Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1156 Kanto Alliance Core High Level

——Chengdu Baiyin Mountain——

"Three Heavenly King-level Pokémon have been bred within one year of debut, and they have such a strong combat power when they first entered the Heavenly King-level, they can even fight against the Ice Queen Kona without losing the wind."

"Such a talent is simply unheard of, no wonder it is rated as a person whose talent surpasses Dandi, Dawu, Mikoli..."



——Orange Islands · Citrus Island——

"When I learned that the Quartz Plateau started to pave the way for Mumu Liangren and the Four Heavenly Kings, I felt that the Shishi Plateau was a little too hasty. I didn't expect Mumu Liangren's strength to improve so quickly."

"The talent is indeed terrifying, and I received news that Director Mu Mu's two Pokémon in his second echelon, Lucario and Monarch Snake, have reached the mid-stage and early-stage Quasi-Uranus respectively."

"No way."

"Oh really."



——Kanto · Quartz Plateau——

Some time ago, the remnants of the Rockets launched a terrorist bomb attack in Tokiwa City. As a result, the four Rockets were captured by Junsha and a group of police officers from the Tokiwa City Police Department.

By interrogating these four Rockets terrorists, the Kanto Alliance has mastered the base of Lance, the most ambitious of the Rockets' four generals.

The Alliance also immediately dispatched a search team to carry out the encirclement and suppression.

At the inauguration and commendation ceremony of the beloved, among the Four Heavenly Kings, only Chrysanthemum and Kona were present, while Du and Xiba sent blessings to the beloved through video connection.

At that time, Du and Shiba were leading the team to destroy the Rockets stronghold.

For that campaign, although Lance, who was a big fish, escaped again, the more than 200 Rockets members in the stronghold base were all captured by the Alliance.

With his minions cut off, no matter how ambitious Lance is, he won't be able to overcome any big waves for a while.

It was precisely because of that campaign that the Four Heavenly Kings of the Alliance, who were sent out to guard various cities, finally felt a little more relaxed and returned to their original positions.

Kona was able to come to the Orange Islands this time to guide the high-level executives of the Orange Alliance to carry out their work, and at the same time cooperate with the beloved to do some work, and then take a vacation by the way.

The other three of the Four Heavenly Kings are much more relaxed than before. In today's exhibition match, Juzi, Xiba, Du and other league executives all stayed in the conference room to watch the live broadcast of the game.

"Du Tianwang, you know the strength of Kona Tianwang best. In this battle just now, do you think Kona Tianwang tried his best?"

In the conference room, the shock on the face of a high-level alliance executive had not faded, he turned his head curiously and asked the heroic red-haired man in the cloak on the main seat of the conference room.

"Hmm—" Du looked at Kona on the live broadcast screen, rubbed his chin and thought for a while.

"Almost, even if there are still cards left, Kona has at least demonstrated eight or nine levels of strength in this armored shell."



Hearing Duxia's conclusion, many high-level alliance executives in the conference room gasped.

[With the overall strength of Liangren's three Heavenly King-level Pokmon and the two Quasi-Heavenly Kings in the second echelon, in terms of personal strength, he can already sit at the core of power within the Kanto Alliance——

And among the core executives of the One China Alliance,

Judging by personal strength, the beloved is also the strongest group of people. 】

Being able to sit at the top of the alliance, most of the people here are at the quasi-king level, and a small number of people are as strong as Joey Nan, who has one or two Pokémon with the strength of a king in their hands.

Everyone here is very aware of how difficult it is for Pokémon to break through from the quasi-king level to the level of the king.

However, it is precisely for this reason that the Four Heavenly Kings are the absolute power level within the alliance, except for the (champion).

As one of the Four Heavenly Kings, the Ice Queen Kona can overwhelm this champion-level powerhouse with the strength of a heavenly king, and cannot concurrently be the champion of the Kanto League.

Even if the reason is mainly due to the fact that the Pokémon in Du's hand is either a dragon type or a flying type, or a dragon + flying dual-attribute Pokémon, it is defeated by Kona's ice-type Pokémon Tianke in terms of attributes.

But being able to suppress the champion level with the king level, and the higher the level, Kona's strength can also be seen.

As a Pokémon cultivated by Kona in the early days, Tiejiabei was limited by its potential, and its strength was stuck in the bottleneck of the early days of the king for many years and could not break through.

Tiejiabei has withdrawn from the ace echelon in Kona's hands, but as the former trump card in Konai's hands, Tiejiabei's strength is definitely not weak.

The fact that Liangren's Tiejiabei was able to fight evenly with Kola's Tiejiabei shocked many high-level officials of the Kanto Alliance.

Recalling the resolution passed at the meeting a few days ago to pave the way for my lover, the Four Heavenly Kings, the reason why many high-level officials agreed at that time.

A large part of the reason is out of respect for the attitudes of Juzi, Du and others, as well as the fact that the league is indeed facing a talent gap, so it is agreed to support the beloved as soon as possible.

But now watching the battle between Liangren and Kona, many alliance executives also have a deeper and clearer understanding of Liangren's strength and talent potential.

"The decision to support my beloved and let him sit on the Four Heavenly Kings as soon as possible is indeed a very wise and correct thing."

"A new star who is even more talented than the champion of the Galar League, Dandi, and the former champion of the Fangyuan League, Dawu, is rising. He is Mumu Liangren."

"It's really a blessing for our Kanto that such a genius came from our Kanto Alliance."



Due to his long-term martial arts training, Liang Ren looks like a young man in his 18 or 20s, although he is not very old.

Looking at the beloved person on the live broadcast screen, the meeting room on the top floor of the Quartz Plateau, the Kanto Alliance Headquarters, and the Parliament Building, many senior leaders of the alliance couldn't help sighing in their hearts.

"The second game has begun."




"The strength of Director Liangren is indeed very strong. Next, how will you deal with my Pokémon?" Kona took out a baby ball and threw it out after finishing speaking.

"Miss Lips, this match is up to you."

"Kona's strength is also very strong, but in the face of the strong, my usual approach is to face the difficulties."

"Bi の Diao, prepare to fight." After saying that, the lover threw Bi Diao's elf ball without any hesitation.



"Jiu Lang~"

"Beep carving~"

The baby ball was opened, and two Pokémon appeared on the brand new venue that had been replaced by the event organizer.

On the Liangren's side, the giant Bi Diao was sent, while on the other side, the Pokémon sent by Kona was the ice + super dual-attribute Mizui sister.

Seeing the Pokémon sent by both sides, no matter the audience outside the stadium or the netizens who watched the game through the live broadcast on the Internet, they couldn't help but gasp in amazement.

"My God, Bi Diao, who is flying, is going to play against Mizu, who is ice-type."

"Ms. Mingming Kola released Sister Michun first, why did Mr. Liangren send Bi Diao here? This decision is a bit unwise."

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