.

"Daddy, follow up quickly."

"Yah Duo—here we come." Dumbbeast replied, with superpowers in its eyes flickering, after using the infinitely weakened 'Dream Eater' skill to wake up the hypnotized mosquito frogs and mosquito tadpoles in the pond.

With a flicker of his body, he used teleportation and disappeared directly in place.



Nanako has been guarding outside the clinic room of Little Fluorescent Fish since Masato left.

Looking at the drowsy little fluorescent fish in the glass fish tank on the hospital bed in the consultation room, with slightly opened gills and unconsciously spitting out bubbles, the girl's face was full of worry.

"Nana, how is the fluorescent fish?" Just when Nanako was worried about the little fluorescent fish, the voice of her husband came from the corridor behind the consultation room.

"Brother Liangren~" Nanako, who was standing outside the glass window of the consulting room, turned her head to look in surprise.

"Miss Gang Qiaoyi gave the fluorescent fish some blue orange pulp to replenish some physical strength. For the time being, the situation is relatively stable."

"Brother Liangren, how are you doing? Have you collected Axilei water plants?" Nanako asked hurriedly.

"Yeah, the whole process is relatively smooth, and we have already collected Axilei water plants." Liangren said, taking out the basket containing Axilei water plants from the system backpack.

"Let's go to Miss Joy quickly. With these Axilei aquatic plants, I believe the fluorescent fish's cold will soon be cured."




Seeing that the beloved not only successfully collected Axilei aquatic plants from the pond occupied by mosquito-repellent tadpoles and mosquito-repellent frogs, but also collected so many, Joey was taken aback.

The lover didn't pay attention to Joey's reaction. Seeing that she skillfully cleaned up Axilei's aquatic plants, smashed them and fed them to the fluorescent fish, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Axilei aquatic plants take effect very quickly. After taking the juice for about ten minutes, the body temperature of the small fluorescent fish dropped, and the symptoms of dyspnea disappeared quickly.

"Thanks to you picking Axilei aquatic plants in time, the condition of the fluorescent fish has stabilized now, after a night of rest, I believe this little guy will recover alive and kicking tomorrow.


"That's good, thank you, Miss Joey." The relaxed Yoshito and Nanako thanked Joey.

"You're welcome, this is my duty." Joey smiled softly.



The contact boat arrived at Dagan Island at three o'clock, and sent the small fluorescent fish that had just hatched and caught a cold to the Pokémon Center. It took some time to go to the pond of the mosquito-repellent frog to collect Axilei aquatic plants.

After going back and forth, I waited until I brought back Axilei aquatic plants, and asked Joey to take the prepared medicine for the little fluorescent fish and it took effect. It was already past four o'clock and nearly five o'clock.

Nanako was worried about the situation of the little fluorescent fish, so she didn't go to rest, but stood by the window of the consultation room to accompany her, hoping that the little guy would be able to see her as a trainer for the first time after waking up.

The good man can understand Nanako's mood, after all, the little fluorescent fish just hatched from the egg.

As a newborn toddler, Nanako, the trainer, was the first person Little Fluorescent Fish met when she came to this world, and she was also the closest person to the little guy.

The relationship between the two is quite like that between a child and a mother.

The child was sick, Nanako, as a 'mother', was naturally very worried, even though the condition of the little fluorescent fish had gradually stabilized after taking the medicine.

But as long as the little fluorescent fish doesn't recover for a moment, Nanako, as the little guy's trainer, will never let go of her worries.

The little fluorescent fish is very special to Nanako.

This is not only because the little fluorescent fish was given to her by her husband to take care of her, but also because the little fluorescent fish is the first elf hatched from an elf egg in the hands of Nanako.

For those who have personally hatched the two Pokémon "Riolu and Mini Dragon", hatching elf eggs is no longer a novelty.

But for Nanako, the shock and impact of witnessing the birth of a small life in her arms is unparalleled.

Especially after learning in advance that the little life in the elf egg is a fluorescent fish, the darling on the stage of the gorgeous conference in the Sinnoh region, and a born embryo of stage dance performances.

The elf eggs haven't hatched yet, Nanako has already put a lot of expectations on the little fluorescent fish, so she will be so worried when the little fluorescent fish gets sick after hatching.



Nanako accompanied Nanako outside the clinic, and Yoshito did not do other things. He went to a milk tea shop outside and ordered a few cups of milk tea. Yoshito also accompanied Nanako very patiently to accompany the sick little fluorescent fish.

Fluorescent Fish is a pure water-type Pokémon that lives in the waters of the Sinnoh region. Its body shape is a bit like the characteristics of neon chrysalis, butterflytail fish, and small goldfish in the previous life.

Looking at the body from top to bottom, the scales on the back of the fluorescent fish are black, the main part of the lower body has a pink ribbon, and the scales on the lower abdomen are light blue.

The most important physical feature of a fluorescent fish is its tail. When viewed from behind, the fluorescent fish looks like a beautiful butterfly with a diagonally symmetrical tail.

As a deep-sea fish Pokémon that lives on the bottom of the sea.

The tail fin pattern of the fluorescent fish is fully bathed in the sun, and when it is dark, it will emit brightly colored fluorescence, which is why it is called fluorescent fish.

Although the fluorescent fish is not the type of Pokémon that my lover likes and is willing to cultivate, but in all fairness, the fluorescent fish still looks pretty.

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