Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1141 Mini dragon training is on the agenda~

"That's right, it's exactly what you think, Brother Liangren." The more Nanako said, the brighter the smile on her face became.

Insert an app: Mimi Reading, an app that perfectly reproduces the old version of the Book Chasing Artifact and can change the source.

""Trainers can only cultivate and train powerful fighting-type Pokémon if they know how to fight""

"Only a trainer who is a martial arts practitioner can maximize the potential of fighting-type Pokmon in battle."

""Only if the trainer is a fighter, can he achieve complete spiritual communication with the fighting Pokémon""

"These three sentences are not only useful for cultivating fighting Pokmon, but they are also very suitable for me and the little fluorescent fish."

"I am a dancer, and the little fluorescent fish was also raised as a dancer."

"So in the early stage, the training of the fluorescent fish should not be the routine basic training suggested by Miss Xiaoxia, but should be like the brother Liangren you trained Riolu, to conduct systematic dance basic training for the small fluorescent fish."

"Wait for the fluorescent fish to become a qualified dancer, and then slowly integrate the training of skills into the dance, and finally form a gorgeous dance fighting style."

Listening to Nanako's vivid description, Ryoto kept nodding, and he agreed with Nanako's thoughts very much.

As a fighting Pokmon, Lucario has the ability to fight first, and then the unique ability of Pokémon. Therefore, for the cultivation of Lucario, the good man always regards the training of fighting skills as Lucario's training. foundation and core.

Nanako positions the fluorescent fish as a dancer, and regards systematic dance training as the top priority, and then trains the fluorescent fish as a water-type Pokémon. This idea is very good.

At least in his eyes, Nanako's decision is very wise and correct.

"However, the little fluorescent fish has just hatched from the elf egg. It's still too early for training. There will be time to formulate specific training plans later."

"Brother Liangren, you have been idle for so long in the training of the mini dragon. Since you let the mini dragon play in the actual battle in the morning, you must arrange the training of the mini dragon soon."

Nanako looked at her lover with searching eyes, saying that she was asking, but said in a very firm tone.

Although the two officially established a relationship for just over three months, Nanako, as a childhood sweetheart who grew up together, also knows her lover very well.

Through the little details in daily relationship, the delicate girl can basically understand the deep meaning behind these behaviors of her husband.

Just like this time when Ryoto sent miniature dragons to fight, Nanako guessed that Ryoto would start training for miniature dragons next.

"Yeah——" He nodded his beloved, not hiding his thoughts.

"Bi Diao, Dumb Beast, Tie Jia Bei, the three main aces of the first echelon have now broken through to the king level, and all aspects of training have formed a very mature set, basically I don't need to worry about it later. "

"The other main force of the second echelon, Lucario, is also at a very mature and advanced level in the practice of fighting skills and the development of wave guides. Now he has analyzed the "Bird Guide Cultivation Method" through sacrificial dances. It is only time to break through to the heavenly king level. The problem is that the road ahead is smooth.”

"The situation on Monarch Snake's side is similar, the level of strength has reached (in the early days of Quasi-Heavenly King)——

"Activate the power of the water system in the blood to become a Pokémon with balanced water and grass dual attributes,

The two attributes make up for the weaknesses of the four attributes of Diancao and Fireice. "

"In the future, it will not be so easy for the opponent to use attribute restraint to defeat the Monarch Snake."

"I have already applied to the Alliance two days ago, [Sunshine Flames, Hardened Plants, Powerful Whiplash, Flying Leaf Storm] four-stroke grass-type high-power skills skill CD, wait for the Monarch Snake to make up the last short of the moves that lack damage So, the Sovereign Snake can almost stand alone."

The beloved glanced at the sea, and said Monarch Snake, who was escorting the little fluorescent fish and the miniature dragon together with the armored shell.

He was once abandoned by two trainers. In a foreign country, in a thorny mountain by the Fangyuan River, he lived with an old frog who was also abandoned by his own trainer.

When he was training with his Pokémon, he hid in the bushes and peeped at you. The little guy who was born with a disability has grown to this point without knowing it. Even if he is his trainer, he can't help it. Live sigh.

"Brother Liangren, you seem to regard the ability of Pokmon to be able to stand alone as the standard for the maturity of the Pokmon's combat power. Is this too strict?" Nanako asked curiously.

Hearing Nanako's words, Yoshito shook his head.

"Pokemon is not a tool for the trainer. As the Pokémon grows, the trainer also grows. Whether it is life or fighting, the Pokmon must be able to be independent and does not have to rely entirely on the trainer."

"And cultivating Pokémon to this level is not only the practice as a trainer, but also an obligation of the trainer."

"I don't know how other people think about this, but at least in my opinion, let the Pokmon become a vassal of the trainer, and the Pokmon cannot survive without the trainer. Such a trainer is undoubtedly a very failure."

"And let Pokémon be able to stand alone, this is what an excellent trainer should do." Liangren said.

Next to her, Nanako listened attentively.

When she was with her lover, she was a listener most of the time, but the girl didn't think there was anything wrong with that.

It is not difficult to see from the fact that she often quotes her lover's words to explain and demonstrate her point of view that she enjoys having such a boyfriend who is also a teacher and a friend by her side.

In the love relationship between men and women, boys don't need to be so good, but no matter their specialties, hobbies, or appearance, figure and knowledge, there must be something that can make girls feel admirable.

With emotions like appreciation, admiration, and admiration, the relationship can last and keep its vitality alive.

"I agree with what you said, brother Liangren, but there are very few trainers in the current circle who can do this, and most of them even do it according to the opposite goal."

"Only you, Brother Liangren, are truly fulfilling your duties as a trainer. This can be seen from the strength and achievements of Bi Diao and Slow Beast..." Nanako said with admiration. Looking at the beloved man, he said.

"How can you say that Nana is so good, there are people beyond people, and there is heaven beyond the sky, you can't underestimate others. Compared with a really good trainer, I am still far behind-" My husband shook his head.

"However, Bi Diao, Dumb Beast, Iron Armor Shell, and Lucario don't need me to worry too much. After the Monarch Snake has mastered the four powerful grass-type tricks just mentioned, they will indeed use them. I have devoted all my energy to the training of the miniature dragons."



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