Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1155 Attention from the two parties of Orange and Silver Mountain! !


As the thorny puck transformed from the armored shell rushed into the clouds in the sky, the snow clouds suddenly surged and boiled even more violently.

It seemed that there was an evil dragon making waves in the clouds, and the wind howled on the field, as if a natural disaster was about to come to the world.

At this moment, the armored oyster is also like a thorn ball covered with barbs and spikes, rushing into the cotton bag with long and thin fibers.

The clam shell swirls at a high speed, and the mist full of water vapor around it also quickly attaches and wraps around the clam shell, and is then frozen into an ice shell by the clamshell's extremely cold body.

The cloud was getting bigger and bigger, and the ice ball with the iron shell as the core was also growing rapidly, and soon the ice ball with a diameter of one meter turned into an ice meteor with a diameter of nearly ten meters.

By the way, the novel app I'm using recently supports both Android and Apple phones!

As the water vapor in the snow cloud was absorbed by the clamshell, the color of the snow cloud also rapidly faded, from jet black to lead gray, and from lead gray to white.

In the end, the snow clouds that covered the entire arena turned into a faint ring of clouds, surrounding the ice meteor that the armored shell turned into.

The snow cloud turned into ice, and when Tiejiabei appeared on the arena with a brand-new attitude, the audience who had never seen the good man challenge the pomelo gymnasium before, all of them opened their mouths wide and their faces were full of shock.

"Please forgive my lack of education, right now I only have one sentence to describe my mood."

"My God, this is too shocking."

"It's as if the moon has fallen from the sky."

"No, not the moon falling, but the frozen sun falling."



Whether it was the first time watching Tiejiabei perform the combination skill "Iceberg Meteorite Fall", or the audience watching this skill for the second time, they were all shocked at the moment.

All the audience present were attracted by the movements of the beloved Tiejiabei's skills. On the contrary, the Kola Tiejiabei, which had attracted much attention at the beginning, was directly ignored by everyone at the moment.

At this moment, the only person on the court who has not forgotten the Ko Latte Jiabei may be his opponent, Liang Ren.

Seeing the armored shell crouching on the ground motionless, the beloved not only did not feel slighted in his heart, but his expression became more serious and dignified.

At this moment, the armored shell crawling on the ground is like a porcupine hedgehog. The thick, long and sharp ice spines on its back are like missiles on the gun mount of a missile vehicle pointing obliquely at the sky.


Although it is the strongest trick, the battle is all about high speed and high efficiency, so it didn't take too long for both sides to prepare and store their strength.

Whether it's Kola Tiejiabe arching his back to shoot a cannon, or his beloved Tiejiabei freezing the clouds in the sky, the whole process is completed in just a few blinks of an eye.


Relying on the terrifying self-weight of several tons or even dozens of tons, the iceberg meteorite dispelled the airflow barrier and smashed down with a roar.


On the field below, the Kolatte Armor, which had completed its skill charge, blasted out from the missiles on the gun mount on its back.

—Iceberg Meteorite vs. Icicle Cannon—

The iceberg meteorite pendant of the beloved Tiejiabei is terrifying, as if it wants to break through and destroy all obstacles, while the icicle cannon of Kola Tiejiabei is a series of violent bombardments.

The iceberg meteorite suppressed indomitably,

The icicle cannon below also blasted over without giving in, as if trying to intercept the falling super-large meteorite with missiles.

"Bang bang bang bang..."


The missile bombarded the meteorite, and the two sides collided and exploded in the sky, whether it was a dazzling explosion flash or a tinnitus.

The grand and shocking scene caused by the collision and explosion of two skills can no longer be simply described in words.

It is obviously the power to destroy everything, but it is full of unspeakable beauty. The collision between the two sides is simply a brilliant withering.

Gorgeous and shocking, the super trainer invited by the event organizer outside the venue output super powers several times into the protective cover, barely resisting the aftermath of the explosion.



Seeing the two armored shellfish fighting evenly on the field, Kona's expression was slightly shocked, but he quickly recovered.

"It seems that there is still a tie, Director Liangren, how about counting this game as a draw?" Kona said.


"Kona Sky King, the iron shell shell, is too well bred. It is worthy of being the main trump card of Kona Sky King. If this game is delayed a little longer, my iron shell shell will lose."



A fierce battle between Tiejiabei and Tiejiabei, after more than 20 minutes of stalemate, the two sides finally ended in a draw.

In the first round of the confrontation, the lover who entered the Tianwang class for the first time was able to draw with Kona, who has been famous for many years.

Regarding this result, the cloud viewers who watched the live broadcast live or online were very shocked and shocked.

In the battle just now, the two sides fought very fiercely, and Kona didn't seem to have any reservations. In addition, the lover's side used all means, and many powerful moves were at their fingertips.

The skills of both sides bombarded wildly, directly shocking the audience.

The audience who originally wanted to dig out the details to find evidence that Kona did not use his full strength, but when they watched the battle just now, they also forgot their original intention.

Seeing my beloved Tiejiabei, "Freezing Wind, Freeze Drying, Freezing Light, Blizzard, Absolute Zero" these tricks are constantly being used as if there is no CD cooling.

The audience couldn't help sighing in their hearts, with so many powerful skills, it would probably take more than half a year for the average person to master even one move from learning to training.

Liang Ren's armored shell has mastered so many skills, and its skill proficiency is so high that it can be used instantly without cooling down. The audience can only sigh that it is indeed a monster genius who has cultivated the armored shell to the level of a king within a year of his debut.

Later, when I saw Kola Tiejiabei launch an attack, whether it was a physical attack or a special energy attack, the skill that was blasted to pieces on the battlefield, my beloved Tiejiabei easily followed.

The audience was once again shocked by the armored shell's defensive capabilities.

At the end of a match, although I feel very unbelievable that Tiejiabei, who has just entered the Tianwang class, was able to draw with Kola Tiejiabei.

But looking back at the strength of the beloved Tiejiabei in the game just now, the audience opened their mouths and had nothing to say.

In today's exhibition match at Little Orange Island, more people paid attention to it than I thought.

In addition to more than 2,000 spectators at the scene and millions of netizens in the live broadcast rooms of major platforms, even the Orange League, Baiyinshan League, and Quartz League have set aside a conference room to watch today's Liangren and Kona. exhibition match.

Since the increase of the Liangren Heavenly King team to three elves, the Quartz Alliance immediately held a high-level meeting and decided to pave the way for Liangren to succeed to the position of the Four Heavenly Kings.

The Orange League, the Silver Mountain League, and the Kanto Quartz League serve as brotherly leagues.

Whether it was the decision of the beloved to have the third Heavenly King-level elf or the Four Heavenly Kings who paved the way for the Quartz Alliance, the two major brotherly alliances also learned the news immediately.

For my lover, for the current Pokémon trainer's reputation in the professional circle, the talent is evaluated as a super genius that surpasses Dandi, Dawu, Mikoli...

The two brother alliances of Juzi and Baiyinshan are also very concerned, especially Liangren now has half a team of Heavenly King-level elves, and the Quartz Alliance has begun to pave the way for Liangren to succeed the Four Heavenly Kings.

The two brothers, Juzi and Baiyinshan, have raised their concern and importance to their lovers to a new level.

In the hearts of the top leaders of the two major alliances, Liangren is no longer a genius, no longer a new star, but has become a strong man who really needs them to look up to them as equals or even slightly.

Because in the near future, Liangren will become a true king-level powerhouse, and become one of the four heavenly kings of the Quartz Alliance, and become the real top executive in the Quartz Alliance.

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