Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1164 Let's start again in 3 days! !



"Hold on"

In addition to the three defenses——

Kona also asked the white sea lion to use the "liquid circle" to enhance its continuous recovery power. Once the lover wants to fight a wave of explosions, Kona immediately asked the white sea lion to make up a "sleep" trick~

The white sea lion, which is obviously a moist body, just showed stronger defense than the white sea lion with thick fat meat shield. After more than 20 minutes of fighting, it just couldn't win.

However, facing the dumb beast that can continuously add shields to itself and use teleportation to move, it is difficult for the white sea lion's counterattack to produce any practical effect for a while.



"Kona Sky King, the white sea lion's defensive ability and recovery ability are too strong. If we fight for another half an hour, my slow beast will not be able to beat it."

The game was stalemate for more than half an hour. Although the Slowly Beast's offensive wave after wave, the white sea lion Kona remained steadfast.

The continuous attack could not stop, the lover's face was normal, but some frustrations were born in his heart.

"Director Liangren's dumb beast is also very powerful. He is the only one in the circle of Pokémon professional trainers who can cultivate a dumb beast to this level."

"My white sea lion can't do anything about Director Liangren's dumb beast. It seems that this game has returned to the first game, the balance between the iron armor shell and the iron armor shell."

"In this case, how about counting this match as a draw?" Kona said with a smile and looked at her lover.

"Of course." Seeing Kona's initiative to draw, the lover's side is also okay, and he readily agreed to Kona's proposal along the slope.

"The Silly Beast vs. the White Sea Lion is tied. The trainers of both sides chose to negotiate a peace. This game is judged as a draw."

Seeing that Kona and Liangren had negotiated, the off-court referee also directly announced the result of the game as a draw.





At the beginning of this game, the confrontation between the two sides was very fierce. After you sing, I will appear on the stage. When both sides came out with all means, I didn't expect that it would gradually evolve into a tug-of-war.

For the result of the draw between the two sides, it was unexpected for the audience watching the game outside the stadium, but it was also reasonable.

Iron shell vs Iron shell (draw)

Bi の carving vs sister lip lip (sister lip lip wins)

Silly Beast vs Miss Lip Sister (Stupid Beast wins)

Slowpoke vs White Sea Lion (draw)

The two sides each sent three Pokémon to compete in a 3v3 match. The first and last two games were tied, and the middle two games each had a victory.

In the end, today's 3v3 exhibition match between Liangren and Kona ended in a draw.

Kona did not lose face here, and Liangren also achieved the goal of increasing popularity and accumulating reputation by showing his own strength on the stage provided by Kona and the alliance behind it.

The host and guest enjoy themselves, and of course the one who benefits the most is the lover himself.



The exhibition match started at 5:30 p.m.

At this moment, the exhibition match was over, the time had come to seven o'clock in the evening, and it was already dark outside.

Liangren did not leave immediately, but stayed on the field with Kona to give a small speech to the audience, and then signed autographs and took photos with the enthusiastic audience.

After a busy meal, when the audience left the venue in an orderly manner and the lights of the entire venue were turned off, it was already past eight o'clock.

Because of the exhibition match between Liangren and Kona, tonight's Lingang town on Little Orange Island must be a sleepless night.

Although the nightlife has just begun, but after a busy day, both Liangren and Kona are a little tired.

Regarding the work of the Kanto Alliance and the Orange Alliance, although Liangren and Kona both wanted to communicate, they finally agreed that Liangto would go to Kona's private villa on the island tomorrow for a meeting.

After parting with Kona, Ryoto and Nanako didn't continue to hang out, and went to the Pokémon Center to help Bi Diao to heal his injuries, and the two returned directly to the hotel to rest.

I spent a whole morning on the sea, and arrived at Little Orange Island near noon. In the afternoon, I went shopping and watched movies with Nanako. In the evening, I was unexpectedly arranged to play an exhibition match with Kona——

After a busy day, I went back to the hotel to wash up, my beloved climbed onto the bed with the dumb beast in his arms, and fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow.

Because Nanako had been accompanying him on the sea trip a few days ago, Ryoto decided to take a good rest and relax at Little Orange Island, and now because Kona happened to be on vacation at Little Orange Island.

The beloved is also planning to stay in this port-side town for a few more days.



Although I decided to stay for two more days, the relaxing time always passed quickly.

Three days have passed in a blink of an eye.

After taking a short vacation for themselves, the two of them checked out of the hotel room early in the morning, went to the seaside villa to say goodbye to Kona, and then continued their travel.

Makot Island, where the next gymnasium is located, is not far from Little Orange Island, if you follow the decision of Liangren when you arrived at Little Orange Island.

Next, for the time being, instead of riding a dragon, we will change to the faster Bidiao. If we start from Xiaojuzi Island in the morning, we may arrive at Makot Island without waiting until noon.

But traveling is not a speed race, and my lover is not in a hurry here.

Coupled with the fact that Ryoto and Nanako had been on the sea every day for some time ago, after discussing it, they finally decided to go on a hike for a while, and use their feet to measure the largest island in the Orange Islands.

"Woo~ After coming to the Orange Islands, it's been a long time since I walked in the wilderness and hiked through the forest like this."

Symbolically carrying a travel backpack, we climbed over the mountains and hills behind Lingang Town on Little Orange Island, and came to a flat and open wilderness area.

Whether it's Ryoto or Nanako, they both feel that their hearts have become open and bright.

"Yeah, it's been a long time." Nanako took out a water bottle from her travel backpack and took a sip of water. The breeze brushed her hair beside her ear, and her face was full of relaxation.

The Orange Islands are located near the equator, and they are truly perennial spring.

Now that the end of the year is approaching, it is a cold winter on the mainland, but the Orange Islands are still very warm, and the fields in front of us are full of wild flowers of various colors.






After leaving town in the morning, Ryoto and Nanako set all the Pokémon out.

Looking at the field full of wildflowers in front of him at this moment, all the Pokmon under him also looked excited and cheered.

Bi Diao is carrying Slowly Beast, Lucario, and Mini Dragon for a ride in the sky, while several girls are jumping and picking wild flowers in the field.

The same grass-type elves, Monarch Snake, Miss Qun'er, and Meihua got together, and Monarch Snake and Snow Fairy, both ice-type Pokémon, also happily accompanied each other.

In addition to the ice attribute, the snow demon girl also has the ghost attribute that is very good at telekinesis.

The Snow Demon Girl not only floated in the air with her own figure, but also, like the dull beasts in the past, used her thoughts to support the armored shell to fly.

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