Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1142 Arrived at Little Orange Island 2 days later

When traveling, time passes quickly.



Departing from Dagan Island to continue the journey, Ryoto and Nanako followed the satellite navigation loaded on their mobile phones and rode a dragon all the way to the next large inhabited island: Xiaojuzi Island.

It took more than two days during the period. The night before, I camped and camped on a circular desert island like the Great Barrier Reef. In the evening of the second day, I didn't even find an island to settle on.

In the end, I asked for help in the Orange Islands trainer post bar. An enthusiastic netizen shared a latitude and longitude coordinates, and after some detours, I found an island where I could settle down in the middle of the night.

Traveling by sea is no better than on land. If you can't find a town, miss the Pokémon Center, you can also camp in the wild.

But if you do it at sea, if you can't find an island to stay on, you may have to ride a dragon and drift in the dark sea for one night.

Chenglong's back shell is uneven, and it's okay to ride with something on it, but it's absolutely impossible to rest at night.

Moreover, Chenglong's back shell is not big, even a person can't lie down on it.

Sitting back to back and resting is even more difficult. If one accidentally falls into the icy sea after falling asleep at night, will he be in danger and be attacked by a wild water-type Pokémon? of.

In addition, there is no shelter from the wind in the sea at night, and the sea breeze blows from all directions. No matter how nervous people are, no matter how tired they are on the road during the day, they may not be able to fall asleep in such an environment.

Fortunately, Nanako is not that kind of hypocritical girl. After driving for two days, the other party didn't complain at all, but this made her husband feel a little embarrassed.

After arriving at Little Orange Island on the third day, Ryoto did not spend the night at the Pokémon Center, but directly booked the most luxurious hotel on the island.

"After arriving at Little Orange Island, we are not far from our next goal: Markt Island."

"Let's go to Little Orange Island to rest and relax first, and then we will go on the sea. Instead of riding a dragon, we will directly ride a bird, which will be faster."

Take Chenglong and a few Pokmon back into the baby ball, and lead the girl by the hand to the pier's good man said.



The sea breeze blew gently, and the waves swayed and hit the pier under the pier trestle and turned into pieces of jade, and the long-winged gulls spread their wings against the wind over the port pier.

"Yeah, okay—" the girl agreed softly.

"But Brother Liangren, you don't have to take too much care of my feelings. I'm not that fragile. Everything will follow your original plan."

"This trip to the Orange Islands with Brother Liangren, whether it's the two months of penance on Sanshen Island or the travel during this time, Sayuri, Meili, and Yaoyao, I and I have all gained a lot."

"So Brother Liangren, you don't have to worry about me." Nanako pulled out the hand that was held by the beloved, and took the initiative to hold the arm of the beloved, and said in a sweet and gentle tone.

"Okay, knowing that you are gentle, considerate and strong, I will make arrangements for the next travel plan."

"Let's go to the hotel first, take a hot bath and rest, and then we'll go shopping and watch a movie later." My husband patted the girl's hand and said softly.




Take a taxi to the Intercontinental Seaview Hotel, which is not far from the port of Xiaojuzidao and has already booked a room online.

Go into the lobby and come to the front desk.

The front desk staff with a brooch-style name tag on their chest warmly received the two and said, "Hi, how can I help you?"

"Hello, we just booked a business deluxe suite online."

"Okay, could you please show your identity documents?" the staff member said warmly and politely.



I showed my ID and handed it to the front desk for verification.

When returning the identity documents to the two, the front desk also informed them of the floor and room number of the suite they booked.

And gave the room card to the lover.

Then the two also took the elevator to the luxury suite they had booked under the leadership of the waiter.

Because the drone Rotom followed the film 24 hours a day, and the edited video will also be published on the "Sun Daily".

In order not to appear too ostentatious, in order to leave a low-key and low-key positive impression in front of the public.

Even if he wanted to let his girlfriend, who accompanied him on a tiring journey, have a good accommodation environment to rest and relax, the husband did not book the presidential suite very ostentatiously.

However, he didn't treat himself and the people around him too badly. He booked an executive suite with better service than a business suite.

"This is the room you two booked."

"Because the two of you booked an executive luxury suite, the hotel will also provide you with special services such as: personal butler, special free pastries, special restaurants, extra laundry and other special services."

"Although it's not meal time, if the two of you want to eat, the restaurant is at the place where the elevator turns left. If you are too tired and don't want to go there in person, you can ask the restaurant staff to deliver the meal to your room."

The waiter who carried the luggage of the two and sent them to the room explained.

"Okay, thank you—" the beloved thanked him.

According to the custom of this kind of big hotel, the beloved also tipped the waiter who helped carry the luggage and lead the way with two hundred union coins, and the waiter's attitude towards the two became more and more enthusiastic.

"Bi Diao, Slow Beast, Iron Armor Shell, Lucario, Monarch Snake, Mini Dragon, everyone, come out."

"Bang bang bang bang..."

Because Nanako and Nanako are going to live in a two-person world, the beloved who has rarely held the slow beast anytime and anywhere like before, released the Pokémon as soon as he entered the hotel room.

"Nanai, go take a shower first, I'll go out here again." said the lover who released the Pokémon.

"Brother Liangren, what are you going out for?" the girl asked curiously.


"I received a text message just now, and the four skill CDs that I applied to the alliance have arrived, and they are placed in the Pokémon Center. I am free right now, so I will go and get them." Liangren explained.

"Oh, ok, then you can go, Brother Liangren." Nanako replied.

"Stupid Beast, Mini Dragon, you two go out with me."


"Ya Duo—(?′????`) a cup of taro ball milk tea, or I won't go." As if feeling that he has fallen out of favor recently, Dumbbeast pouted and said coquettishly.

"Okay, it's up to you." Picking up the dumb beast rolling on the sofa, the lover smiled and agreed.

"Bi Diao—the boss is eccentric, and I want it too." Beside Bi Diao said hastily.

"Okay, everyone has."



After getting rid of Bi Diao who was fighting for favor, the lover also took the dumb beast out.

At this stage of the miniature dragon, in order to increase its experience and improve its mind, it usually takes its lover with it when going out.

This kind of treatment is not a special case. The Pokémon under Liaoren's hands have such treatment before they officially start training in the early stage of strength, especially for Riolu and Monarch Snake.

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