Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1134 Testing the waters, arrangements for mini dragons

In the evening, the little fluorescent fish's body had already recovered to a great extent, and it woke up once halfway through, but because it was a juvenile Pokmon, its physical strength was relatively limited.

Accompanied by Ryoto and Nanako, the little guy swam around and played in the one-meter-square glass fish tank for a while, and fell asleep again after getting tired from playing.

Seeing that the little fluorescent fish was recovering well, the lover asked Joey to move the fluorescent fish out of the treatment room and into a regular ward.

Then Joey was asked to help open two hospital beds, and at night, Ryoto and Nanako accompanied him in the fluorescent fish's ward.



After a night of rest, the next day dawn suddenly appeared, when the morning sun shone into the ward and shone on the cheeks of my beloved.


The little fluorescent fish whose body has fully healed and recovered got up earlier than Ryoto and Nanako.

The little guy swam around in the fish tank very vigorously, and jumped out of the water with a splash from time to time.

The butterfly-like fish tail brings a string of crystal water drops. Under the early morning sun, the fluorescent fish's tail is like the wings of a winged butterfly, beautiful and shining.

"What a lively little guy, it seems that his body has fully recovered." Su Xing, who was dressed and sitting on the edge of the bed looking for slippers, turned his head and smiled at the girl on the bed next to him.

"Yeah, it's good to be back to health." The girl's sleepy eyes reflected the golden brilliance of the rising sun.

Yesterday's face was full of worry, but now she has returned to her usual delicate beauty, as if she, like the little fluorescent fish, has regained her vigor and vitality, and her whole person is completely new.



The girl went upstairs to the dormitory and borrowed the bathroom to wash up. The husband rang the bed bell to call Miss Joy, and asked her to take the little fluorescent fish for another health check.

After confirming that the little guy's health is indeed fine, the good man asked Joey to prepare a few Axile water herbal liquid that was used to treat the fluorescent fish's cold yesterday as a backup.

Only then did he safely hand over the fluorescent fish to Nanako, while he himself took Lucario and them to the dormitory upstairs to wash up.

After I took a shower, changed into clean clothes and went downstairs, it was already past nine o'clock, and the sun outside had already risen in midair.

Let me add a word, it's really good, it's worth pretending, after all, there are many sources of books, all books, and fast updates!

The two had breakfast at the Pokémon Center, and did not travel immediately. My husband planned to stay in Dagan Island for another half day.

This morning, he and Nanako are going to take the little fluorescent fish to the beach to play, to observe the physical condition of the fluorescent fish, and to let it get used to the sea of ​​the Orange Islands.

The beloved did not forget that when he brought the little guy to the Pokémon Center yesterday afternoon, Joey said that the sudden cold and fever of the little fluorescent fish were partly due to acclimatization.

Let's observe again this morning. If there is nothing wrong with the little fluorescent fish, then it will not be too late for them to set off again in the afternoon.

Next, go to Little Orange Island and Makot Island, where the next gymnasium is located. There is no dangerous undercurrent vortex area marked on the chart route like around Grapefruit Island.

Therefore, instead of taking a liaison boat, they can take Chenglong, which can start at any time and stop to rest at any time. The schedule is much more flexible and free.


"Brother good man,

hurry up. "

On the sunny west coast of Dagan Island, a girl with cream-colored mid-length hair and a swimsuit was holding a small fish tank, happily waving at her lover and shouting.

"Here we come—" The man on the shore, who also changed into a swimsuit and shorts, responded.



The warm sunshine, the golden sand, and the sea breeze blowing make the palm trees growing behind the beach rattling. On the sea in front of the beach, a group of long-winged gulls with wings like ribbons also sang cheerfully.

Although it is only past nine o'clock in the morning, many tourists and young islanders have come to play on the beach.

There are those who set up a deck chair and hold up a sun umbrella to lie down and enjoy the wind, and there are also groups of three or four playing beach volleyball on the beach. There are also many people like Liangren and the others who are holding swimming rings and preparing to swim and dive in the sea.

"Bi Diao, Dai Dai, Lucario, you three, don't run too far, or don't blame me if you miss lunch~"

"Monarch Snake, Iron Armor Shell, and Mini Dragon, let's go down." After Chaobi Diao and his three brothers ordered a few words, Liang Ren brought the three of them down into the sea with Mini Dragon.

Although the armor shell has mutated and lost the water attribute power in its body the day after tomorrow, as an ocean Pokémon, the sea is still its home field of activities;

As for the Monarch Snake, after activating and awakening the power of the water system in his blood, he was not interested in water at first, but now he has suddenly become close to water. Swimming and diving seem to be a part of his body. item instinct.

As for the miniature dragon, although it is a dragon, there is no big problem with swimming or anything, just like an amphibious life.



Taking the three Pokémon into the water, Yoshito swung the water with both hands and swam a few times to Nanako.

"Let the little fluorescent fish out and have a look." My husband said as he looked at the small fish tank that the girl was holding in his arms.

I didn’t set off to continue the trip this morning, just to let the little fluorescent fish adapt to the environment. If the little guy feels uncomfortable with the unfamiliar water and soil of the Orange Islands, he can take advantage of the Pokémon Center in Dagan Island and take a good rest nearby.

If there is any problem during the journey, if you can't go to the village or go to the store, it will be a real trouble.

"Okay." Nanako nodded upon hearing her lover's words.

Tilt the fish tank held in his arms, and the little fluorescent fish swimming happily in it also completely entered the sea.

The Pokémon's physique is not as fragile as Liangren thought, even though the little fluorescent fish is a juvenile Pokmon that was hatched yesterday afternoon.

The water in the small fluorescent fish tank is a mixture of pure water and orange island seawater at a ratio of 3:1. Before the formal contact with the sea of ​​the orange islands, the small fluorescent fish has already made preparations.


Now being released into the sea, the acclimatization that Liangto and Nanako were worried about did not happen, and the little fluorescent fish did not feel the slightest discomfort, but was filled with the joy of leaving the fish tank and returning to the sea.

The fluorescent fish swims around Ryoto and Nanako, spitting bubbles happily.


The mini dragon is also the nature of a child who has not grown up. Seeing the little fluorescent fish playing happily, the mini dragon also joined in.

The two Pokémon are chasing and frolicking in the sea unscrupulously, which is very enviable.

With the Iron Armor Shell and the Monarch Snake watching, my beloved didn't worry about any danger, and let the two Pokémon play happily without worry.

Ryoto and Nanako grabbed a swimming ring and watched quietly from the sidelines, like parents watching their children play in an amusement park.

"Brother Liangren, I saw you making a training plan for the miniature dragon a few days ago. Are you ready to let the miniature dragon start training?"

After watching the fluorescent fish and miniature dragons chasing and frolicking in the sea for a while, Nanako turned her head and looked at the profile of the boy beside her and asked.

"It's about time."

"Little Leolu was hatched when I came out of the Viridian Forest. After returning to school, I went to Binu City because of the evolution of the giant tongue clam. After that, I stayed in the Orange Islands for more than two months and returned to the mainland. , after the final exam, go to Fangyuan, and officially start to let Leolu participate in the training in Shuijing City."

"The mini dragon was hatched two days before the professional five-star promotion competition. Counting the time spent on Sanshen Island, the childhood of the mini dragon is not shorter than that of Leo Road."

"This little guy is a good embryo, so it's almost ready for training." Liang Ren nodded and replied.

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